I need to delete files but permission is denied. Even rm -rf command can't delete these files. I logged in as a root user. I've also tried

# rm -rf icons.css
rm: cannot remove ‘icons.css’: Permission denied
# chattr -a -i icons.css
# chown -hR root:root icons.css
# chmod 777 icons.css
# lsattr -d icons.css
-------------e-- icons.css

After all that problem not resolved

# rm -rf icons.css
rm: cannot remove ‘icons.css’: Permission denied

Why I can't delete that file?

  • Please format your post. Commented Feb 26, 2019 at 7:45
  • Please include a regular ls for the file and the directory it's residing in. You need to be able to modify the directory to remove it.
    – Seth
    Commented Feb 26, 2019 at 9:33

1 Answer 1


If possible, check permission of its root directory. Like if it is present under /data/icons.css. Check attributes of /data and check

Example -

lsattr /data

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