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SSH refuses to work no matter how much work

I am running on a Windows laptop to a Ubuntu MacBook Pro that's running Ubuntu Sever on VirtualBox. I'm running it over VM because the connection at my house is dynamic and Wi-Fi only, and I cannot ...
SensorMyth's user avatar
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Vagrant cant provision vm with debian/bookworm64 ssh authentification failed

I am trying to start up a VM with this box "debian/bookworm64" but it timeouts during the ssh authentification. I've used the same Vagrantfile with ubuntu/focal64 and there it just works. I ...
starryn1ght's user avatar
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Virtualbox Port-Forwarding Does nothing when SSH connection is attempted

I recently created an Ubuntu 22.04 VM with virtualbox. Its network setup consists of a Host-Only Network & and a NAT. I recently set it up to allow ssh connections on the private network through ...
Cyberslash's user avatar
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How to make a no-gui virtual machine on a server?

I've got this Ubuntu server I'm running, and it's really handy to take the load off of my laptop, but I'd like to know how to set up a virtual machine on it that I can ssh into. Obviously, this ...
Thunder's user avatar
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vagrant up and vagrant halt does not work fine. it shows the command failed using the windows 11 OS and vagrant 2.3.0 and virtual box 6.1.36

I have created my own box file and tried running but i am getting the below error. please help on this. vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: Importing ...
user2450515's user avatar
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How to setup switch for SSH connection between Virtualbox Ubuntu and Ubuntu?

I have 3 computers: 1 uses Ubuntu 20.04, and the other 2 is using Windows 10 which has Ubuntu using Virtualbox. Normally, if 3 computers connected to the same WiFi, 3 computers can connect to each ...
huy's user avatar
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Vagrant box not coming up as expected after once working

I set up Vagrant yesterday to use Ubuntu and it was working perfectly. I used the vagrant ssh command to connect with the Ubuntu VM which was created automatically on VirtualBox. Today I was trying to ...
Dhruva Jindal's user avatar
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Accessing VirtualBox localhost from host machine

I am connecting to a server via ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 <hostname> on my Ubuntu virtual machine in VirtualBox. In the VM, I can access the server via "localhost:8000" but cannot ...
Shane Bacon's user avatar
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Virtualbox, ssh from Ubuntu host to Ubuntu guest: connection refused

I'm trying to connect to my virtual machine and I'm continously getting the following error: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused My host OS is a fresh installed Ubuntu 18....
ABu's user avatar
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Integration with putty & Ubuntu

I tried to setup up openssh-server with Ubuntu 18.04, Using Windows10 as my main machine. Using Linux-ubuntu-18.04 on virtualbox. A. installed openssh-server. B. service is running. C. Tried to ...
Kobibi's user avatar
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Virtualbox NAT Network port forwarding refuses connection

I created a NAT Network in VirtualBox and from the Ubuntu host I am trying to SSH into the Ubuntu server VM, but I get connection refused. The Ubuntu server VM is connected to the NAT Network using ...
jamomani's user avatar
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VirtualBox allow ssh through NAT only after login local user

VirtulBox: 6.0 Host: Arch Linux Guest: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS SSH server: OpenSSH_7.2p2 I configure Port Frowarding: guest 22 -> host localhost:2022. Authentication method only is "publickey". When I ...
petrikoz's user avatar
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Disable SSH password on Ubuntu virtual machine

I have Ubuntu Server 18 installed on a virtualbox instance. I want to be able to SSH into it from the desktop computer that it's currently installed on and running on as well as from my laptop. Would ...
Sebian's user avatar
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Connect two VMs with static IPs in VirtualBox

I've got two instances of Ubuntu Server running in VirtualBox, mimicking a cluster we're putting together. I'll be using static IPs and communicating with SSH/MPI, which works on the real machines, ...
JeffThompson's user avatar
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DEBUG ssh: Sending SSH keep-alive in vagrant in windows

I'm using virtualbox-4.3 and vagrant-1.8.4 on windows machine. At the time of starting vagrant getting below error continue : DEBUG ssh: Sending SSH keep-alive Here I can't disable the key (config....
Nullpointer's user avatar
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ssh vagrant Not working inside Virtual box VM

I have Ubuntu VM in Virtual Box : # lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: trusty ssh vagrant is ...
Ashish Karpe's user avatar
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How to change vagrant guest vm ip when the host machine changes the network?

