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Questions tagged [user-experience]

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2 answers

Proton Drive file renaming and data duplication issue [closed]

I use Proton Drive to backup some of my data, and at one point when I was trying to restructure the directories within my Proton Drive account I found, some hours later after I had awoken, that Proton ...
ZealousIdeal's user avatar
1 vote
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How to remove all hardcoded content from Microsoft Edge's new tab webpage without installing any extnesion?

I have Windows 11 Home and I have the problem that every time I open a new tab in Microsoft Edge, a newspaper like webpage appears. Here is a picture of this webpage with its data structures that I ...
somo's user avatar
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32 votes
10 answers

How can I sign out of Windows 10?

I am astonished I have to ask this question. It reminds me about people asking how to exit Vim, the image deeply ingrained in the popular culture. I found out that in order to exit a desktop session ...
Dima Chubarov's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC due to "Old/New Acrobat version already installed"

Trying to solve this problem, I decided to (again) re-install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. As usual I removed it via "Add or remove programs". All went fine. But then I cannot install the new ...
pmor's user avatar
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Mozilla Firefox : activate reader view by default whenever possible [duplicate]

I really enjoy Mozilla Firefox's Reader Mode, however it requires clicking on the button everytime I open a new page. Is it possible to specify that I want Reader Mode to be active by default whenever ...
Charles's user avatar
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2 answers

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC: select Selection tool for text and images by default

A simple question: how to select "Selection tool for text and images" by default? Now the default is "Click to pan around the document": Need to change that. Here are some current ...
pmor's user avatar
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How do you transport/stash your m1 macbook?

I just bought an m1 Macbook pro. I've used macs a bunch, have a mac mini, but i've never owned a macbook. I kind of like it... with caveat of some annoyances. The biggest one yet being it takes 2 to 3 ...
Austin759's user avatar
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1 answer

Separating work and personal tabs in firefox

I am using my laptop for working and personal usage. I use usually many tabs for in my work and i keep using them for several days. Everyday in the afternoon when i want to use my laptop for personal ...
Minions's user avatar
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Focus hell on Gnome

I am using lastest Pop!_OS with gnome-shell. And I came across a focus problem. The "Window is Ready" window is not working properly. The problem is that often after applications finish ...
Денис Гребенюк's user avatar
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3 answers

Can this PDF be downloaded to internal storage?

There's a website where information is available to view publicly and one can share that information anywhere but only by taking screenshots. I want to save it as pdf in my device for future reference....
Heisenberg's user avatar
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How to keep language bar / keyboard layout select always active?

Maybe this is a XY problem, let me start with the real issue: When I do some stuff on my Windows machine, I often tend to use the tray icons (click them). Sometimes they jump around. I want to stop ...
Gizmo's user avatar
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How to stop Outlook from saving an email in Sent folder when I respond to a calendar event?

When I respond to an Outlook calendar event by choosing one of the Accept/Tentative/Decline options, the response get sent as an email and it clutters my Sent email folder. Is there a way to suppress ...
codeforester's user avatar
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What type of dumb terminal? [closed]

Question: What type of dumb terminal should I get for a 100 user environment? Or is a dumb terminal not cut out for the following requirements? User software requirements: Internet access ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does Windows 10 "Update and shut down" not complete the update?

I'm curious if there is any technical or user experience design reason for this phenomenon I'm experiencing: Whenever I select "Update and shut down", the machine will update for a while and then shut ...
parachutingturtle's user avatar
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Disable scroll behavior modifications by 3rd party scripts in Chrome

How can I prevent 3rd-party scripts included on some websites from changing my mouse / trackpad scroll's behavior? I really don't know intentions of authors that have written scripts that for example ...
Daniel Kucal's user avatar
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How do I disable (or replace the effect of) "overscrolling" in Windows 10?

I'm an OSX user and don't like that the scrolling feature moves the entire window on Windows 10. This creates a jarring effect on the entire screen, when I'm dealing with only a particular document. ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
2 votes
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Scroll by moving the mouse to the edges of the screen

Is there a way to scroll by moving the mouse to the edges of the screen? For example trigger a scroll down when I move the mouse to bottom of the screen when the browser is focused? This is ...
shinzou's user avatar
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is there a way to disable Windows from switching window focus when I am typing? [duplicate]

Sometimes when I am typing in a notepad, command prompt, webpage, or the file explorer address bar, or even any other place where typing is allowed, it happens that the currently active window loses ...
silvercoins's user avatar
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Navigate through folder like Mac in win8 or use alternative

The Mac way of navigating file is making SOOO much sense than windows way of opening a gazillions of windows and confuse myself... I wonder as a Windows8 user, is there way to make windows folder ...
Adam's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

how to open closed window in chrome

I have opened two windows in chrome browser, in each window there are multiple pages . the first window is the most important for me, the second window is for search tabs. my problem is that I ...
Eng. Samer T's user avatar
-1 votes
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Windows, never "lose focus" of the current window

I want the task bar to light up orange and never lose focus to anything. If I'm installing something and then go play a game at some point it will drop out to the finished instillation. Also, if ...
Mazura's user avatar
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How do I prevent my cursor from changing fields when loading websites?

I often start typing into a text field on a website before the website has loaded completely, for example to log into Gmail while the login screen is loading, to log into my banking website, etc. ...
Aaa's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to have alternating colors in Windows 7 Explorer windows?

