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Questions tagged [video]

Questions about video editing, streaming, conversion, capturing or video output. Use a more specific tag if possible.

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The proper way to limit framerate when recording screen on macOS

macOS 14.5, FFmpeg 7.0.1. To record the screen, if I use the code from Wiki, that is, ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i 1 output.mp4 the frame rate seems to be so high that when I press q to stop recording, ...
jsx97's user avatar
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somebody please help me download interactive video on bilibili, so frustating [closed]

I've tried downloading a video from Bilibili using the URL Unfortunately, I couldn'...
Young Bian's user avatar
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How can I concatenate videos that don't always have audio using ffmpeg?

I have 5 video files (although, it could be 100s), some with audio, some without. They are more-or-less a consistent size but I'll force that by using something like -vf "320:240" on the ...
Skeeve's user avatar
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Video logo clock ffmpeg

With the codes I created myself, the time setting does not appear. Only the screw logo and the movie name appears. I could not make this time setting. Are there any friends who can help me? ffmpeg -i ...
Yes Tech's user avatar
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FFMPEG segment_times arg makes command too long

Context: I have long video files (600+ hours) that I want to split on resolution change & keep the high-res parts. I have extracted all the timestamps to a file with ffprobe so now all that's left ...
Hato1's user avatar
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Adding custom tags to AVI video file

I use software that accepts another AVI file, but not mine. I converted my file to have similar properties, and currently, there is not much difference between the files, I think the only thing I have ...
Yarden's user avatar
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How to change output to timestamps for ffmpeg freezedtect?

ffmpeg -i demo.mp4 -vf "freezedetect=n=-60dB:d=5" -map 0:v:0 -f null - Will output: lavfi.freezedetect.freeze_start: 324.266667 lavfi.freezedetect.freeze_duration: 5.066667 lavfi....
Farn3's user avatar
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Best settings to compress a 4K 60fps ProRes 422HQ video to ~50GB HEVC using FFmpeg? [closed]

I recently upscaled a 1080p 60fps 90-minute video to 4K using Topaz. The output was set to ProRes 422HQ, resulting in a file size of 1.2TB. Naturally, I don’t want to keep the file this large and aim ...
Tibério's user avatar
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FFmpeg -ss option and keyframes

I would like to clarify that I understand how to use -ss, -t, -to, stream copy, and the difference between stream copying and reencoding/transcoding. What I don't understand, is how the seeking/...
Blacki's user avatar
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Ffmpeg image parameter for YouTube

Is there any image png command equivalent to parameter below? ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i input.png -i audio.m4a -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune stillimage -crf 18 -c:a copy -shortest -pix_fmt ...
Michael's user avatar
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How do you create an ffmpeg lossless image without re-encoding?

I'm using the command below but not sure if it’s really lossless and without re-encoding? Is there specific command to create lossless image and without re-encoding? I'm new to this. ffmpeg -lavfi &...
Michael's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I make three 10TB external hard drives act as one 30TB hard drive?

I have a huge collection of videos I am using for a book. I have over 30TB of data. When I am searching for and downloading new videos for my research, it is a huge benefit for me if I do not download ...
Boballoo's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Intel QSV to have hwaccelerated tone mapping in ffmpeg?

Currently I am trying ffmpeg -hwaccel qsv -hwaccel_output_format qsv -i "Z://Movies/Luca/Luca.mkv" -vf 'hwdownload,format=p010,zscale=transfer=linear,tonemap=hable,zscale=transfer=bt709,...
Nathan Cloutier's user avatar
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Avidemux loads vertical video in horizontal orientation

I have recorded a video while holding phone vertically. It opens vertically on phone, as well as on PC, in VLC. However, when I load it in Avidemux it rotates the video to horizontal aspect rate. I ...
overdriven's user avatar
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How do I prevent an extended frame when suspending and resuming an ffmpeg process?

