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Questions tagged [mips]

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MIPS mount file system

I have a bin file including linux file system (MIPS arch), I want to add/remove/modify some files in this bin file. So I need to mount it with qemu but mount it is a little complicate. This my file ...
Black_Syphilis's user avatar
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naming: mipsle vs mipsel

According to this article, mipsel refers to little-endian MIPS. The word mipsel is currently used by Debian and linux-mips wiki. However, Golang refers to the same architecture(I guess) with GOARCH=...
lz96's user avatar
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cross compile gdb server to mips arc

Hi Im trying to crosscompile gdbserver to mips architecture . I'v donwloaded gdb 7-12 and after running configure ./configure --host=mips-linux-gnu Im getting an error Makefile:263: recipe for ...
Slobodan Vidovic's user avatar
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Newer version of libc6-dev package causes havoc

I have a mips64 machine running Debian Wheezy. GCC compiler installs without any issues, however, linker is having some trouble: apt-get install gcc make gcc helloworld.c -o helloworld /usr/bin/ld: ...
Ulrik's user avatar
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67 votes
8 answers

Did Windows ever support any hardware architectures other than x86?

Microsoft Windows Internals, 4th Edition says: The architecture of the Intel x86 processor defines four privilege levels, or rings, to protect system code and data from being overwritten either ...
xiaokaoy's user avatar
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What is the difference between Intel (CISC) and ARM (RISC) architecture? [closed]

what is the basic difference between Intel (CISC) and ARM (RISC) architecture?
Dzn's user avatar
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Where to find

I'm running a MIPS image in Qemu and a program I'm trying to run shows that is not found. is found in /lib/mipsel-linux-gnu Does anyone know where I can find or solve ...
user2059300's user avatar
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MIPS as a measurement of raw integer data processing

I'm looking for a way to contextualize generational differences in computing performance. Is this a correct application of the MIPS measurement? MOS 6502 - 0.500 MIPS at 1 MHz. As an 8-bit CPU it ...
Schmudde's user avatar
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What does cpu MHz mean in /proc/cpuinfo?

I own Quad-core Core i5 laptop. I got curious to know how much time it takes for my laptop to execute a simple instruction. So, I did cat /proc/cpuinfo. Below is the relevant portion of it, model ...
aamir's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

what is the difference/similarity between MIPS and FLOPS?

I believe both MIPS and FLOPS are metrices for calculating processor speed. What is the difference between them? Are they in any way related or dependent on each other?
open_sourse's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How reliable a measure of relative CPU Performance is MIPs?

I notice no marketing mentions MIPs, and its not mentioned in specifications for processors. How reliable is this statistic? By now we all know more Mhz and Ghz is not necessarily a good direct ...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
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5 answers

Is the MIPS architecture more related to Harvard or Von Neumann?

I can't seem to figure this out from the related wikipedia pages: Von Neumann architecture MIPS architecture Harvard architecture
JcMaco's user avatar
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What is Bogo MIPS, DMIPS

I have read about bogo on Wikipedia, but could not get clear idea. So what exactly is bogo mips? What does the table of rating and index for bogo mips for different processors mean? Whats a dhrystone ...
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