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Freshly Provisioned Cent-OS occupies a lot of space for "/dev/mapper/centos-root"

I created a fresh VM, however I started facing space issues as soon as it got created. From the du and lsblk command I see /dev/mapper/centos-root is occupying a lot of space. I tried running tree ...
Himanshuman's user avatar
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Recovering RAID 6: drives are ok, but partitions are "lost"

I faced strange issue with my RAID 6 array (8 HDDs, mdadm). Accidentially 3 drives were disappeared from it, with corresponding result - array has been ruined, but - all 8 drives are perfectly fine, ...
Green Root's user avatar
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How to enlarge home directory on CentOS 7

I have an issue with the storage of my virtual machine which is running on CentOS 7. I'd like to enlarge the home directory which is currently completely used but there is clearly free space on the ...
Jaw. M.'s user avatar
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How can I extend / dev / sda6 is it possible?

I need to extend / dev / sda6 on other occasions and used the following guide (, adding a new disk to the vm, but apparently it is not ...
Antonio Lefimil's user avatar
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Merge partition (CentOS 7)

I have CentOS 7 at VM and I want to merge /dev/sda3 with /dev/sda4 (recently created PV). Output of fdisk -l listed below: Disk /dev/sda: 24.7 GB, 24696061952 bytes, 48234496 sectors Units = sectors ...
ELatestark's user avatar
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Centos/RHEL 7 - MBR with an extended partition > 2T

Studying for the RHCSA and I've been trying to find an answer to a question thats been stuck in my head... My understanding is for MBR you can have a total of 4 partitions which each cant be > 2TiB......
Strad's user avatar
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Error checking storage configuration (centos 7)

I tried to install linux centos 7 (dual boot), this is the first time i install linux so i've been following some tutorial. In the installation destination I've got an error message Error checking ...
Clarisa Valentin's user avatar
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How do I format an NTFS drive on CentOS 7 so that I can also use it in Windows?

We have a LIDAR system that collects data in the field. The computers that process the raw data are Windows computers so we use NTFS. However, the LIDAR system itself runs CentOS 7. Normally this ...
Blackwood's user avatar
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Linux CentOS 7 doesn't allocate over 1024 KiB space for /boot partition

So this is a problem, that I have encountered the second time now. I am having machines here running dual-boot on Windows and Linux OS. I have managed to successfully install dual boot systems ...
Unit1's user avatar
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Change default swap disk in Centos7

We disabled older swap space (disk) that already mounted in /dev/mapper/centos-swap to increase size of the root(/). Then we create new swap file in /dev/sda3: # lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM ...
shozdeh's user avatar
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Resize /dev/root on CentOS 7.4 [duplicate]

I'd like to give /dev/root more space on my CentOS 7.4 system. # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 20G 18G 302M 99% / devtmpfs 7.8G 0 7.8G 0% /...
Brian H.'s user avatar
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Why I can't utilize my 2nd 1TB Hard drive in VESTACP?

I have an server with the following specifications Intel Core i3-530 2.93 GHz 4GB RAM Storage 2x 1000GB HW RAID CentOS 7.2, 64 bits with NO RAID I installed VESTA CP. It works OK but I have a little ...
meethay aam's user avatar
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CentOS 7 : How to increase disk space with additional disk so as if there was only one disk?

I have a VPS running CentOS 7 with an original 10 GB disk on which everything is installed /dev/vba1and formatted in xfs. I ordered from my provider an additional 50 GB disk that I need to format and ...
Geoffrey Hug's user avatar
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Vboxmanage resize HDD but not the real size? (CentOS Guest, Windows Host)

I have this situation. whereas the actual is 7.62 GB then i tried to execute the steps given from here Geekwebsite. to make it bigger to 14GB (which is 13.92GB) Everything smoothly working... until ...
gumuruh's user avatar
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How to give permission to user after mounting a hard disk on Centos 7?

I have a HP Microserver gen 8 that i'm using as a NAS at my home, with Centos 7. And i just got a new hard disk 2 TB, after i installed it in the bay, and rebooted the system. I've used fdisk to ...
Abude's user avatar
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