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Questions tagged [extract]

The process of reversing data compression and/or archiving

1 vote
2 answers

Extract Text from in front of, after, and inside characters

I have a variable (%~1) set to something like: Hello there this is a block: [C]Inside of Block[/C] Did you like it? I want to have it separated into three variables: Front=hello there this is a ...
Mark Deven's user avatar
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Have repetitive table, need to compile

I have a simple repetitive 2-column table with the following structure (here columns are separated by comma, but in my file they are tab separated: Unique_Identifier_1 , Data_typeA , Data_A1 ...
goober grape's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Extracting audio from mp4 has less bitrate

I'm using ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a copy -vn -sn output.m4a to extract audio from an mp4 file. However, when I open the mp4 in Spek, it shows 255kbps AAC and the extracted file is only 200kbps. Also, ...
Ookami's user avatar
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1 answer

Microsoft Dynamics AX File(.ald) Convert PDF or Print

I need to extract this file as pdf. Can you help me ? Thank you file: 1.ald file virustotal
Tom Brackman's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I extract a PDF/SWF file from an EXE? [closed]

I have a book which is inside EXE, how can I extract the PDF file from EXE? universal extract not working.
Tom Brackman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

FFMPEG How to extract a variable number of audio streams?

I'm trying to make a small batch file that extracts all audio streams when dragging a video onto it. ffmpeg.exe -i "%1" -map 0:a? -c:a copy "%1~extracted.aac" But this seems to be overwriting the ...
tugalaw's user avatar
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How could I change file creation/modification date from filename? [closed]

I have a bunch of pictures that each have its creation date in the filename with this format: IMG-YYYYMMDD-WAXXXX.jpg but when moved from smartphone internal memory to sd card, all the pictures got ...
SpAiK's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to extract all tar.gz files present in multiple folders at a time to another directory?

There are many folders in my current directory. Each folder has a tar.gz file. To extract the tar.gz file I need to be inside each folder and run the following command every time. tar xvzf tar.gz -C /...
beginner's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to parse multi-line log file in awk and output only single line with last known ip address

I am stuck and looking for assistance. I want to trigger an event which I'd like to process further through a bash script. The data is retrieved from a log file. Before I start to explain I'll show ...
user882786's user avatar
40 votes
7 answers

How can I extract files from an AppImage?

Simple question, how can I extract files from an AppImage? GUI, CLI, it doesn't matter, as long as it gets the job done. I'm using openSUSE Tumbleweed if it matters
Sekhemty's user avatar
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zip extract all here (one click)

It is amazing how many compressed files I end up working with, and while I know it is not a long process, I want to see if its possible to save some steps Right now, its right click "Extract All..." ...
Kender's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

ffmpeg extract pictures from several selected time points

I have a videofile and like to extract a single image from (about 1500) specific timepoints.(expl. -ss 00:50, ss 00:67, ss: 01:70 ...) Is there a way to do this? I tried out to use this command: ...
Jakob Winter's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Extracting multiple email address from excel cell /excel file

Is there a way to extract multiple email address from excel cell /excel file | A | B ----|------------- 1 |HTML | |...
Matt's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Program that reads a picture and extracts the words in the picture? [closed]

Not sure if this is the appropriate subboard for this question. What I'm trying to do is essentially: (1) I'm given a picture of a book/paper. All the words in this picture were typed, but I cannot ...
dd08's user avatar
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1 answer

Extract from Excel ... in Mac

Hi I'd like to be able to extract data from an Excel file. As opposed to "export," an extract would open an Excel file in some manner, read all cells in a certain row-column range, and write the ...
Jeffrey Comer - IQT-C's user avatar

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