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Questions tagged [init-script]

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Stop script in init.d is not called

I am using Centos distro. I have a stop script present in etc folder appended with K** prefix [linux_machine ~]$ ll /etc/rc0.d/ total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Apr 5 00:59 K01kill-agents -> /etc/...
Paul Schimmer's user avatar
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How to get "su" to work in init scripts in Red Hat 8 with SELinux?

In an init script I'm trying to run a command: su - user -c "/home/user/bin/command” but SELinux prevents this: systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Start the my_script at boot... su[5941]: pam_unix(su-l:...
Mareq's user avatar
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systemd service failed to start with errror : "main process exited, code=exited, status=3/NOTIMPLEMENTED"

I am getting below error when i start a systemd service [localhost.localdomain]-> systemctl status rcc_rccproxy.service * rcc_rccproxy.service - starts RCC Proxy process Loaded: loaded (/etc/...
Prashanth CM's user avatar
19 votes
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Systemd error : Executable path is not absolute

I have the following below code of systemd. [Unit] Description=start RCC logger server process Requires=rcc-drbd.service rcc_check_locked_scr.service s96rcc.service After=rcc-drbd.service ...
Prashanth CM's user avatar
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Does systemd honour KILL order from chkconfig

Title of the question is just what I needed to ask. I don't see it actually following that. Is there a way, in which I can make systemd follow the KILL order. From what I see, it just reverses the ...
user3872776's user avatar
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How to create additional start up script for one service

I installed the package 'gearman-job-server' in Ubuntu server. it creates start up script by default as /etc/init/gearman-job-server.conf. But I want to add more command to same service. So created my ...
Gowri's user avatar
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Tell if a process is under systemd, init.d or Upstart control

Is it possible to reliable tell for a given Linux process if it was launched or is still supervised by an init.d script, Upstart or systemd ?
dronus's user avatar
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Upstart: chdir stanza VS cd command

In Upstart script I can use chdir stanza to set the working directory. Also I can just execute a normal cd command inside my script section. What is the difference between this two approaches? When ...
vbo's user avatar
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How can I create a /etc/init.d/ script easily?

I usually just copy some existing script like /etc/init.d/ssh, remove extra things and edit remaining things. This is not very convenient. Is there a simple tool to create good Debian initscripts? ...
Vi.'s user avatar
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s3cmd fails to run from an init-script

I created an init-script that should push some log files using s3cmd to an Amazon S3 bucket when the system is going down. s3cmd is installed and s3cmd --configure was run as user root and the ...
marekful's user avatar
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LSB Init script not executed [duplicate]

I've created an LSB compatible init script which I intend to use to push some log files to an Amazon S3 bucket when the system is going down but it doesn't get executed. Here is the script contents ...
marekful's user avatar
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Why would a shutdown script NOT run?

I have installed a shutdown script on an Ubuntu system which doesn't get executed. It is an Amazon EC2 instance. I'm not sure it has to do with this fact just wanted to point it out. The script ...
marekful's user avatar
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Bash script to wait for Virtualbox VM shutdown?

Virtualbox has the ability to issue a command to a running vm: vboxmanage controlvm NameOfRunningVM acpipowerbutton However this command returns immediately which results in non-graceful shutdown ...
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar