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17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Running a process in the background using &

I have created the following script: #!/bin/bash while : do echo "1" >> test.txt sleep 1 done If I run the command using ./ & it runs on the background as expected and it ...
Nereo's user avatar
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xdotool : close all windows except the one that is active (infront)

I would like to execute a command that will close all windows except the one that is currently active. i would likely to place this command in the gnome-panel which means when i click on the button, ...
user2735866's user avatar
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CentOS - using PXE to install it on my host ( kickstart configuration )

I am trying to install an OS from our server through PXE ( Preboot Execution Environment ). However, on my host, I have two disks say A ( /dev/sda ) and B ( /dev/sdb ) The default installation path ...
user3815726's user avatar
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redirection - why it doesn't work this way

I know there are 3 streams attached to a process when it is run namely the input, output and error stream. And redirection execution work from left to right. I intend to execute a command, redirect ...
Noob's user avatar
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Associate MIME Type with Shell Script?

I want to associate any file type with a .abc extension with the following shell script: #!/bin/bash echo arg 1 is: $1 The .abc type files just have text, but I want to ensure that opening a file ...
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execl: couldn't exec `/bin/sh'

I accidentally moved the whole bin, boot, dev and etc directory. After moving everything back I get the following error email from various cron jobs: execl: couldn't exec `/bin/sh' execl: No such ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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cannot run command on Centos7

I've got a vps using Centos, the release version is 7.9. I've install the unhide in my does not work. I've check the permission, and the file type. but i still cant run this command . it's ...
HikariNewBee's user avatar
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Getting a Particular Binary Package from A Source Package?

(Sorry if the title is worded incorrectly - I am a newbie in this domain, so please correct me wherever I am wrong) From, I am trying to get the ...
algebroo's user avatar
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Issue with add Multiple user account and SSH key using Bash script

As per our requirement we provided our devloper group: devs:r-x to /var/log/httpd directory. What is the best way to create a user account (in my case Dev User) in a Group using bash scrip, with the ...
santosh baruah's user avatar
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How can I correctly run a java batch application (a .jar application) in background on a Linux machine?

I am not a system engineer (I am a software edeveloper). I have to run a Java application (a runnable .jar file) on a Linux machine (Centos 7). I am connecting to a shell via SSH. This application is ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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How to view or record user's active time in Linux server

I'm a server admin for a university, and we have 4 CentOS servers that students can use for their projects in various classes. The CS professors have asked me to come up with a way to track a user's ...
Beanstalk's user avatar
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Jenkins service user to restart mongodb service

Centos 7. Usually when I would like to run a sudo command as a non root user, I open up the visudo, and add this line to the right place: %<userGroup> ALL= NOPASSWD: <command> when I ...
Dávid Hlavati's user avatar
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Run jpegoptim in a cronjob once a week, on CentOS from within cPanel, only for files added within the past week?

I've installed jpegoptim and can manually run it via the SSH command line: jpegoptim *.jpg --strip-all I'd like to take that command line and put it into a Cronjob that runs once a week. I'm running ...
janderson133787's user avatar
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How do I run Asterisk as user other than root?

I compiled Asterisk 11 from source as user root on CentOS. Now I want Asterisk to run as user asterisk group asterisk. I have uncommented AST_USER="asterisk" AST_GROUP="asterisk" in /etc/sysconfig/...
Nacarone's user avatar
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CentOS bashrc function to email on login

I've a system setup where an email is sent on a user login (line from .bashrc): printf "user details, ip etc" | mail -s "[LOGIN NOTICE] `hostname` - `whoami`" <admin>@<domain> ...
fir3x's user avatar
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