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29 votes

Is there a general purpose scripting language that I can expect to find on (almost) all Windows installations?

You don't need a general-purpose language if you can ship a compiled program – you're already writing a program in the first place; use the same method to write an Updater.exe alongside the main App....
grawity_u1686's user avatar
9 votes

Android Emulator closed because internal error: emuglConfig_init: blacklisted=0 has_guest_renderer=1

You need to check whether if there is a pending update under Tools -> SDK Manager -> SDK Tools. This error sometimes occurs because of out of date components like 'Android Emulator' or 'Android ...
alpercelerce's user avatar
6 votes

Cross-platform file system

ZFS is the best option for popular modern operating systems in wide use as of 2020. See the OpenZFS implementation which includes support for OSX/macOS, Linux, FreeBSD and apparently Windows now also: ...
jimmont's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a general purpose scripting language that I can expect to find on (almost) all Windows installations?

A lot of scripting languages have a way to package them into a single-file binary executable. The usual strategy is to include a custom interpreter executable that loads scripts from itself (read ...
slebetman's user avatar
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5 votes

Quick unit-aware calculator

insect has both web- and terminal-based versions. It does support parsing, handling and conversion of physical units, for example: >>> 2min + 30s = 2.5min >>> 40000km / ...
shark.dp's user avatar
  • 151
4 votes

How to make windows .exe executables in Linux [No Duplicate- Extended Version]

If you're writing in C or C++, you can use MingW64 to compile programs for Windows. (It's pretty much gcc, but supports MSVC syntax extensions and outputs an .exe file.) Several projects that people ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

Cross-platform tool for clipboard sharing?

I haven't personally tried this yet, but have a look at Clipboard Anywhere.
J. Scott Elblein's user avatar
3 votes

How to type on keyboard attached to Windows PC and send keypresses to Linux PC?

Yes, I use a program called synergy for this. It used to be freeware, I think you have to pay a reasonable couple bucks for the new versions. It allows you to use the second machine as if it was a ...
Tim_Stewart's user avatar
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3 votes

Android Emulator closed because internal error: emuglConfig_init: blacklisted=0 has_guest_renderer=1

In the AVD Configuration, under Emulated Performance, change the Graphics to Software. I was having the same issue before, and I can't say I truly understand exactly what the issue is, but it has ...
Jacob's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes

Quick unit-aware calculator

I mostly share your ideas about an ideal calculator and the disadvantages of using GNU Units and Wolfram and rolled my own online calculator which I put online at It does its own unit ...
Ronald's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

MacOS and Windows - Can you move your cursor between them

There is software that does what you're looking for, I unfortunately don't have personal experience with any of it. Two popular products in this categoryare Synergy and EdgeRunner Multiplicity.
Christian B's user avatar
2 votes

Cross platform diagramming tool

You could use Creately ( ) It's a web based diagramming tool. You don't have to install anything. You can register for an account and start creating diagrams. Since you only need ...
Nish's user avatar
  • 41
2 votes

How to maximize file compatibility between PC and phone?

File formats First, recognize that office suite file formats are natively associated with specific products. The publishers of those products continually tweak the suite features, and the file ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.6k
2 votes

Run command on single file when changed with some shell magic (e.g replace extension)

Call a script with entr tl;dr: pass /_ as an argument to a script to Do The Thing™ Rather than trying to futz with special arguments and variables, pass /_ to a simple script (which itself can be a ...
bertieb's user avatar
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2 votes

The simplest way of running a cross-compiled executable in a FreeBSD environment

Most modern FreeBSD installation ISOs do indeed permit live use of FreeBSD's CLI. Copying the executable into a custom-burned ISO may not be the easiest route, though. Slightly easier, assuming you ...
Jim L.'s user avatar
  • 879
2 votes

Cordova wmic error

I tried many things, but I had to: Windows-Key (Keyboard) System Environment Variable / System Umgebungsvariable bearbeiten Environmentsvariables.. / Umgebungsvariablen Select Path Variable and edit ...
sudo's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Synchronize Multiple Anaconda Installations

I would recommend you start using conda environments. Additionally using a git repository to keep track of your different environment specifications wouldn't hurt. Alternatively as it's all one ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
2 votes

Migrating a Linux (CentOS) .ova to a Windows Hyper-V

Try to use different V2V converter. I am using Starwind V2V, which has more successful conversion ratio as any other previously tested. V2V cannot work directly with OVA files, so you need extract *....
batistuta09's user avatar
2 votes

Windows 10 equivalent to OSX's ⌘+D to navigate to my desktop, ⌘+Shift+H for Home, ⌘+shift+A for apps etc

I just started researching this topic. If you don't mind some barbarian solutions: Press ALT+UP at least 2 times, depending on where your initial path is. (If you keep the UP arrow key pressed for a ...
deep42's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Is there a cross-platform method of packaging many icons into one file?

No, there is no cross-platform way to store file type associations and the relevant file type icons for an app. There are plenty of cross-platform ways to package multiple icons into a single file, ...
Spiff's user avatar
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1 vote

Trying to use Steam or SteamCMD to download Linux version of game on Windows

I'm sorry to say, but there's a much easier way to download apps/games for a different platform/architecture with little to no effort. Run Steam with the -console startup option, or use SteamCMD. ...
l3l_aze's user avatar
  • 113
1 vote

git: automatic sync to remote for non-tech-savvies with GUI

SourceTree by Atlassian (JIRA/Confluence/BitBucket): Free comfort GUI app for Windows/Mac OS X and you can autorefresh git/hg repos.
CSRedRat's user avatar
  • 146
1 vote

How to type on keyboard attached to Windows PC and send keypresses to Linux PC?

You may be able to use a quality USB KVM switch. This will allow using one set of input (and output, if you choose) devices with two physical computers. Check the reviews and manufacturer website ...
Jim Diroff II's user avatar
1 vote

GDB cross-compilation for arm

Problem solved. If you encounter this question, please follow the : gdb wiki I mentioned in my question. And my additional note to the gdb wiki is: The "--target" of gdb as well as the "--host" of ...
donets20's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote

Run command on single file when changed with some shell magic (e.g replace extension)

Using a Makefile SOURCES:=$(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.gv') ifndef OTYPE OTYPE:=png endif # use `make OTYPE=pdf` to generate pdfs TARGETS:=$(SOURCES:.gv=.$(OTYPE)) .PHONY: all clean ...
Hotschke's user avatar
  • 265
1 vote

Run command on single file when changed with some shell magic (e.g replace extension)

Using fswatch instead of entr Thanks to @Attie for pointing fswatch out. Following works for me: $ fswatch -e ".*" -i "$PWD/[^.]*\\.gv$" -0 $PWD | xargs -0 -n 1 -I {} sh -c 'F={}; neato -Tpng "...
Hotschke's user avatar
  • 265
1 vote

cross compile gdb server to mips arc

Take a look on the follow link, they teach to cross compile and use the gdb for powerpc processor architecture, i had used the same method to cross compile to ARM.
gorn's user avatar
  • 132
1 vote

How to start gVim maximized?

Ubuntu (16.04) Better let the window-manager do this task, at least in Ubuntu, it will fullscreen gvim instead of maximizing window, giving you more space. Of course this solution is platform ...
Janghou's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

MacOS and Windows - Can you move your cursor between them

There are different solutions: Software as Synergy[s] (multi-platform and open source) that allows to share a single set of mouse and keyboard (and clipboard) between different complete computers. ...
Hastur's user avatar
  • 19.1k

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