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Questions tagged [python3]

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3 votes
3 answers

How to Access two different programs from PATH, both having same name in Windows 10?

I added addresses of python 2.7, and Anaconda 4.1.1(Python 3.5) to PATH variable in Windows 10, whenever I run "python" from cmd, program which was added earlier is executed.How can I access both of ...
Yogendra's user avatar
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38 votes
13 answers

How do I install vim on OSX with Python 3 support?

In the google searches I've done, the command I should be using is brew install vim --with-python3, which succeeds without error, but then vim --version reports Python 3 as unavailable. k162:~ asday$ ...
Adam Barnes's user avatar
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1 answer

Linux un-allocate socket?

I'm writing a network application, and have been running into a slight nuisance. I have to wait a period in-between tests, because my server program, even after closing still has the port I'm using "...
Charles Noon's user avatar
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Format sqlite3 .schema command output

I created some sqlite tables schema using python. When I use the sqlite3 client and issue the .schema command, I can see the output is pre-formated as in the SQL source file I used as argument for the ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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Change target of shebang

I would like to create the target python3 to be used in shebangs. Eg. use the first line #!/usr/bin/env python3. What I tried: setenv python3 PATH_TO_BINARY, also put it into .cshrc, echo $python3 ...
magu_'s user avatar
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pip: "/Volumes/HD: bad interpreter: No such file or directory?

After I activated my Virtualenv i received this message: Francos-MBP:BV francoe$source bin/activate (BV) Francos-MBP:BV francoe$ pip freeze -bash: /Volumes/HD 2/Projects/PythonProjects/BV/bin/pip: ...
Franco's user avatar
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Sublime Text Editor 3 doesn't show traceback when running Python code

Yesterday I installed ST3 and installed some plugins, but I noticed that if Python has a syntax error then it shows an error. But when a statement has a non-syntax error, then it shows nothing. Like ...
MD Sijad Faisal's user avatar
2 votes
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Setting up IDLE with Python 3 in Fedora

I am trying to setup IDLE to use Python 3 by default in my Fedora 23 computer. Every time I am pulling it up it keeps on using the Python 2 interpreter. Is there a file that I need to configure so ...
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-1 votes
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Python 3.5 (32 Bit) in Windows 7 64 Bit

I'm having trouble solving this even though I searched a lot. I have installed python 3.5 (32 bit) on my computer that runs 64 bit Windows 7. I can use normal functions of python but when I try to ...
E.Solicito's user avatar
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Force Ubuntu user to use specific shell

After years of reading helpful questions/answers on superuser, today it's my turn. I'm playing around with "lshell", a linux shell written in python (lshell on github) which gives the opportunity to ...
J. Pee's user avatar
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Why does my PowerShell belief it's a Cygwin terminal?

Lately I discovered that colorama* does not work as intended. It does not convert ANSI escape sequences into WinAPI calls to change the PoSh console text colors. I noticed that it works correct in an ...
Paebbels's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Python interpreter slowly pastes code

When I first started using Python, the process of pasting code was fast; code I copied was pasted almost instantaneously into the interpreter. However, at some point roughly 6 months or so ago the ...
Slinky's user avatar
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2 answers

Python logging class not working when sending stdout to /dev/null

I have a Python 3 script that has logging enabled (for debugging purposes). Whenever I run/execute this script it is working fine and the logfiles are created. I've also created a ...
Qlii256's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Running Python scripts in Chrome on Windows 7

I would like to run Python scripts (.py files) in Windows 7 Enterprise WITHOUT downloading anything, since I am at a school library. After some research, I found some Chrome apps that CAN run Python, ...
James Ko's user avatar
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5 votes
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Django's dev server causes permanent high CPU load with Python 3

Django's development server runs under Python 2.7.5 (on Windows 7) with a rather constant (idle) load of about 1-3% on my test system - no page loads or other calculations done. Switching to Python 3....
Simon Steinberger's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How can I run a Python 3 script?

I want to run a Python 3 script. I have looked in the official doc and FAQ, and they are the typical loss. I was looking for answers, I ended up with more questions. I have Windows and Linux. On ...
TheMaskedCucumber's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Change "Edit with IDLE" default to python 3.X instead of python 2.X on windows

When i right-click a python file in windows, there's normally that "edit with IDLE" option, which is a great help. Unfortunately, on the computer I'm using right now I installed both python 3.4 and ...
Kevin's user avatar
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2 answers

How to redirect stderr of python3 script using tee pipe?

I am a Debian and RedHat user. I would like to redirect stderr (module logging) from a Python3 script. The script outputs a lot of things and the part I want to capture can be fetched using: python3 ....
jlandercy's user avatar
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How to install the library netifaces for Python3 in Ubuntu 12.04?

I made a program in Python3 which uses the package netifaces, I installed it with pip3 in two computers which had Ubuntu 13.04 and Ubuntu 13.10. However, I need to install it in other computer which ...
forvas's user avatar
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Change pythonpath in Vim

I'm using Vim for Python coding. The problem is, that I'm writing in Python 3 and Vim settings contain only Python 2.7 paths. That does not allow me to use plugins (like python-mode) for autocomletion ...
eyeinthebrick's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a way to get python's help() to work in the SublimeText 3 console?

Sublime Text has a console which can be activated by using Ctrl + `. It exposes a python interpreter. On my machine, it's python 3.3. >>> import sys >>> sys.version '3.3.0 (v3.3.0:...
recursive's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to fix _decimal module compilation error when installing Python 3.3.2 in CentOS 5.9 (x86_64)?

I'm getting the following error when trying to compile Python 3.3.2 in CentOS 5.9 x86_64: Failed to build these modules: _decimal I get this error when executing the "make" command (after the ./...
Nicolas G's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this port of Scapy compatible with Python 3.x?

I found this attempt at poring the Scapy packet manipulator to Python 3.x. Has anyone had any experience using it in Python 3.x? Does it work?
Jules's user avatar
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how can I get scitools to work with Python 3.3.2 in Windows?

I just installed Python 3.3.2 on my Windows XP machine. I have been practicing Python using both Idle and PyScripter. I installed several packages to go with it, among them SciTools. The ...
Stefan Smith's user avatar
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1 answer

Python 3.3 (Using IDLE)

I recently installed Python 3.3 on Centos 6 (which has Python 2.6.6 already installed). When I try to open the the Python Shell with IDLE, it opens with Python 2.6.6. How do I open Python 3.3 with ...
user98496's user avatar
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running python via mac ports

I have installed python via mac ports, using: sudo port install python33 I then did: sudo port select --set python python33 and got: Selecting 'python33' for 'python' succeeded. 'python33' is now ...
Baz's user avatar
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postfix sends mail from wrong domain / Python 3 code for sending utf8 mail

I have a machine with two domain names, say and When I use postfix to send something from an address like [email protected], it replaces it with [email protected] every time. My file specifies ...
daveagp's user avatar
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What Linux distributions come with Python 3 as the default? [closed]

I know that ArchLinux has Python 3 as the default Python install. What other Linux distributions ship with Python 3 as the default Python version? I've checked this SO question, but it seems more ...
Zac B's user avatar
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