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Files being created with the wrong owner

I'm using AWS sagemaker and today I went to commit some files and got this error: Bad owner or permissions on /home/sagemaker-user/.ssh/config fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please ...
Gonzalo Hernandez's user avatar
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How to avoid a user to list a directory other than his home directory in Linux

I hope this could be possible. I created a linux user, called newuser, whose root directory is a directory containing a web site application (this is a developer I hired to develop the site). That ...
jstuardo's user avatar
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Issue with add Multiple user account and SSH key using Bash script

As per our requirement we provided our devloper group: devs:r-x to /var/log/httpd directory. What is the best way to create a user account (in my case Dev User) in a Group using bash scrip, with the ...
santosh baruah's user avatar
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Create an SSH user who has permission to access root directory but limited commands

I want to constrain the user to only have permissions for specific commands in Centos but he need to access root directory. I want to prevent user from removing, restart, shut down But he should be ...
Abu Yousef's user avatar
2 votes
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Create new SSH user and give him permission to an existing directory

Im trying to create new user called svecias and give him permission to connect via SFTP only to existing directory and deeper (/usr/share/nginx/itsupply). Currently directory is owned by nginx in ...
Mantas's user avatar
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Linux create a new user that shares everything of another user

A little background first, since I know this question seems very random. I am using vagrant to help orchestrate a RedHat virtual machine. Vagrant is great in just about every way, however it forces ...
E.S.'s user avatar
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Samba shares are accessible only for a specific user set by chown

I've stumbled upon a peculiar issue regarding samba share. It only works when ownership is given to the samba user (shared) by running chown -R shared:sambasecure /mnt/Backup. I'm running CentOS 8, ...
Roman's user avatar
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adduser: cannot lock /etc/gshadow;

With running serval commands in Linux, I am getting the error when trying to create a new user: sh-4.2$ sudo adduser mbyousaf adduser: /etc/gshadow.1270: Structure needs cleaning adduser: cannot ...
Bilal Yousaf's user avatar
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tar creates 0-byte files and issues permission denied errors

I am working in a CentOS environment and am setting up perlbrew (App::perlbrew/0.87) locally. I've essentially been following the steps here. I have set up perlbrew similarly in the past and no ...
Price's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't start Bind open: /etc/named.conf: permission denied - Centos 7

so I'm really new on this and was following this tutorial to set up bind, and up to 4:50 I was having no problems, I could ping, use nslookup and had internet connection with the dns server, then we ...
Nelson SMG's user avatar
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Permission denied when systemd-sysctl service starts and tries to write to file in /proc/sys/user/

I am trying to enable user namespaces on Docker. This of course requires user namespaces to be enabled in the kernel. One of the steps to enable user namespaces in RHEL/CentOS is to: echo "user....
gfields's user avatar
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rm: cannot remove ‘icons.css’: Permission denied (Centos 7)

I need to delete files but permission is denied. Even rm -rf command can't delete these files. I logged in as a root user. I've also tried # rm -rf icons.css rm: cannot remove ‘icons.css’: Permission ...
Rashid ur Rehman's user avatar
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Sharing a Hard drive on Centos and using samba

I am having issues sharing a external hard drive using samba on centos. I am able to view the share group from my windows machine but when I attempt to accsess it, it says "you do not have permission ...
Reisenrich's user avatar
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Moving files from an SFTP directory

I have followed this tutorial to configure a Centos 7 server using sftp. The tutorial includes hardening the sftp target directory and user. The sftpuser is able to sftp files to /var/sftp/uploads ...
Garreth's user avatar
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Accidentally changed sys files ownership - Centos 7

I accidentally changed the ownership of several files including system files in our Centos 7 server due to a syntax error. I was trying to change it for a particular folder, but missed the . and ended ...
yonikawa's user avatar
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logrotate failing to rotate, permission denied as root user

I'm having a problem that I cannot wrap my head around. I've setup logrotate on a centos 7 server to rotate my app logs. This file is in /etc/cron.daily (i even added a whoami to verify it's running ...
Erich's user avatar
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Why can't I access a folder I am the owner of?

