I have 3 computers: 1 uses Ubuntu 20.04, and the other 2 is using Windows 10 which has Ubuntu using Virtualbox.

Normally, if 3 computers connected to the same WiFi, 3 computers can connect to each other using SSH. In the Virtualbox setting, I just need to change the Network adapter 2 to Bridged Adapter and I will have the IPv4 address for connecting SSH.

Now, I want to connect it using a single switch, how can set it up?

1 Answer 1


In the VirtualBox network settings, I have to change the Network Adapter Name to the LAN port that connects to the switch. In my case, my laptop uses the USB to Ethernet adapter so I choose ASIX AX8877C USE2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter.

enter image description here

Some laptop has built-in LAN port so you can check the name of it by open Network and Sharing Center and open the Ethernet 4 Properties.

enter image description here

That is done for Windows. Then on the Ubuntu laptop, in the Wired settings, I have to change the IPv4 Method from Automatic (DHCP) to Shared to other computers.

So the Ubuntu laptop will be the DHCP server that will generate the IP address for every laptop connect to it via the switch.

enter image description here

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