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18 votes

Metallb vs Nginx Ingress in Kubernetes

You will need both, as they solve separate problems: MetalLB receives requests from the outside of the cluster, and balances them across the load balancer(s) in the cluster Nginx receives requests ...
Jorge Leitao's user avatar
8 votes

How to get the admin-user token from kubectl

One line solution: kubectl get secrets -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations['kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name']=='default')].data.token}"|base64 --decode Found in official ...
Sergey Kanygin's user avatar
8 votes

How to get the admin-user token from kubectl

Here is the full example with creating admin user and getting token: Creating a admin / service account user called k8sadmin sudo kubectl create serviceaccount k8sadmin -n kube-system Give the user ...
Gajen Sunthara's user avatar
6 votes

Kubernetes and gcloud: how to stop using service account?

It turns out I just needed to run gcloud container clusters get-credentials mycluster Initially, I thought that I would also need to fix this by deleting my kubeconfig file at ~/.kube/config then ...
Nathan Ricke's user avatar
4 votes

Cron jobs not running on Kubernetes + Alpine linux

Wellcome to SuperUser. First of all, maybe you're facing it the wrong way. If the goal is to restart the complete container every 15 minutes, maybe you should check the links bellow. Question about ...
DGoiko's user avatar
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3 votes

Minikube fails to pull any images in MacOS

This is issue is due to the fact that the "native" MacOS hypervisor VM does not have external connectivity. This has been reported here. The fix is rather trivial, but requires installing VirtualBox ...
Marco Massenzio's user avatar
3 votes

Total memory usage as reported by kubectl top nodes vs top pods

It appears the difference comes down to buffers. If we run free -mw on each node I can see significant (10-15 GB) amounts of ram sunk there. $ kubectl get nodes -o name | cut -d / -f 2 | while read ...
phs's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does nginx return 404 on my Kubernetes Ingress route?

The Nginx Ingress does not strip the path of your request. When you request /eks-test on Ingress, the request is forwarded to your service including the path, ending in your container as "GET /eks-...
Eduardo Baitello's user avatar
3 votes

How to limit the sum of memory used by a group of docker containers?

This is provided by cgroups. By default, each container gets a separate cgroup with it's own limits. However, if you create your own cgroup, you can assign containers with that group as the parent, ...
BMitch's user avatar
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3 votes

How to configure multiple old desktops as Kubernetes cluster?

Found a good answer on the Kubernetes Slack, was probably a better place to post. Here it is for anyone looking for the answer: Both approaches have their advantages and drawbacks, so the best choice ...
drjellybean's user avatar
2 votes

Kubernetes -- how to remove terminated pods from being listed in Kubernetes dashboard

If you seeing the these pods status on the cli as terminated, then run the below command to delete the pods from there and then see on the dashboard, whether they disappears. kubectl delete pod <...
manoj's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

ImageInspectError - When trying to start k8s pod

Now I feel silly because I should have thought of this sooner, but I will leave this answer incase someone comes across this issue in the future. I ran: docker rmi
DJM's user avatar
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2 votes

Difference between Kubernetes ingress controller and CNI plugin?

Is it correct to say that a CNI enables communication within a cluster, and an ingress controller enables communication from outside of the cluster to reach the inside of the cluster? More ...
debiasej's user avatar
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2 votes

How to set CPU affinity for Pod in kubernetes?

I solved it. You have to add 'kubeReserved' field in config.yaml file. In addition, you have to remove /var/lib/kubelet/cpu_manager_state file. Then, restart kubelet by executing 'systemctl restart ...
Byungkwon Choi's user avatar
2 votes

How to get the admin-user token from kubectl

it's a bit late, Update Kubernetes CLI(kubectl) to > 1.24(this solved my problem.) Install dashboard and setup Cluster role:
Mradul Pandey's user avatar
2 votes

Intermittent network timeout in docker

The issue was related to MTU. Our cluster is using Calico VXLAN networking, which has an MTU of 1450. The inner Docker container wasn't taking cognizance of this and it doesn't seem to have been ...
Sushil's user avatar
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2 votes

Cancel a pod with error ImageBackoff

I assume you want to delete this deployment as the pod is not able to pull specified image. Try these steps: kubectl get deployment (this will list all deployments in the default namespace). kubectl ...
prashanth kumar's user avatar
2 votes

more command not showing --More-- on Ubuntu for Windows

I've run into the same error, but with less. I've resolved installing the newer version of kubectl (1.26.0-00). I had the 1.24.0-00 version before. To show the last 5 version: apt-cache madison ...
Claudio Palmisano's user avatar
2 votes

Unable to initialize kubeadm?

You need to make sure kubernetes can do IPv4 forwarding. This is assuming you use iptables and not ipvs. Run the following script to add bridge (for IPv4 and IPv6 and IP forwarding): cat <<EOF | ...
Danielson's user avatar
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2 votes

Login to Kubernetes dashboard - Can't get the token - No resources found

I found the solution. I had to execute: kubectl create token eks-admin --namespace kube-system ...and this outputs the token. Source:
user568021's user avatar
2 votes

Why path on Windows is not recognized? error: the path "./m.yml" does not exist

Computers are very good at finding things. When a computer tells you it cannot find something, then in 99.9% of cases, the reason it cannot find the thing is that the thing you are telling it to find ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
1 vote

Helm chart nginx-ingress controller TCP redirect http to https

This is a known issue when using SSL termination combined with ELB Classic in TCP mode (Layer 4). You can use the following workaround, which consists in: 1 - Create a custom ConfigMap for nginx-...
Eduardo Baitello's user avatar
1 vote

Kubernetes KeyCloak and Traefik configuration

I'm definitely NOT an expert in this area but have you tried to specify the namespace before the middleware name? In one of my Helm yaml:s I have the following which solved the issue for me (I guess {{...
Kodo's user avatar
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1 vote

See kubernetes pod restarts in monitoring

To troubleshoot some crashing Pod, first you should look at its description: $ kubectl describe pod -n ci clair-kube-7c8d8cf949-nlhv8 Containers: clair: [...] State: Running ...
SYN's user avatar
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1 vote

How do you make minikube ssh work with kitty

It turns out that you can do this neatly in one line using scp, minikube ip and minikube ssh-key so long as TERMINFO is set correctly on your host machine. scp -r -i $(minikube ssh-key) $TERMINFO ...
freshnewpage's user avatar
1 vote

Windows doesn't respect default program for .txt files when opening external file from command line

From the kubectl edit documentation: It will open the editor defined by your KUBE_EDITOR, or EDITOR environment variables, or fall back to 'vi' for Linux or 'notepad' for Windows. kubectl simply ...
Daniel B's user avatar
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1 vote

How to monitor/log sql time from kubernetes

Assuming I just want to graph SGBD response times, I could setup some Pod that would query my database on a loop, and output some result to its stdout, ... some kind of time mysql <cmd-args>. ...
SYN's user avatar
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