I know this is doable in Winforms and WPF, but not sure if I can do it for explorer windows. Something that looks like this:
Joan Venge's user avatar
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Windows Server 2012 start icon (button)

How can I create a desktop or start bar icon which would should show the Start Menu in Windows Server 2012? I having multiple remote connections in small windows (not full screen) and hovering the ...
TN.'s user avatar
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Is there any sound enhancer software for Linux? [closed]

One of my biggest attachments to Windows is DFX Audio Enhancer because it enhances audio from all applications before reaching my speakers (Restore quality, ambiance/surround simulation, etc.). Is ...
DuckN'Bear's user avatar
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Is IntelHD 4000 powerful enough to give me the best windows 8 experience? [closed]

I have a Thinkpad with i5 3.0Ghz and 6GB of ram. The only thing I'm concerned is that i don't have any dedicated graphics card. Will my Intel HD 4000 suffice?
Vikram's user avatar
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11 votes
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Windows 8 - can't drag files from Explorer and drop on applications

In Windows 8 I find I can't drag files to applications like I've been able to do for as long as I can remember. Example: Drag MP3s to Winamp Drag folder full of music to Winamp Drag videos to VLC ...
nathanchere's user avatar
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LED Monitor: Native resolution Vs Screen size Vs response time

I'm looking at the available options for a LED monitor having full HD capability (1920x1080 native resolution), and I'm considering the following criteria for choosing a monitor: Screen size Native ...
TCSGrad's user avatar
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6 answers

Are Blu-Ray recordable disks reliable and cost-effective for backups and data storage?

I'm considering moving from DVD-Rs to Blu-Ray Recordable disks to backup my data. I don't have any experience with BD-Rs as of yet, though, and I wonder if it's worth it or I should wait another year ...
Yudo's user avatar
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2 votes
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Keeping my Google Chrome tabs always intact

Two days ago I quit my chrome. Yesterday I opened it and used it only in Anonymous Mode. Today I opened it again and my recently closed "21 tabs" are gone from the "Recently Closed" history. Is there ...
cregox's user avatar
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RAM in MacBook air

I'm looking At buying a MacBook air - most likely the 13" model and unfortunately without spending a lot more money I cant get 4GB of RAM in store. Obviously I can 'build' one on the apple store but I'...
Sam's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Is there any software to keep eyes distracted from monitor [closed]

I have a 19 inch LCD monitor but my eyes are hurting when sitting too much in front of the PC so I used an eye protector software, but it irritates me since it is a trial version, so I cannot edit its ...
FrozenKing's user avatar
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How to change the font in SmartSVN?

Using SmartSVN on my Windows machine, it is not honoring my Windows font preferences (neither font size or font face). They should be doing something like: void GetIconTitleFont(ref string fontName, ...
Ian Boyd's user avatar
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Mac OS X: Managing Windows

So here is my problem, originally I'm a Windows user and developerr, and now I have a Mac OS based machine, I'm developing on Mac OS X as well, but the problem is that on Windows I feel comfortable ...
Lukas Šalkauskas's user avatar
4 votes
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Utilities for find & open linux /usr/share/docs?

For example, I can read the manual pages of bash by: $ man bash or $ info bash But there is also /usr/share/doc/bash which contains other related documents. When I looking into the docs of ECB (...
Lenik's user avatar
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List of Sketchpad Apps for Windows 7 Tablet edition

I have a Lenovo Thinkpad x200 tablet and got it with hopes that I could use it during presentations to quickly annotate my screen and also switch to skecthpad mode to draw images instead of using the ...
Elijah Lynn's user avatar
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Is it possible to toggle hidden files without relaunching Finder?

There are several ways how to toggle hidden files - via a shell command, or AppleScript, or Automator action, or even a Dashboard widget. All of them close and reopen Finder windows, which is quite ...
Andy's user avatar
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How to make Windows Vista taskbar to appear immediately?

I have set to keep taskbar hidden. When I move mouse to screen edge, it appears. But it is slow for me:) I would like to make it to appear immediately. Any ideas? EDIT: Only what I found is to ...
TN.'s user avatar
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Mechanical keyboard switches: linear, soft, click. What is the difference?

I intend to buy a keyboard with mechanical switches. Some are available with different types of switches. Deck has linear and tactile. Cherry has three different types which are sometimes referred to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Windows XP recovery console locks CD drive, even after restart!

Whenever I use my Windows XP SP2 installation CD that came with my Dell computer to use the recovery console, I have a problem. I understand that it's a bad idea to remove the CD while the recovery ...
eleven81's user avatar
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Does the swf file download to user's PC before it starts playing/How does Flash Files play on user's PC

I would like to know how a flash file plays/loads in the users PC. For instance, if my code is as below - <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://...
Kanini's user avatar
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How is OpenGL and DirectX performance in VMWare Fusion 3?

I'm already a VMWare Fusion 2 user and Fusion 3 (just released here) has numerous features in conjunction with Snow Leopard. I'm curious to know if anyone in particular has tried it out and ...
osij2is's user avatar
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37 votes
8 answers

How Unix'y is Mac OS X? [closed]

From my limited knowledge: The Unix OS coder assumes the user knows what they're doing, etc. versus the Apple's you can only do it the way you are allowed to do it, etc. Compared to other variations ...
Rob Kam's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

'Un-select' a radiobutton? [closed]

I have always wondered if there is any way or trick to un-select a radio button once you have selected one. I'm asking this as a generic question, not regarding a specific program. it could be a ...
nmuntz's user avatar
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Why is Microsoft forcing users to use non-standard download/installation solutions?

Just now I wanted to download ASP.NET MVC and seen there is now something called Web Platform Installer. The direct link to the installer is however still there. A few days ago I wanted to get SQL ...
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