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Questions tagged [wireshark]

The network protocol analyzer developed and maintained by the Wireshark Foundation

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2 answers

How to run sniffing demonstration using virtualbox and wireshark

I am going to have a demonstration of packet sniffing using wireshark. Therefore, I decided to create two vitual machines in virtualbox (with "host-only adapter" network config) and monitor the ...
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1 answer

wireshark is not capturing http traffic

I have a lab server that I have a desktop that I would like to monitor with wireshark directly connected to and I am bridging the NICs to the internet connection between the server and the desktop. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to start npf driver

I need to start the npf driver for Wireshark but when I try to type "net start npf" in cmd prompt, I get the following error: "System error 1058 has occurred. The service cannot be started, either ...
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0 answers

Server sometimes not sending ACK in response to PSH, ACK

We've implemented a TCP server socket in C++ on a linux machine which is connected to another device, streaming data small packets at high rate (800 Hz). To do so without too much latency (which we ...
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1 answer

Detecting esp8266 traffic using Wireshark

I have programmed an esp8266 to make some http get requests to a remote webserver. I would like to analyze this http requests somehow, with an external tool like Wireshark. The purpose is to see how ...
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2 answers

Search for a string in packet bytes of a pcap file using tshark

I am able to search for a string in the in packet bytes of a pcap capture using Wireshark. Is there similar functionality available in tshark ? I already have the pcap files. But I need to go through ...
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1 answer

Can't see interfaces in wireshark, Windows 10

I've been using Wireshark for weeks, but recently I installed Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) with Kali Linux, planning to do some network analysis. It took me quite a while to get it all running, ...
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2 answers

How to extract mpeg-1 stream from pcap in wireshark

I have a pcap network dump that has an MPEG-1 stream inside and I would like to play the mpeg stream. So far I've tried playing through the RTP analyzer but that plays without any sound. I've also ...
1 vote
1 answer

What are "Difference" and "Delta" in Wireshark RTP Analysis?

I tried to find this in the documentation, but had no luck. I would love to dig the sources to find out, but I honestly don't have the time. I tried to google this, but either people do not get any ...
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2 answers

DNS and understanding root servers

Firstly, is this explanation on how DNS works right? When we visit a site, say (,we are doing a lookup to convert the domain name to an i.p address. So, our computer first looks at ...
3 votes
1 answer

SYN-ACK not received

On a standard TCP connection between server and client, I have this issue: the SYN-ACK is not received from the client, while it is sent from the server. I could see this on Wireshark from both server ...
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0 answers

ARP request is successful, but TCP SYN is not visible in output of Wireshark

I was redirected from Network Engineering, hopefully below is in scope of on-topics. I have a TCP server, its properties are the following: It runs within a virtual machine (VMware). The host OS is ...
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2 answers

Monitor Mode doesn't work in Kali 2.0

For the last year or so I have been using this exact setup with Kali 1.0. Everything worked fine with Wireshark. Now, when I am connected to a Wi-Fi access point my card REFUSES to stay in monitor ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to explain sequences of FIN,ACK instead of FIN - FIN,ACK?

Context: newly installed Debian 12, I get a bunch of strange logs related to ssh: root@square:~# journalctl -u ssh -f May 07 11:13:00 yop-square sshd[766]: error: kex_exchange_identification: ...
1 vote
0 answers

802.11 frames gets resent by my linux

My program is sending custom 802.11 frames for WPA handshake, like authentication, association or acknowledgement. Yet the operating resend the same packet with modifying its radiotapheader and ...

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