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Questions tagged [lxd]

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How can I connect a single USB device to my LXC container?

TL;DR I have two software radio devices attached to my Linux server. I have an LXC container running on the Linux server. Both software radios have the same productid and vendorid. How do I attach ...
EdwardTeach's user avatar
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LXD containers drops ICMP between one another

So I stumbled across an issue that I cannot figure out. I have setup two host machines each with two LXD VM containers. Both are running LXD via Snap. One host is running Ubuntu 22.04 with two Ubuntu ...
dbergloev's user avatar
3 votes
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Password of new user with LXD and Cloud-init

I'm trying to create a profile to automate the creation of a container, but I'm having trouble with cloud-init. For some reason the password is not being set for the user and is also not being added ...
Matheus Saraiva's user avatar
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Centos 8 running as a LXD container fails to install packages: yum ailed to connect to port 80: Connection timed out

Under Ubuntu, I created a Centos 8 LXD container: lxc launch images:centos/8 centoscontainer Then, I log into the container with lxc exec centoscontainer /bin/bash. I'm root, and I can access network ...
alci's user avatar
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After removing lxc device, still managed to access device from its boundary directory

I am using Lxd container for my sd card access in Linux based device. i mounted sd card with following commands mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash/sdcard. lxc config device add dhaneesh2 sda disk path=/mnt/...
Dhaneesh lal.D.R's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Docker Ubuntu image to learn Linux system-networking

Docker being an application container and not a system container like LXD, is it possible to use a Linux OS Docker image (say, for Ubuntu or Centos) to teach myself Linux, OS-level networking by ...
Harry's user avatar
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Lightweight Container solution (from Vagrant/Virtualbox to ???)

Up to now we used Vagrant+Virtualbox to set up development environments. The dev environment uses Ubuntu. This was great, because you can start the dev environment from Linux, Mac, Windows. But ...
guettli's user avatar
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Create a LXD CentOS container

With lxc1, lxd and lxd-client installed I can launch a ubuntu based container with lxc launch --profile default ubuntu:18.04 c1 I was wondering if it is also possible to lauch a container based on ...
onknows's user avatar
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Installing LXD Stucks

I upgraded my ubuntu version from ubuntu 16.04 to ubuntu 18.04 focal. After reboot, I was asked to install upgrades. But when I do sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade The seconds command ...
Steve Peng's user avatar
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how to change from zfs to ext4

i accidentally create zfs pool to sda1 with sudo zpool create -f lxd-zfs-pool /dev/sda1 zpool status output is pool: lxd-zfs-pool state: ONLINE scan: none requested config: NAME STATE ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Increase the LXD/LXC Btrfs loop file storage pool size

Our production container crashed because its LXC storage pool is out of space. Here is dh -h from inside the container: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/loop0 82G 78G 2....
exebook's user avatar
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Ubuntu LXD iptables SNAT / Masquarade

i have Ubuntu Server with LXD. Every Container has own IP (local)address. Example: LXD Host:, DNS container:, LXC inside address: Ok - that no problem, incoming ...
kazix's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

htop memory usage does not add up with process list

I am using lxd to run multiple containers and having trouble reporting the memory usage: both htop and free shows high memory usage but the list of processes that uses memory is very short and doesn't ...
user60177's user avatar
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PREROUTING to LXC container with iptables

I've set up two containers with lxd, one with haproxy, pointing to the other with nginx. I want my server's incoming traffic on port 80 to go to the container with haproxy. This is the rule I've ...
user3459805's user avatar
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How to ssh from one lxc container to another?

I'm trying to experiment with a small virtual cluster of machines to learn hadoop. I'm using LXD for this purpose. I've installed ssh servers on each vm and now need to connect from one vm to another. ...
user14660's user avatar
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