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Need Help Migrating A Drop Down List From One Workbook To Another

I need some help migrating a drop down list and the data selected from that list to another workbook. I have a list of people that need to be contacted each week, with an updated file that is sent to ...
Ok-Fly-9373's user avatar
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Excel Conditional Formatting Cells in a row

I have an excel spreadsheet organizing material orders, I have 2 columns "Date Expected" and "Date Delivered" I have 1 row functioning the way that I want it to which is if "...
Shae's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Returning value within two column when it match 3 criteria

I would like to return a value 4.42295, if i choose MYR. If I choose SGD will return 1.32963 as picture show below. I had tried some formula in the picture but seem like cannot solve what i need. ...
Anakin Teow's user avatar
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How to TEXTJOIN/CONCATENATE based on constraints for specific no of rows count

I need to concatenate certain attribute value based on the sequence number for specific material number and a formula to automate the process. I have columns as listed in the below screen shot and I ...
Vignesh K's user avatar
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How do I apply the MATCH() function only to a filtered range? Or is there another way to do that?

I have a filtered list of values. Let's say I have the numbers from 0 to 5, and 2 is filtered out: A (with auto-filter against "2") 0 1 3 4 5 Now I want to find out whether one of the ...
questionto42's user avatar
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Hyperlink does not change along with cell when filtered

I’m having a problem with hyperlink when using filters. So let’s say I have these table rows: A B C I have a hyperlink to cell C using the usual hyperlink option. But if I change the filter from “A to ...
Hải Nguyễn's user avatar
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Get unique IDs with date 1 or date 2. For IDs with both date, obtain row with most recent of the 2 dates

I have been trying to retrieve the row in the following sheet (sheet1) where the dates are matching dates in sheet2 without duplicating the IDs in Sheet1 (Column B) Sheet1 Sheet2 In other words, I ...
Allycat123's user avatar
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Hours turned/paid/worked

I am attempting to create an Excel sheet that provides a few calculations based on three things: Hours turned by specific technician (4 different techs) Amount of hours worked by each tech (up to 8 ...
Hans Riegner's user avatar
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Creating a technical excel data sheet to display efficient data

I am creating a table in excel that holds milestone achievement data with their respective amount. This table has multiple milestones that have only one amount, meaning that a set of milestone ...
ExcelNoob's user avatar
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Excel Sum Table based of criteria missing from another table

I have 3 tables. Table1 is a list of items w/ a sum attached to them. Table 2 is a list of "official items" and a category. Table 3 is a category that needs a sum. i.e. Table 1 A. B Parrot....
plzwork's user avatar
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Proper Syntax for AND OR NOT Excel Formulas

I was practicing some basic formulas in excel. The last 3 I worked on are as follows: =IF((OR(C4="Hourly",C4="Contract")),"Yes","No") =IF((AND(B4=&...
ColeWil's user avatar
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Is there a way to alias formula blocks for later use in the same formula in MS Excel?

Is it possible to alias a formula block and refer to it later in the same formula? For example, suppose I have an IF expression and the logical test component is a complex formula in itself which I ...
user1740854's user avatar
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How to decrease the number of cells that are selected in the formula in Excel?

I'm using the AVERAGE function and drag/expand it along one row (e.g. from A1 to D1), the cells that are selected should decrease by 1 row in each new column. For example: A1 =AVERAGE(A2:A10) B1 =...
Alex's user avatar
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Autofill Blanks with Zeros if no other Numeral Present

I have a working system for giving employees an opportunity to track their goal progress on a week to week/monthly basis. I've now protected all cells except the 'Monthly Admission Goal' and grid ...
Jackson's user avatar
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Evaluate function not working

In the example, entering the combined values in K2 as a formula produces the result in J2. J2 is value copied and pasted in J4. To confirm that it is a formula that will not produce an error, the ...
stckexhnge57's user avatar
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In Excel my formula is skipping the first two cells of a table

