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Questions tagged [pipe]

Pipes or named pipes are a feature of the POSIX standard that allow separate processes to communicate with each other without having been designed explicitly to work together.

294 votes
5 answers

Getting colored results when using a pipe from grep to less

I use the --colour option of grep a lot, but I often use less as well. How can I pipe grep results to less and still preserve the coloring. (Or is that possible?) grep "search-string" -R * --colour | ...
Jeremy Powell's user avatar
133 votes
6 answers

Preserve colors while piping to tee

ls -l --color=auto | tee output.log Without pipe/tee it's colored. How can I make it so that it stays colored while using tee (can be colored only on the screen, I don't care about colors in logs).
Paweł Gościcki's user avatar
130 votes
7 answers

How can I save the current contents of less to a file?

If I've piped the results of a command to less and then decided that I want to save the contents to a file, is this possible? I've tried setting a mark a at the end of the buffer, and then returning ...
Jonathan Day's user avatar
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129 votes
5 answers

How to pipe command output to other commands?

Example: ls | echo prints nothing ( a blank line, actually ). I'd expect it to print a list of files. ls | grep 'foo', on the other hand, works as expected ( prints files with 'foo' in their name ). ...
Mihai Rotaru's user avatar
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90 votes
8 answers

How to suppress cUrl's progress meter when redirecting the output?

I'm trying to print just the verbose sections of a cURL request (which are sent to stderr) from the bash shell. But when I redirect stdout like this: curl -v http://somehost/somepage > /dev/null ...
Ian Mackinnon's user avatar
88 votes
4 answers

Why is piping 'dd' through gzip so much faster than a direct copy?

I wanted to backup a path from a computer in my network to another computer in the same network over a 100 Mbit/s line. For this I did dd if=/local/path of=/remote/path/in/local/network/backup....
Foo Bar's user avatar
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80 votes
5 answers

How to rate-limit a pipe under linux?

Is there a filter which I could use to rate-limit a pipe on linux? If this exists, let call it rate-limit, I want to be able to type in a terminal something like cat /dev/urandom | rate-limit 3 -k | ...
Frédéric Grosshans's user avatar
72 votes
9 answers

Can I use pipe output as a shell script argument?

Suppose I have a bash shell script called that need one argument as input. But I want the content of the text file called text.txt to be that argument. I have tried this but it does not ...
Narin's user avatar
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59 votes
6 answers

Why does Powershell silently convert a string array with one item to a string

Consider the following Powershell script, which searches for folders in C:\ with a 'og' in their name: PS C:\> (ls | %{$_.Name} | ?{$_.Contains("og")}) PerfLogs Program Files setup.log Now I narrow ...
Jonas Sourlier's user avatar
55 votes
9 answers

Bash: create anonymous fifo

We all know mkfifo and pipelines. The first one creates a named pipe, thus one has to select a name, most likely with mktemp and later remember to unlink. The other creates an anonymous pipe, no ...
Adrian Panasiuk's user avatar
51 votes
8 answers

What is the general consensus on "Useless use of cat"?

When I pipe multiple unix commands such as grep, sed, tr etc. I tend to specify the input file that is being processed using cat. So something like cat file | grep ... | awk ... | sed ... . But ...
arunkumar's user avatar
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50 votes
4 answers

Is there any way to keep text passed to head, tail, less, etc. to be colored?

Is there any way to keep colorization of text passed through pipe | to head, tail, less, etc.?
Timofey Gorshkov's user avatar
48 votes
3 answers

Pipe to less but keep the highlighting

Is it possible to pipe output (e.g. dmesg) to a command like less (or equivalent) and keep the text highlighting used by the original command? example: on the left dmesg | less on the right dmesg
apoc's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

Find what process is on the other end of a pipe

I'm trying to trace some odd behavior of a few processes and ran into a point I'm not sure how to trace past. The hung process, which I attached to using strace -p showed this: Process 7926 attached ...
FatalError's user avatar
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46 votes
3 answers

Comments in a multi-line bash command

This single-command BASH script file is difficult to understand, so I want to write a comment for each of the actions: echo 'foo' \ | sed 's/d/a/' \ | sed 's/e/b/' \ | sed 's/f/c/' \ > myfile ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar

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