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Questions tagged [selinux]

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a Linux kernel security module that provides a mechanism for supporting access control security policies.

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2 answers

Unable to ssh into server: No supported authentication methods available

After trying some tips from various blogs on how to secure ssh connections to a server, I’m now unable to access my server. I receive this error message: (Disconnected: No supported authentication ...
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1 answer

How do I disable "suspend to RAM", and enable "suspend to idle"?

I found some threads and articles with lots of info on this topic but I can't seem to make sense of it just yet. I'm running Fedora workstation with secure boot and full disk encryption on an Asus tuf ...
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1 answer

Configuring SELINUX to allow logging to a file that's outside /var/log

I have a daemon that uses syslog(3) to log to a file that is not a descendant of /var/log. Currently, this requires that SELINUX be disabled. How can I configure an enabled SELINUX to allow this ...
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2 answers

SELinux issues when adding rules

On my laptop I use Fedora 17 distro for the first time and I'm having some issues adding rules to semodule An example: # grep httpd /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M mypol # semodule -i ...
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0 answers

Selinux policy to allow all access to script or to not log anything done by this script

I have a bash script running every 5 minutes in cron, that basically runs some commands like: mkdir, top, grep, date, wait, sleep, jstack. It runs on user bob. It generates a lot of logs and I want to ...
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0 answers

Creating a hybrid SELinux policy for a specific directory?

I have a machine "NFS-Server", a machine "Hybrid", and a machine "TFTP-Client" which I would like to connect in the following way: NFS-Server allows Hybrid to mount to a ...
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0 answers

Enabling Selinux on debian-based system

I just want to know if there is a way to enable SElinux on a Debian-based system. I'm currently running parrot OS with what a think is Debian 10 and I'm having problem enabling Selinux on it. When I ...
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1 answer

Tomcat runs from the command line, but will not start as a systemd service

I have built an Apache Tomcat 9.0.83 server on Oracle Linux 9 which will not start as a systemd service, but it does work if you run it from the command line. sudo su - tomcat /u01/tomcat/my_server/...
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0 answers

Use SELinux(?) to disable root access to iptables for procrastination

This might not be a problem for you but I suffer from poor impulse control and as a result constant procrastination while in front of a computer. I can't procrastinate much on my phone because I ...
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0 answers

finer-grained role/type access (specifically auditd_log_t)

Suppose I want to use SELinux to lock down audit logs even more tightly than ordinary logs. Ordinary logs typically have type var_log_t, but audit logs have type auditd_log_t. So there's at least a ...
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0 answers

Almalinux9 SSH port change is not accepting connections

can someone please give a hint what else may be wrong. System Almalinux9, located at VPS. I wanted to change a port of SSHD to 60022, but when i try to connect to it, it does not respond anyhow when i'...
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1 answer

docker/podman issue when building in a golang:1.20 container

Anyone know why podman fails and docker works? podman: $ podman run --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp golang:1.20 go build -v go: go.mod file not found in current directory or ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to run an X11 application (xclock) on podman?

podman says Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0 when I try to run xclock in a container with the command podman run -ti -e DISPLAY --rm -v ~/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:Z localhost/...
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2 answers

How do I configure/secure LAMP stack on Fedora 37 without permissive SELinux confguration?

I've installed all the LAMP components (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) on Fedora 37, but for now I haven't changed my SELinux configuration from enforcing to permissive because I don't know what problems ...
4 votes
2 answers

Installing selinux headers

I'm trying to build the newest version of glibc (2.19) on CentOS 5.6 and I've run into some issues The documentation of glibc says that I need at minimum the linux kernel headers 2.6.19 (even if this ...

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