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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to specify semi colon character ';' as a line ending character when importing CSV to Excel on Mac

(Using Microsoft Excel form Mac version 15.18) Can see delimiters for the columns in the import steps, but no-where is there an option for defining what the line ending character is. I need this so ...
therobyouknow's user avatar
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How can I automatically import csv files into SQL Server?

My goal Automated aggregation of data so that I can use a tool (Microsoft Power BI or equivalent) to automatically update dashboards and or reports with the new data. The situation I work with an ...
Zuntaruk's user avatar
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Excel Text Import Wizard Default Delimiter

Within the Text import Wizard, the default delimiter is TAB. Is it possible to permanently modify this default to be a comma? Don't be tempted to think that this is a duplicate question. Neither this ...
KDM's user avatar
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I have a CSV file that has 3 column. Need help to format correctly via SQL SSIS Import

I have an CSV file being dropped to a file location once a day. When SSIS picks it up it's failing due to format issue since it has 3 columns and not delimited with 1 column. Can someone help me ...
user1064523's user avatar
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Excel: how to import identically formatted CSV files

Apologies if this has been asked and answered before - I have looked but not found. I get CSV files every two weeks that are identically structured, and I need to import them to the same Excel 2016 ...
Karl Perry's user avatar
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Is it possible to set Excel import preferences

I have to work with data exported from SQL Server as a CSV. The CSV file contains embedded linefeed characters, for example: Jane Doe, 123 Main Street{LF}Apt B, Anytown, NY, 10010{CR}{LF} When the ...
mrblint's user avatar
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Excel, importing incomplete data to a complete table?

I'm not sure if I'm asking this correctly, but here's my problem. I'm managing the occupancy of a building, and the website we use lets us generate a report of the occupants by room. This information ...
Austin's user avatar
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