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Questions tagged [rating]

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3 votes
1 answer

LibreOffice how to add a rating using dots

I'm need to rate things on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest rating using dots in a table. a xxx b x c xxxxx where the x are placeholders for dots. So ...
aldr's user avatar
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1 answer

Excel: How to assign value to txt and sum

I have a file with several football player ratings: ***, **, * or x. *** means a performance of 3, **= 2; *= 1 and x if the player didn't play. I want to have a sum at the end of the row to see the ...
Gauthier's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Windows 7: Is there a keyboard shortcut for setting a music file rating?

Usually you would have to right click on a track in Windows Explorer, then choose Properties, then Details and then set a Rating. Was wondering if there is a faster way?
Marina Dunst's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I join two USB power sources without blowing anything up? [closed]

I want to have a portable battery that I can charge either with a solar panel, or with a wall outlet. I'm lazy, so I don't want to manually switch any cables to make this happen. Also, the goal of ...
Sam Bush's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Sort album list by average rating?

Is there a way to sort Quod Libet’s album list by rating (aggregated by the rating of each track)? An album with only 5 songs, each with rating 1.0, should come after an album with 10 songs, each ...
unor's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove rating for a single track in Winamp

How do you completely remove the rating from a track in Winamp? I see in my library that there are tracks without ratings, but I can't seem to explicitly set a track with a '0' rating.
gregsdennis's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How do I make an iTunes smart playlist by track rating, not album rating?

I have a smart playlist in iTunes which is all the tracks I've rated 5 stars. I recently rated an album 5 stars, now it shows up in the playlist. Apparently unrated tracks inherit the album's rating....
Schwern's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Windows media player rating stars disabled/greyed out

I'm unable to rate any of my songs using WMP. I've been rating songs on WMP for some time. But suddenly, I can't rate/ change my ratings. I cant do it using the normal 5 star rating control at top ...
Jaison Varghese's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How does winamp "save" the rating of songs?

I figured out that if i rate a song in winamp (put them stars) , and then MOVE the song to another path / folder, the rating simply disappears. So, where (or how) does winamp save the ratings for the ...
DiegoDD's user avatar
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2 answers

Using alternate rating laptop charger [duplicate]

I am using Sony Vaio and laptop charger burned its rating was 19.5V-3.9A, i am trying to find the same model but I have been only been able to find one with the rating 19.5V-4.7A. Can I use this, any ...
aibk01's user avatar
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2 answers

Is is possible to hide label colors in list view in Mac OS 10.X Finder? I use labels as star ratings

I have modified the first five label names in OS X Lion to be ★ through ★★★★★. This way I can easily tag photos etc. in the finder. However, I find that Apple's rendering of the colored bars is ...
Andy Swift's user avatar
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Why are my ratings in Windows Media Player only partially applied?

I want to rate media in my library but those ratings are being applied only partially to my files themselves. Please note that I want to do this for all kinds of media, not only music.
elluca's user avatar
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14 votes
9 answers

Modifying value of "Rating" column within Explorer for arbitrary file types

Basically, I have a large body of assorted media (text, images, flash files, archives, folders, etc...) and I'm attempting to organize it. Windows Explorer has a rating column, but there seems to be ...
Fake Name's user avatar
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3 answers

How to change ratings in Windows Media Player?

I used to rate songs in Windows Media Player simply clicking the stars near each song. Quick and easy. For some reason, this does not work anymore in WMP on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (RTM from MSDN). ...
Dario Solera's user avatar