I am running a CentOS vm in EC2. I ssh as ec2-user, and want to create a log folder for my application that I am about to deploy: sudo mkdir /var/log/search-api sudo chown ec2-user /var/log/search-...
Andrey's user avatar
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Apache document root doesn't change

So I installed apache on a virtual server using VMware on CentOS 7 minimal using: yum install -y httpd When I tried to change the DocumentRoot at vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf , nothing happens ...
Ahmad Hussien's user avatar
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Linux: old udev (095) changing device permissions doesn't work

I have the following udev rule: # f055:9800, 9801, 9802 MicroPython pyboard ATTRS{idVendor}=="f055", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1" ATTRS{idVendor}=="f055", ENV{MTP_NO_PROBE}="1" SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ...
Furo's user avatar
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unable to create file in directory even it has group permission

i've created a group call "perm" and it has user apache & ruey. [root@xxx ~]# groups apache apache : apache perm [root@xxx ~]# groups ruey ruey : ruey perm i've set group "perm" into my web ...
Bravo Net's user avatar
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Centos 7 Serial Port Permissions in VMWare Player

Ok, what am i missing. TLDR; I've done all I'm supposed to with permissions, lock directory, compiling, etc of Kermit and I still get the "Sorry, write access to UUCP lockfile directory denied." ...
John Morrison's user avatar
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Granting root privileges to another user on my Cent OS install?

I have disabled root on my webserver account for security purposes, and have granted root privileges to another user in order to use that user instead of having to keep re-enabling root just to check ...
SidedTech's user avatar
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/usr/local/ Ownership Overwritten on CentOS Cpanel

I have run the command chown -R myuser:myuser /usr/local/ on a VPS machine running CentOS with CPanel installed. This has overwritten all the ownership in the apache, cpanel, php install folders and ...
James Marino's user avatar
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smssend giving permission error on CentOS 7

I am trying to send a sms on Centos 7. I am using a com port modem that is configured, and I have installed smstools. However when I try to send a sms using this command: smsend 0522222222 'testing' ...
warhansen's user avatar
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Getting error: "Error constructing proxy for org.gnome... Could not connect: Connection refused" when running gnome-terminal

I am getting the error: "Error constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0: Could not connect: Connection refused" when I try to run gnome-terminal. I am running CentOS 7. I ...
Rabee's user avatar
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Centos Sftp Ssh - How always create files with rwx-rwx-r-x and always owned by a certain group

I have a user myuser, which is only allowed to connect to ssh via sftp. I'd like this user to always create files with rwx-rwx-r-x and always owned by the group apache. I've tried to accomplish the ...
Jojo Coana's user avatar
5 votes
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Failed to adjust OOM score of renderer with pid X: Permission denied

I'm not sure what exactly causing, but I'm getting following error: Apr 11 12:30:00 X alacarte-made-2.desktop: [1712:1735:0411/] Failed to adjust OOM score ...
alexus's user avatar
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Samba 4.2.3 - Access Denied to Home folder as root user

I am running CentOS 7.2 x64 with Samba 4.2.3-12.el7_2. My Samba config is as follows: [global] server string = log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 50 guest ...
Reado's user avatar
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Why is a user only added to one group at a time?

I'm trying to add Apache and a user called admin to the same group on CentOS. When I run id admin I get groups 1000 (apache) and group 1002 (admin), when I run id apache I get groups 1000 (apache) and ...
MAR's user avatar
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PostgreSQL and database cluster ownership on shared storage

For my research, I am using an always on virtual machine for the primary analysis of my data. In doing this I need (or, I suppose, would like to) create and store the data in a PostgreSQL database. ...
James's user avatar
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4 votes
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What does chmod 7760 <directory> do in CentOS 7 bash?

I typed the command chmod 7760 by accident. I meant to type chmod 770 and now I'm curious what the first command did exactly. After typing chmod 7760 , I typed ls -Al and the directory name was ...
Jamal McTravis's user avatar
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nginx php can't write files on CentOS machine

I have this PHP code: <?php $myfile = fopen("testfile.txt", "w") ?> And the following permissions in my /usr/share/nginx/html directory drwxrwxrwx. 3 root root 4096 Nov 20 08:51 . drwxr-xr-x....
ctrlz's user avatar
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Make newly created or uploaded (via ftp) files belongs to a group by default

Each time you create a file or upload it via FTP, considering your user is "myuser", it's chwon would be "myuser" for user and "myuser" for group. So you have to manually execute chown command to ...
Christopher Francisco's user avatar
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How to give apache ownership rights when creating a new file? [Centos 6]

So, is it possible to make multiple users the owner of a file when created? I mean, I know you can do chown -R apache:permissions /var/www/ (48:500) but that is only temporary because even if I decide ...
john's user avatar
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"chmod -R 777 /" for a few seconds - now what?

