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Questions tagged [powershell-7.0]

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Powershell (Win) stopped working with Win32 internal error

I know this question is unmistakably generic, sorry for that. Sadly PS stopping to function does not come with a simple "Powershell stopped working, here's why." kind of error. So at the ...
Robin K's user avatar
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Having Trouble Upgrading Powershell to 7

People recommend the following command to upgrade Powershell from 5 to 7: winget install --id Microsoft.Powershell --source winget It did not work on my home computer or my work computer (both running ...
onefootswill's user avatar
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Using "restart-computer" Cmdlet for remote computers using SSH

I want to reboot several computers remotely using PowerShell and wait until the reboot is completed, before continuing the script. I've stumbled across the "restart-computer" cmdlet and its &...
Jellyfish's user avatar
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Powershell 7 can't install modules, have to do it manually (Save-Module)

I recently installed Powershell 7.3.5, being "forced" to move away from 5.1 for PnP / SharepointPnP As an admin, while running it as an admin, regardless of the scope returns : Install-...
paypercorn's user avatar
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Set Powershell Predictive Intellisense Off by default

I'm using Powershell 7.3.3 in Windows 11 and the Predictive Intellisense feature is on by default unless I turn it off manually each time I use it. Is there any way to turn it off (or back on) ...
Rich's user avatar
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Change color of PowerShell 7 Get-ChildItem result

I am using PowerShell 7 as terminal in PyCharm and the default colors for the commands were not really clear. I created a profile.ps1 where I set them in this way: # Set colours Set-PSReadLineOption -...
cicciodevoto's user avatar
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Why sfc does not run in Windows PowerShell 7.2.7?

PowerShell 7.2.7 sfc /verifyonly Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service. No problem with running sfc under PowerShell 5 of from cmd.exe
Konstantin Glukhov's user avatar
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Powershell $env:path changing depending on how it is opened (PowerToys Run)?

I recently started using PowerToys Run and I've noticed that I can no longer use some commands when launching Powershell (7.2.6) via PTR vs just running it out of the start menu. Turns out, my $env:...
Aaron Schultheis's user avatar
4 votes
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Does F7 not work in Powershell 7 to show command history?

In Powershell 5.1, one could press F7 and a history of previous entered commands would show up. I just intalled Powershell 7.2 and F7 no longer does anything. F8 still autocompletes based on command ...
geronimo's user avatar
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Launching VSCode with Powershell script prevents Powershell from exiting

I'm trying to write a Powershell script that automates setting up my work environment each day. To do this, I have the following two scripts. Set-Window.ps1 Function Set-Window { <# .LINK https://...
brittenb's user avatar
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Windows Terminal open new tab then launch a script

I use the new windows terminal with Powershell 7.x, my purpose is doing a script in my first tab, launch a new tab from this script and execute a new script into it. Currently I have ma function like ...
Anthony's user avatar
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How to let pwsh (powershell 7) use windows terminal color scheme?

I have installed powershell 7, basically pwsh.exe. When I launch powershell 7 inside Windows Terminal App, it uses Windows Terminal Color Theme profile. But when I launch pwsh.exe separately, it doesn'...
sgon00's user avatar
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Can't install oh-my-posh, although I am an admin user?

after configuring my PowerShell and installing, I wanted to install oh-my-posh. The instruction on the website for this is Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser. I tried this but I ...
Leo1807's user avatar
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What does this line of Powershell do?

This is the script I wrote based on my own online research, but I am new to PowerShell and don't know what the first line does exactly. Is it needed if the script is run locally on a windows 10 pc, or ...
Kennycampbell1's user avatar
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Unable to install AzureAD PowerShell Module: Says I need admin rights

I've tried everything I can think to do. I've tried multiple versions of PowerShell. As you can see, I am running it as an administrator. I've tried forcing it for the local user context. I've tried ...
THE JOATMON's user avatar
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