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75 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Stacked Area Chart Excel, 3 Series Negative Problems

I am trying to create a chart similar to this original chart. I'm having troubles with the negative values. The red area falls negative when I chart it as a stacked chart. It seems like it should be ...
SilverSamwise's user avatar
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in microsoft excel how to define a default language for columns

Hi I'm working on a dictionary and need to have English words in one column and Persian translation in another. but it takes time changing language every time I want to type the English and Persian ...
ali noori's user avatar
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Percentage formatting not copied to new rows in excel table

Whenever I create a table in excel with a column with percentage formatting, the formatting never is copied to any new rows created by dragging down the bottom right corner of the table to add new ...
pingu2k4's user avatar
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Excel 2010 clips top edge of content

In Excel 2010 on 2 different computers, the same file opens differently as follows: Correct: Incorrect: The correct one is displayed first. This is a file exported from a SQL Server Report; when ...
laurencemadill's user avatar
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How to format Y axis in an Excel chart in days, hours, minutes?

I have an Excel chart tracking time taken to complete a task. I managed to use rows in my spreadsheet to apply custom data labels for the graph, but it doesn't match up to the Y axis of my graph. I ...
superfrootbythesuperfoot's user avatar
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Excel conditional formatting highlighting different cells in range

I need to setup conditional formatting to highlight any cells in the range that are not equal to the first cell. I have attached 2 pictures the first is how the data is typically entered and I have ...
Joseph Bowditch's user avatar
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Excel VBA Macro: Formatting Duplicates and Uniques

I have a spread sheet where each row consists of information about a member of a group. In each cell of column B there is an integer that represents each person (i.e., think of an member ID). All ...
ccwv4372's user avatar
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Please help me stop Excel 365 enterprise from changing my text formatted cells into formulas

I have a spreadsheet where I need to use strings that contain a couple of dash/ minus ( - ) signs in cells, but it will not stop truing to recognize them as formulas! I have already formatted the ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to reorganize vertically repeating data to horizontal?

I have data on 1 variable from 1970 to 2017 from all the countries in the world. this data is organized as one large vertical list, with first a column with the (repeating) country name, then a column ...
user279711's user avatar
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How to make dependent cells follow decimal formatting of parent cell that changes from time to time?

I need dependent cells in an Excel worksheet to follow the decimal formatting of a parent cell. I've done this with format painter, but my parent cell decimal requirements change from time to time, ...
rmlax's user avatar
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Create custom formatting for text fields in excel?

I have an issue in Excel and would like to create some custom formatting for a set of text fields. When I insert names into a spreadsheet, my source data often comes in with middle initials, surnames,...
Ed L.'s user avatar
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Format datatable using VBA (values are as Double but String is needed for formatting)

Currently working on a vba script that makes charts automatically. I would like to add a datatable which is done using: .HasDataTable = True However I would like to show the values of series as ...
WhoKnows19's user avatar
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conditional formatting based on another value

I need a way to conditional format cell B based on the values of cell A. Basically I need B to be: Green if the values are in the same day and within the same hour of A. Yellow if its one hour ...
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Get conditional formatting to analyze rows separately

I have a calendar and I am trying to fill the background of the cells based on dates on another sheet. I have gotten it to work by entering the dates in a columns, naming the range (lets says "Dates"...
Nelson B's user avatar
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Conditional formatting excel conundrum

I have a list of values in excel. I would like to highlight a cell if its more than 1.5 higher or lower than the value before it or after it. Is this possible? Thanks guys!!
hacompany's user avatar
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Make Excel 2007 pivot tables default to Classic View

When I launch a new pivot table in Excel 2007 (.xlsx file format) the defaults appear to be: New view (not Classic view) Autofit column widths on update = on Subtotals = on (top of group) I end up ...
fourstar71's user avatar
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Formulas and icons in Excel

In Microsoft Excel 2007 and am attempting to track vehicle mileage I’m looking for Excel to calculate mileage until service, from two cells, and output 3 different icons or colors to been easily ...
tony's user avatar
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Maintaining subscript format when copying a cell

