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A shell is software that lets users interact with the operating system, usually by typing at a command-line.

1 vote

Shell scripting questions

Not sure why this got downmodded to oblivion, but anyway. grep "[a-zA-Z]" grep is a search tool, using regular expressions. This specific expression looks for a character range (in brackets) of …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
3 votes
2 answers

kioexec with multiple files

We have two environments here at work, and I access the remote machine over ssh. I can do this: kioexec myeditor fish://me@remotemachine/path/to/file.txt But I'd like to be able to do a diff betwee …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
0 votes

UNIX: Merging files with different extensions to one file

If it is a normal sequence you can do this: in bash: for ITER in {1..50} do cat test${ITER}.xml cat test${ITER}.msg done > test.txt or if you have the utility seq for ITER in $(seq 1 50) …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
2 votes

unable to edit file /proc/self/make-it-fail

How did you edit it? I would do: echo 1 > /proc/self/make-it-fail These 'files' in proc are not like files on disks. The 'file' is pure code, using open and read/write as interfaces to the kernel. …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
0 votes

Why can bash cd to //?

The shell is normalizing the path. … /etc" grep chdir /tmp/strace.out # will give chdir("/etc") The shell does the path normalization before it even tells the system to change the dir …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
2 votes

Why run a Linux shell command with '&'?

The command is always fork'ed and exec'ed, but normal shell behavior is to wait on the command until it exits. … If you want this to continue even if you close the shell process, you can use the nohup command to make them ignore this signal and keep running. …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
1 vote

kioexec with multiple files

To update an old question.... The best I've done so far is to get around this problem a different way. Namely FUSE + sshfs does what I want, and more.
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
1 vote

parse vsftpd log with shell script

My first instinct is to isolate the user portion (using grep -o). The good thing about it is that it has some (relatively) unique marking - the brackets. So, the grep below isolates the (two) fields …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
2 votes

change directory (cd) in unix based on a prior action

In most shells the last parameter you gave on the previous command is in $_ mkdir /some/dir cd $_ # now in /some/dir
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
0 votes

How different shell scripts map to different OSes

The first shell was Bourne shell. It was very cool, but it had some serious limitations. … Dave Korn (nice guy) created a new shell called... Korn shell. It followed the programming model that Bourne shell created (arguably superior to the csh model). …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
1 vote

When I run /usr/bin/time my_program, how to kill my_program?

most unixes have pkill, which kills a process based on name Try: pkill my_program /usr/bin/time my_program sleep 5 pkill -TERM my_program Also, don't kill with -9. It doesn't allow cleanup.
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
2 votes

Will a Mac help me learn Linux?

I like Macs, and it does give a good (BSD) UNIX experience but strictly on getting a Linux experience on your PC, I feel there are better alternatives. I personally use Cygwin on any Windows machine …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
0 votes

Unix command to list all directories larger than 10mb

The du answers above are closer to what you want, but you might also want to try out kdirstat. Its a cool gui tool that shows all your dirs, what's in them, what the content is, and has various tools …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
6 votes

Bash color shell on Mac?

Typing ls -G would work in any shell, though a shell (like bash) that has aliases makes it easier. …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k
37 votes

Multiple standard input? How?

This isn't multiple standard input. This is a bash'ism that called 'Process Substitution' It creates a pseudo file (/dev/fd/something) for each substi …
Rich Homolka's user avatar
  • 31.7k

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