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In the example, entering the combined values in K2 as a formula produces the result in J2. J2 is value copied and pasted in J4. To confirm that it is a formula that will not produce an error, the text of J4 is copied and entered as a formula in J6 (which does produce the proper result). It was believed the EVALUATE function would take care of all these steps so you could just combine the formula in K2 with EVALUATE, and it would produce the result in J6 (and H2). However, when that combination is tried in J8, it gives an error message. Is there something in the J8 formula (shown in K8) that is not being entered properly? Is there a way for excel to evaluate the formula in K2 and get the same result as J6?

  • Evaluate is either a named function in the name manager or it is a udf. Can you show how evaluate is defined or the code that is being used? EVALUATE is not a native function in Excel. Commented May 10, 2022 at 20:09
  • But you are missing a ) in your formula string. Commented May 10, 2022 at 20:10
  • Note: even though not indicated, the K8 formula was also entered as an array (ctrl-shift-enter) Commented May 10, 2022 at 20:12
  • If you have Filter in Excel, then the Array entry (ctrl-shift-enter) is not needed. Are you using Excel? Commented May 10, 2022 at 20:13
  • This is a perfect example of why you should not tag with a program that you are not using. Any Answer you get for Excel will not translate over to WPF. Commented May 10, 2022 at 20:16


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