How do I copy/lookup/drop down list a cell with subscript format? EXAMPLE: Phosphate (P2O5) should have the 2 & 5 in subscript but always returns without it.
Jim's user avatar
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Formatting of output .csv file generated by a software

I've been using a software which gives the output in .csv format automatically. In my .csv output file "." is used as a decimal separator. In my colleague's computer, the same software outputs the ....
NT.'s user avatar
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Pdf table pasted into excel via word but there is hidden text i dont want. I cannot find how to remove

My excel data appears to be cells like 200.00 BUT I cannot add up because the actual cell content is Money in (£) 200.00. So it has text at start and . at end that I don't see in the display. I just ...
Ruth Woodman's user avatar
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Excel - how to handle custom timestamp format

I have some measurement data from a datalogging software, saved as CSV, and one column contains time stamps like this: 12.04.2024 15:11:32:684 12.04.2024 15:11:35:752 The format of this is:
blrgblrgblrg's user avatar
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Where is the Sparkline tab in the Show group for Excel?

How would I display the high points? screenshot Copilot says: You Apply Blue sparkline color and display the high points for the sparklines. Copilot Certainly! Let���s create sparklines in Excel, apply ...
Nick's user avatar
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Excel - status (online/offline) corresponding to concrete number

I cannot deal with the below tasks, and need your help! The thing is that I need to use a formula to solve this (not just copy-paste, assuming that the data will be much bigger). Basically, I need to ...
Andon Key's user avatar
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Cells number format breaks in one column only if multiple cells are moved

I have a table where I keep track of best times & corresponding dates in pairs of cells. Time on top with the date below it, stored in range [B3:E10]. The time values are entered into the formula ...
Faith's user avatar
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How can be column incluted into rows?

There is the table in MS Excel or LO Calc. How can be it converted to this view of the table? The transformation using links (within the same table) to the initial version is allowed.
Imyaf's user avatar
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How do I format a target cell based on a source cell, using VBA?

I'm looking to copy the format of a cell within the table table1 to cells with matching text within the second table table2. So for instance: NOT(H) is showing as green in table 1 and I want it to ...
Chris98's user avatar
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Excel - paste *only* number formatting

Is it possible to copy/paste only number formatting in Excel. There are various paste special options. In particular Formulas/Number Formats and Values/Number Formats. But is there a way to paste only ...
Kaz's user avatar
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Conditional Formatting for cells that are 50%<

I am trying to get conditional formation to highlight cells in column G that are 50% greater than the corresponding cell in column D. I have tied to use a formula to determine which cells to format ...
Erin's user avatar
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Removed thousand seperator in Excel currency format

we have a big file including a lot of prices in EUR. These columns are format on currency. By doing this Excel automatically creates a , as thousand seperator. This , creates an issue in our file ...
Marco's user avatar
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Office365 Excel and different formatting inside cell

LibreOffice can do different formatting inside cell. But when I try to do the same with Excel on Office365 it does not work. e.g. I have text: When I select part to format it, bold/italic/underline/...
pevik's user avatar
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Excel 2013 fails to record macro correctly

So, i want to create a macro that will set selected cells' format to 0,0 ¥. However, if you record the steps and then try to run the macro it will set format to 0,0 ?. Is there a way to fix this?
Avtem's user avatar
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All my text is within 1 cell instead of multiple cells? Excel

As you can see in the screenshot all my data has been crushed into 1 cell it seems when it is supposed to be in separate cells as shown in the original screenshot. Any idea how to solve this? Excel ...
Aaron D's user avatar
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Merge separate text lists alphabetically

I need to merge the separate lists alphabetically (without the duplicates) in the same column and keep the original lists as they are. I'd like the merged list to update automatically when one of ...
GovVek's user avatar
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Number format #.# - Excel bug?