I have a c# application where I have control of an ffmpeg ( process. I am using it to capture video and audio, either from desktop or webcam. I am using code similar to the ...
this_is_a_display_name's user avatar
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What a correct playlist.m3u8 should contain, or should look like?

24/06/2024: [Presentation of the problem] I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, few years ago. I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts a single file playlist.m3u8 In my example: A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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How to solve a final pb when merging a series of .ts file with concat command of FFmpeg?

I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, feaw years ago… I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts In my example: a series of 306 files named from segment1_4_av.ts to segment306_4_av.ts A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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To cut and download part of video from

I try to cut and download part of an online video from, using yt-dlp and ffmpeg, in one step. I tried ffmpeg $(yt-dlp -g '' | sed 's/^/-ss 05:00 -i /') -...
jsx97's user avatar
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How to randomly zoom video with a Batch script?

I deal with the processing and uniqueness of 9:16 videos. I need to make the video take on a random zoom value to increase it in scale and crop it accordingly at the edges. I need to make a random ...
Farid's user avatar
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Allow streaming only first or random frames of video but allow full download

I have a server on a Raspberry Pi 5 (8 GB of RAM btw). I have Nginx on it that allows me and others to watch my videos through a nice site. Though through trial and various errors, I found out I can't ...
Edw590's user avatar
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Rendundant (?) conversion from RGBx to RGBA gstreamer

I'm trying to record my screen using gstreamer and encode its output to h264. Screen recording on Xorg with ximagesrc has BGRx as the available color output. However, nvh264enc only supports BGRA as ...
raybb's user avatar
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Video width&height is horizontal but video frames are vertical. How to fix it with ffmpeg?

I have a video, that when checked with ffmpeg/ffprobe shows a horizontal aspect ratio. ffprobe.exe my_video.mp4 -show_streams -of json Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'my_video.mp4': ...
sthlm58's user avatar
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Removing a segment from the middle in ffmpeg

Say I want to remove the part between second 60 and the second 200: file video outpoint 60 file video inpoint 200 then running the ffmpeg concat command: ffmpeg -f concat -i input.txt -c copy output....
Mohammad Mansour's user avatar
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How can I remove every nth frame from raw video using ffmpeg?

I have many cine films that have been digitally converted. They have been converted as a 25 fps with 2 frames in every 23 duplicated. I need to remove the duplicated frames using a bitstream filter so ...
DaveB44's user avatar
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Powerpoint - Video Background - Across Slides

I have a custom background that I designed that has our logo w/ subtle animation, I have it saved as a MP4 Video File. I added it to the slide master and set it to autoplay. It looks great but when I ...
psycoperl's user avatar
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Trimming a video using FFmpeg leads to black screen

I try to figure out how to use FFmpeg to trim videos. I have created a 30 second .mov screen capture using Apple's QuickTime player, and then tried to trim it using three different ways: Using -...
jsx97's user avatar
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Take Screenshot/snapshot from .ts file

I need to take a screenshot/snapshot from .ts files. Currently using the command: ffmpeg -ss 00:06:05.6710000 -i input.ts -frames:v 1 -q:v 1 output.jpeg This works fine for .mp4 files, but for .ts ...
AVG's user avatar
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Ffmpeg webm YouTube settings command

Is there a .webm still image command in ffmpeg that is best compatible with YouTube I’m currently using: ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i input.png -i audio.m4a -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune ...
Michael's user avatar
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ffmpeg does not exit when pipe is closed? [migrated]

If this has already been brought up, I apologize. This is part of a software tuner package I am writing as a POC. It is used by Plex Media Server. For the most part, it works with good picture quality ...
Thomas's user avatar
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av1_vaapi ffmpeg throws error on last frame of video

I've been using ffmpeg and vaapi to transcode video files, it has been working great except for one group of video which has been throwing the error [vf#0:0 @ 0x5d37f5dd6dc0] Reconfiguring filter ...
Richard Ledbetter's user avatar

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