I have a vagrant client box "ubuntu/trusty64" on my laptop. I frequently change networks home/work/caffe or connect my laptop to my cell hotspot. I would like to use public networking on all the ...
Mindaugas Bernatavičius's user avatar
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Not able to ssh into ubuntu virtualbox vm from mac host

I have an ubuntu VirtualBox VM running on MacOS as host. I have set up as a host-only network called vboxnet0, it is manually configured: ip netmask not using dhcp The VM ...
A j's user avatar
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Cannot access ubuntu server guest on virtualbox hosted on network windows xp machine

I managed to create a mediawiki for our knowledge database at work as my personal project. This is running on ubuntu server 12.04 on virtualbox. This was on my local machine due to setup steps, but ...
Marcelo Rocha's user avatar
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VirtualBox - Internal Network - ssh connection refused

I try to get an ssh-connection between two virtual machines. Therefore I have installed two vm's with Ubuntu-Gnome-16.04 guests on a Ubuntu-Gnome-14.04 host using Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.36. I setup ...
Alex44's user avatar
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Virtualbox: can't ssh from host to guest

When I try to ssh from the host to the guest, the connection is refused. How do I set this up? I have a Win7 host and an Ubuntu server 14.04 guest. I have 2 interfaces set up, eth0 in NAT and eth1 ...
ewok's user avatar
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Trying to setup an SSH connection from an external Internet connection to a VirtualBox guest OS instance

I was having problems creating a SSH tunnel—while I was away from home—back to my VirtualBox guest machine back at my house. I did some research using search engines and looking at numerous sites, but ...
NoobNet14's user avatar
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Cannot SSH into VirtualBox Ubuntu VM using Putty

I'm running Windows 7 and have Ubuntu VirtualBox installed. I'm trying to ssh into Ubuntu from my Windows using Putty. I failed. I have tried the following: I see that OpenSSH server is running and ...
user2773013's user avatar
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ssh key based login works only if one session is already active. fails otherwise

ssh with key-based authentication is failing the first time, falling to password based authentication. However, if the user is logged in ( via ssh, or directly on the VM's terminal), then key-based ...
amarnath's user avatar
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unable to connect to virtualbox machine via ssh

Normally with SSH if you do "telnet localhost 22" you'll get something like this back: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.7p1 Ubuntu-5ubuntu1 At that point the client is supposed to send something similar back and ...
neubert's user avatar
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I cant get into my Ubuntu 14.04 server running in virtualbox via SSH from teraterm

I am using bridged network connection for the virtualbox server. The interface eth0 doesnt have IP and the IP shown at virbr0 is out of my host network. I cant even ping from my PC running windows 8 ...
Devashish Poudel's user avatar
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SSH to a local VirtualBox with Ubuntu

I installed an Ubuntu server image on VirtualBox. Next I configured port forwarding 2222=>22. When I use the following command things work ok : ssh -p 2222 [email protected] Password is prompted and I ...
Cris's user avatar
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Cannot SSH into VirtualBox guest OS from host OS, but can SSH from other guest OS machines

I have a weird situation where I can SSH into my VM from another machine on the network, but not from the host itself. Vital stats: Host: OS X Yosemite Guest: Ubuntu 14.04 VirtualBox version: 4.3.16 ...
ezuk's user avatar
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permission denied (publickey) but key seems is present

I hope I didn't overlook an answer but so far it seems I'm hitting a brickwall. I'm using VirtualBox on my Mac OS X with an Ubuntu 12.04 guest system. While it works perfectly fine with password ...
Flynn's user avatar
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Ubuntu guest in VirtualBox can ssh to VPN server under WinXP host, but not Win7 host after import