I try to use the number format #.# to display 7 as 7, but it does display "7." (in Excel, or other MS environment) I want 7.1 to be 7.1, and 7 to be 7, and 7.49 to be 7.5, that is #.# (see ...
serge's user avatar
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How do i make different words (in column A1, A25, A37) automatically show a value (in column B1, B25, B37)

Can someone please explain how to do this with different words: I have two columns (A&B) and about 40 rows in excel. I want to put in different words, say - Paper in A1, Chair in A2, Glass in A3,...
OOT's user avatar
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Excel text formatting function interpreting 'E' in string as exponent

I have exported some data records from a database into spreadsheet form for final formatting. One of the key fields is text in the form of '123456E72'. I have a formatting formula that formats the ...
dwcecil's user avatar
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Excel Copying Sheet Lose Chart and Data Table Format When Source File is Closed

I am copying a worksheet from one workbook to another which contains a combo chart (histogram on top, data table on the bottom). The numbers are formatted as percentage (i.e. like "90.20%") ...
SC L's user avatar
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Is there an option or setting that prevents VLOOKUP from returning zero when it finds blank cells

Is there an option or setting that prevents VLOOKUP from returning zero when it finds blank cells or does not find the lookup value. I do not want to suppress the zeros by formating them out. I want ...
Jupiter Punungwe's user avatar
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Excel 2016 Chart > Date and Text on the same Axis

I received an interesting question yesterday during at work. Is it possible to have Date and Text values on the same Axis in Excel Chart, but that this "text" is actually formatted or somehow ...
MmVv's user avatar
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How to copy from excel rows to word paragraph

How to copy from excel rows to word paragraph. ex data from excel 1. robin d123 e123 2. morgan f123 e456 paste to word become: 1. robin d123 e123 2. ...
rizal's user avatar
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If Then fomula for a range of dates

I have been out of practice with Excel for some time and I am stuck. I am trying to create a formula for a date range and highlight. So for example, if the date in O4 is more than 28 days from the ...
P Taylor's user avatar
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Can I use conditional formatting in an Excel PivotTable to format cells based on specific fields?

I have the results of numerous tests run on several sub-samples. Many sub-samples make up a sample. Between 5 and 10 samples make up a lot, and I have five lots I'm trying to analyze. Each one of ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Print / Print Preview does not match normal view for Excel worksheet

I've got a certain worksheet that will not print correctly. An image that takes up a certain amount of space in the normal view looks very different in the Print Preview view. This is the case with ...
ELW's user avatar
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Excel Chart - show data formatted regardless the local settings

I want to share a excel file with charts on a different computer. The data I have formatted to display with thousand (,) and decimal (.) separation char. Unfortunately the other computer is set up ...
Andrew Faerber's user avatar
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Format blank cells based on text in another cell

I would like to apply conditional formatting to a sheet, however, cant figure out the right formula. The formatting would only apply to BLANK cells in columns S to AT based on text in in column I. ...
Megan Lombard's user avatar
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Highlight cell based on whether or not a specific word appears in a given range?

I have 2 sheets. Sheet1 & Sheet2. Sheet 1 has a list of items with descriptions & specific numbers. Sheet 2 has a table filled with the same items. What I am wanting to do, is highlight a ...
John's user avatar
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Excel, Return a color depending on two other cells text

I need to do an analysis in Excel and I would like to color a cell depending on the text of two other cells. I have to do it for a quite big table, therefore I need a way to not do it manually for ...'s user avatar
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How can I add a symbol after a set amount of words in Word? (Or any other program)

So I have this huge list of words that are unordered in any way. All formatted the same way. They're all just words like in the example below: "Word1" "Word2" "Word3" Now I need to put a symbol ...
Jala Labova's user avatar
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Custom number format that takes number input and outputs related text?

I have a table T1 where a number matches a name, basically the look-up table. In another table T2 I want to input just the number, and Excel should fill in the corresponding name in the same cell. The ...
pat3d3r's user avatar
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How to change a Generally formatted "20170824 08:45:58:544" into a Time formatted

The title is the gist of my problem. I've got a couple of thousand of these I need to convert into a format while retaining (though not showing) the yyyymmdd converted to a mm/dd/yyyy ...
John's user avatar
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