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22 votes

Mount error(5):Input/output error on mount

When setting up a share on a Windows 2012 server, I had to use: sudo mount.cifs //server/folder /path/to/folder/ -o user=username,password=pass,vers=3.0 Note the vers=3.0. Based on the suggestions ...
JebaDaHut's user avatar
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14 votes

SSH tunnel on Windows 10 to Linux Samba

how to proxy smb to a windows 10 client: short description with ssh n stuff for tunneling launch hdwwiz.exe network adapters -> Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter -> finish disable everything ...
GottZ's user avatar
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13 votes

Windows share folder mount error: cifs filesystem not supported by the system

I got it working with Microsoft's drvfs provider, as described in: sudo mount -t drvfs '\\...
tholesen's user avatar
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10 votes

"user" CIFS mounts not supported - fedora 30

Ok, found out myself. The following programs needed to have the suid bit set (sudo chmod u+s /bin/...): /bin/mount /bin/umount /usr/sbin/mount.cifs Some Distros do this by default. However, there ...
Jounathaen's user avatar
8 votes

mounting a network drive cifs mac osx

To mount mount_smbfs //[email protected]/share_name share_name/ To unmount umount share_name
reFORtEM's user avatar
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8 votes

Linux Force Default Mount CIFS Version to 3.0

I realize this is quite old, but I was brought here in my search for the same thing: Using veeam (free agent for linux 4.0) on Ubuntu 16.04 to backup to a modern SMB share hosted on Windows Server ...
justus95's user avatar
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7 votes

SSH tunnel on Windows 10 to Linux Samba

You should only need to forward port 445. In putty the local port should be loopbackIP:44445(or any other unused port) and the forward destination should be localhost:445 or It ...
Matt's user avatar
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7 votes

How to debug slow samba share by Nautilus?

Accoding to a forum the problem is with gvfs and cifs works much better. I am not familiar with these terms, but I can confirm that. By mounting the drive manually: mount -t cifs -o username=root,...
inf3rno's user avatar
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7 votes

Mount error(5):Input/output error on mount

Check the domain account isn't locked out I found this question in doing my own research for the error, this was the root cause for me so came back to post this answer.
Paul's user avatar
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7 votes

Linux Force Default Mount CIFS Version to 3.0

For a given mount.cifs version, I don't know of a way other than adding vers=3.0 to the command line (or to /etc/fstab). The mount.cifs driver ignores smb.conf. Historically it seems mount.cifs could ...
stevek_mcc's user avatar
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6 votes

CIFS share mount errors

Adding more possible solutions to this problem This error message isn't very descriptive, but what it means is the operation has timed out. There are numerous possible reasons for this, and while ...
Jonathan E. Landrum's user avatar
6 votes

CIFS mounted on Linux from Windows shows corrupt/distorted images

There is a known bug with the version of Apache2 (2.4.25 Debian) I am using that serves the CIFS files in a funny manner causing the file corruption. For those using Apache2 you will likely be dealing ...
Moms's user avatar
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6 votes

How do you configure Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) to use fstab to automatically mount a Windows Network File Share?

It turns out I did set everything up correctly. To answer the original question, follow the procedure below to configure Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) to use fstab to automatically mount a ...
Sherlock Bytes's user avatar
5 votes

Mount cifs for 2 users

Use the multiuser mount option. Also enable the and PAM modules. The latter will store the users' OS login passwords in the kernel, so that the cifs driver can use them ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
5 votes

Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Mount Network Share

WSL has been under heavy development and it now supports mounting network shared folders: sudo mkdir /mnt/s sudo mount -t drvfs '\\192.168.x.x\Share' /mnt/s cd /mnt/s git init Old answer I'm ...
simlev's user avatar
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5 votes

How to mount a samba share on non-standard port?

This is possible! It's been a good few years, but combining a loopback interface tutorial I found with portions out of @Mike's [] answer (multihost version) I've created a script that can ...
Hashbrown's user avatar
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5 votes

Cannot access a remote share which in itself is a symlink to a remote share

First, you do the symbolic link with "mklink /d link_name folder_name(It can be an UNC name for a shared resource). Then, you do (on each client) "fsutil behavior set SymlinkEvaluation R2R:1" to ...
Miguel's user avatar
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4 votes

How to encrypt cifs mount password?

Not in a useful way. The SMB client eventually needs access to the cleartext password (or to the NTLM hash, which is password-equivalent as far as protection goes) – and if the SMB client can decrypt ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

samba mount failed with "CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -6" and "is not a valid block device"

Possible issue is CIFS/SMB version // /mnt/cifs cifs vers=2.1,username=user1,password=passwd1 0 0
Amit Vujic's user avatar
3 votes

Mount error(5):Input/output error on mount

For me the problem was a different one when trying to mount a share from a NAS device from a more recent GNU/Linux desktop. Specifying -o nounix to disable Unix extensions worked for me. In the end ...
okurz's user avatar
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3 votes

Cannot access a remote share which in itself is a symlink to a remote share

You need to run fsutil (or set the corresponding Group Policy) on each client, in other words on every other machine in your domain and any machines in other domains which are going to access the ...
Andrew Klaassen's user avatar
3 votes

How to force autofs cifs (samba) to use smb version >= 2.0

For example, you can use something like this: -fstype=cifs,file_mode=0770,dir_mode=0770,nounix,uid=1000,gid=1000,vers=2.0
Igor Smitran's user avatar
3 votes

ls shows file, but when trying to read it is says it doesn't exist

A possible reason that that Weirdfile isn't really using ASCII characters in the name. If this is the case, if you type the file name it doesn't work, but if you use copy/paste it does (it can also ...
xenoid's user avatar
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3 votes

machine name resolution over SMB on windows

Your premise is flawed. SMB is a file/print-sharing protocol. It doesn't do name-resolution at all. It relies on the normal name-resolution mechanisms like DNS, mDNS (Bonjour), PeerNameResolving (PNRP)...
Tonny's user avatar
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3 votes

Systemd: Starting of *.automount not supported

.automount units rely on the kernel's autofs module. Currently (as of Linux 4.19), autofs code still does not support namespaces – so if containers were allowed to use it, they could mount anything ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

CIFS isn't using the specified username when mounting

man 8 mount.cifs states: mount.cifs {service} {mount-point} [-o options] […] Options to mount.cifs are specified as a comma-separated list of key=value pairs. So instead of sole user=Leslie you ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
2 votes

How to mount a samba share on non-standard port?

For those who are still looking for a way to mount SMB resources on a non-standard port, here is a great article on how to do this. I personally set up stunnel to wrap SMB traffic with SSL, since I ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 votes

How to mount a samba share on non-standard port?

Unfortunately, it is not possible as windows does only support ports 445 and 139 You might be able to use ssh tunneling. Here is a reference using windows and linux:
justsomeguy's user avatar
2 votes

Automatic remount cifs/SMB after short network interruption

Just to offer another angle, a current solution is doing this with systemd, as described here:
pableu's user avatar
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2 votes

Automatic remount cifs/SMB after short network interruption

To add to the autofs answer, I recommend doing the the way it is described here: That is: Make the first ...
Rafael Kitover's user avatar

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