I just did a fresh install of the latest version of VBox (4.3.20) on my brand-spankin' new Windows 7 64-bit machine, then imported the vdi file describing my Ubuntu guest installation (14.04 32-bit) ...
Vardarac's user avatar
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Ssh into ubuntu guest machine from mac os host as root user

So I have set up an ubuntu virtual machine in virtualbox and the user called dhruv and the hostname dhruvhadoop. I have set up a port forwarding rule from the network settings with name ssh, no host ...
Dhruv Kapur's user avatar
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SSHing into a Ubuntu VM instance

I have an Ubuntu VM instance running on my laptop. Both Host and VM run the same OS - Ubuntu 12.04. I tried to ssh from host like ssh username@<VM-IP> It tries for some time and then says ssh:...
Prasanna's user avatar
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Cant access into ubuntu server using putty in virtualbox

I have ubuntu server installed in virtualbox and the host os is windows 7.I need to access into that ubuntu server using putty.Now the way to access via putty is to, have two adapter in virtual box ...
rakibtg's user avatar
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Remotely Access Developer Desktop Located At Home [closed]

I'm looking for a way to remotely use desktop computer located at home from a laptop from any location over Internet. The Setup: Windows with VirtualBox running several virtual machines (Linux for ...
Bohdan's user avatar
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Remote SSH to VirtualBox instance

I have an Ubuntu 13.10 instance running on a remote VirtualBox that I need to maintain for someone. I'm trying to figure out how I can SSH into this instance. Ubuntu has OpenSSH installed, but so far ...
josef.van.niekerk's user avatar
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How to run a VirtualBox VM on Windows through SSH

I have an Ubuntu server virtual machine on my Windows box, I am able to run VirtualBox on my Windows machine without problems, and then I can SSH into the newly created server. However what I am ...
lanky's user avatar
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Virtual Box ssh not working on Virtual Box Ubuntu machine

I have Ubuntu 12.10 installed, and 12.04 Server set up in my virtual machine. My VM has internet access, and I can ping it from my host. ping # points to, and successful ...
Vlad Preda's user avatar
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How to configure SSH on Ubuntu VM with a Dynamic IP?

On a Windows 7 desktop, I've installed an Ubuntu virtual machine with VirtualBox. On the virtual machine, I've installed OpenSSH and can connect to it from other 'real' machines on the network ...
user avatar
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Unable to do Port Forwarding in Virtual Box

I'm using Mac OS X 10.6. I have installed Virtual Box 4.1.0 in it. My Guest OS is Ubuntu Server 11.04. I have added a rule in Port Forwarding in Virtual Box -> "guestssh" TCP 8080 127.0.0....
Nihar Sawant's user avatar
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Can’t SSH to Ubuntu guest from Mac OS X host

Brand new Ubuntu LTS 10.04.2 install (and updated), with sshd running. I added a host-only adapter. And configured it like this: auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp I can ssh from the guest to itself ...
jsharpe's user avatar
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Ubuntu 10.04 runs on VirtualBox and I want to connect to it through SSH

The host operating system is Windows 7, the guest operating system is ubuntu 10.04(openssh installed). I have internet access on Ubuntu but I also want to access it from the same computer throught SHH....
mrtksn's user avatar
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Ubuntu VM ssh terminal breakage

I have ubuntu installed on a VBox VM on an OSX host. SSH to machines via VPN worked fine for months. All of a sudden, I can ssh, but whenever I do anything that scrolls the output, the terminal ...
hvgotcodes's user avatar
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rdesktop over ssh

In Ubuntu, I'm trying to log into my friend's windows machine using rdesktop. First, I can log into his outward facing linux box using ssh. Then from there I can log into his linux host machine ...
Jarvin's user avatar
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SSH session becomes unresponsive when logged into Ubuntu Server virtual machine using VirtualBox

I'm really at my wits end here, so I'm hoping someone here can help me. I have a virtual machine running Ubuntu Server 9.10. It's just a small development environment so I can keep my code separate ...
nickbart's user avatar