Hi I have an Excel Spreadsheet and I'm trying to convert a table with multiple rows and columns into just one column for sorting and filtering. But the issue is that it doesn't start at cell A2 where ...
cocoakrispies93's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to distribute clients with due amounts over agents based on amounts on excel

i'm not sure how to put it right but bear with me. let's say i own a company and i have like 5 clients who owe me money. so, i hired 3 agent to try retrieve the money for me for a commission of 20% of ...
Cashew Hunter's user avatar
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How to transpose and skip cells?

thanks for being so helpful. I have columns where every 6th column had an alphabet letter: a b c d e f, so that column 1 has letter a, column 7 has letter b. I want to transpose that into rows of a b ...
user1524201's user avatar
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How to find difference of cells with respect to first cell, where first cells are different on two excels?

How to find difference of cells with respect to first cells, where first cells are different on two excels? Table1 Table2 Table3 Below are the 2 excel sheets (table1 & table2) and I want to ...
Paul Varghese's user avatar
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Cell referencing change with filter

I am quite new to Excel and just figuring out how to do things. I have a question about cell referencing between sheets. Say I have on Sheet1 this table: DIMENSION VALUE X 0 Y 1 Z ...
MOA's user avatar
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EXCEL: Can I reference text within a cell, for a file path, in a function?

I have the following VBA module in Excel which allows me to do check if a file exists in a given folder: Function FileExists(FilePath As String) As Boolean 'Declare variables Dim FileName As ...
Chap's user avatar
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3 votes
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Filtering over merged downwards cells in MS Excel-2016

Note: This question has been asked back in 2010 on this site here. And yet, I would like to post it one more time, showing what I did and what didn't work. Besides, Excel has changed quite a bit since ...
Zhiltsoff Igor's user avatar
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Formulas `A1:A` and `A1:Z` give invalid name error in Excel?

Selecting a range of definite size (e.g. A1:A2) works just fine, but selecting a range to the last row does not. If relevant, I am using Office 365.
Lucca's user avatar
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Extracting Text Between two Characters in Excel

I have an xls collumn with the following template: Model : QE85Q80T,Diagonala cm / inch : 216 cm / 85 inch,Smart TV : Da,Format : Ultra HD 4K,Tip ecran : QLED,Rezolutie (pixeli) : 3840 x 2160,Tuner ...
Madalin's user avatar
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What does ' '!$A$1 means in Excel?

While looking for a dynamic tournament-schedule in Excel, I stumbled upon this formula: =IF(' '!$A$1=0;D7; ...) Usually, I use the "!"-Operator when referring to another worksheet. What ...
Erik Weber's user avatar
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Excel VBA-How to clear values of rows but keep formulas in a row when certain condition meets?

Lets say I have 10 groups of data sets. I want to compare cell values of "E" and "G" for group 1 data set. If "E"cell value="G" cell value, I want to clear ...
nyeas001's user avatar
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How best to find next/last meeting across multiple Excel sheets?

I'm pretty rusty on my excel and have been asked to help someone with a slightly tricky problem. We have a number of projects going on where we are meeting the same companies for different reasons. To ...
James Key's user avatar
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SUMPRODUCT + INDIRECT reference, How to make it work if i'm adding rows?

I have a question/problem, I have an excel formula that looks something like this =(SUMPRODUCT(((INDIRECT("'"&G9&"'!"&$A$9)=$I$6)*(INDIRECT("'"&G9&"'!"&$B$9)))))/1.16 It is ...
Daniel Contreras's user avatar
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Populating Data from a Column Multiple Times in Excel

I currently have a spreadsheet that contains a repeating set of data in specific columns with one field in each row being blank, such as the following: I also have a column of numbers I wish to have ...
Adam Hart's user avatar
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Microsof office 365 excel formula

I am trying to create a function that will take multiple inputs (cells) and output into one cell. Cells B9, B10, B11, and B12 all have different numerical inputs. I would like to use 4 different ...
ryan's user avatar
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