On Centos 6.5 I accidentally typed chmod -R 777 / Ooops. I CTRL + C'ed out of it very quickly, but not before it'd started working away for a couple of seconds. Consequences? Well, already su ...
rastaboym's user avatar
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Able to copy folders but not files to directory

I am currently using CentOS 6.5 and trying to share files over a samba share. On the other machine is Windows 8 x64. I am able to transfer folders from Windows to CentOS over without issues but ...
Hong Yi's user avatar
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How to chown directory for multiple users?

Specs: Running Centos 6 64 Bit I am trying to chown a directory for all users on the VPS, aswell as for apache. But for some reason I can only have either apache, or just the users. I tried doing ...
Travis's user avatar
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ACL's Centos Linux - Not being inherited

Trying to work out the needed ACL's... OS is Centos Linux Situation: Folder called home. User called user1 and User called user2. user1 owns folder home, user2 has RWX to home also. With ACL's Im ...
Shane Geddes's user avatar
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Restrict a user from accessing everything but a folder

I have a VPS running on CentOS 6. The parts inside the VPS are spread in different folders. My websites are in /var/www/html and some other key parts for my VPS are in /home/. Could someone give me ...
aborted's user avatar
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Unable to write files on CentOS

I have a VPS running on CentOS 6 and apache2 as webserver. I have several PHP scripts running in my server, and everything goes smooth, except to file writing. For some reason, my PHP scripts are ...
aborted's user avatar
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Do Linux devices require user permissions? If so, how are they added?

Trying to create a new virtual server using VirtualBox and phpVirtualBox on a physical Centos box. Installed the software and all seems good. Put the operating disk in the CD drive of the physical ...
user1032531's user avatar
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Proper procedure - sftp access to www folder - To be able to upload files

My www folder is root:root. What should it be? My site works perfectly but maybe I am doing something wrong. My nginx.conf says user is 'nginx'. Should I be changing the www onwership and group to ...
Jay's user avatar
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Group member cannot create files/directories in folder

I'm trying to set up my Linux server and I managed to get stuck at this point: I created a group called 'gitusers' and added a user to it (let's call him 'foo') I created a folder called 'website' I ...
MrSoundless's user avatar
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More secure way to configure Centos/Apache for Multiple Users

I have a public Linux server running CentOS, Apache/PHP/MySQL. This server currently hosts multiple WordPress Blogs and Websites I am developing. Currently, I have "userdir" enabled, and set up ...
Mark Winterbottom's user avatar
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How give the permission to access subfolders in /root?

I need give the permission to read/write in this folder, which are subfolder of /root directory to mike.jackson (for some reason someone crete this folder inside /root) : /root/Products/Metadata/...
Valter Silva's user avatar
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Have only read access to Samba

Hi I've been struggling a lot with Samba on Centos 5.5 lately. I develop in Windows 7 and send files through scp (ant task), but it's to slow and wanted to setup thoroughly samba. After installing ...
Tahir Malik's user avatar
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linux permissions: group files edited by different users

I cant seem to figure out how to achieve my goal to make a solution so all users within a grou work with the same set of files freely. I got a group "developers", and they are developing a project. ...
Katafalkas's user avatar
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Root Can't Delete Folder It Owns

Platform: CentOS 6.2 Shell: tcsh EDIT Brian Swift has pointed out a workable solution. He points out that if the home directory is served via NFS, root on a client may not have the same permissions. ...
Jason R. Mick's user avatar
2 votes
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Restore default permissions to "/var" to CentOS installation

So I accidentally ran chmod -R 0777 /var and I need to revert that (let alone allow chmod the correct ssh directory so I can log back into it). I'm feeling screwed, can anyone help? The sooner the ...
Steven Pease's user avatar
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A backup user with specific permissions

I need to create a user on my CentOS box which is only allowed to run a couple of commands: lvcreate lvremove mount kpartx rdiff-backup And access to all files in /dev/ and /mnt. How do I set this ...
Devator's user avatar
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