I am using my laptop for working and personal usage. I use usually many tabs for in my work and i keep using them for several days. Everyday in the afternoon when i want to use my laptop for personal stuff, i feel it's annoying to have the working tabs opened.

Thus, is there a way to have like two firefox shortcuts in the desktop where when I open any of them, a group of tabs open?


I am looking for a solution that can keep track of the last tabs that were opened in each mode (e.g. working, personal).


1 Answer 1


You can create a simple batch script to start multiple websites in different tabs. Save the following with a .bat extension and run it:

start https://name_of_website
start https://website
  • 1
    thanks for this, but i am looking for something that can keep track of the last tabs that were opened. in this way, if i open new things and then close the browser, it will reopen the first tabs that i set.
    – Minions
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 22:41
  • @Ghanem software recommendations might be for befitting for this
    – MendelG
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 22:52

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