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Managing LUKS encrypted swap files/volumes. Manual mounting on remote dedicated servers, boot behavior, and fstab settings

I would like to setup an as simple as possible encryption at rest solution for a remote dedicated server. The host I am using will provide physical disks and there is no off the shelf solution for ...
Uzer's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there a way to move a LUKS-encrypted btrfs volume to the right?

I want to move a LUKS-encrypted btrfs volume to the right. GParted is telling me it knows how to move the LUKS layer to the right, but it doesn’t know how to move the btrfs layer to the right. Can I ...
schuelermine's user avatar
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3 answers

Hard time understanding LUKS encryption

I'm reading and studying for my LPI-1 exam, when I came across LUKS for disk encryption. I found it super cool and went to try it on my home lab, in my Debian machine. Installed everything, encrypted ...
Gabriel Ozzy's user avatar
2 votes
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How to permanently delete a LUKS encrypted partition?

I have been using a LUKS encrypted partition as my /home directory on Manjaro. However, as I have to resize and move a few of my disk partitions, I would like to get rid of it. On Manjaro, I have ...
Lava's user avatar
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Converting Linux partition to crypto_LUKS

I'm currently working on RHEL 8.9 and attempting to harden a VM of mine, and looking into applying the crypto_LUKS encryption to my active partitions. When I check my partitions using the blkid ...
nxct's user avatar
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Can I dd from one opened luks container to another?

I want to migrate my encrypted data from one drive to another. Both source and target should be encrypted. I've read in some other question, that I should create a new container, so that the superkey ...
Armin's user avatar
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How to encrypt with LUKS a live Ubuntu usb stick that has been customized with Cubic?

I'm using Cubic ( to create a custom Ubuntu. So far so good, everything is going smoothly. However, I would like to encrypt the USB stick that contains my custom ...
Light Flow's user avatar
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Unable to unlock luks from crypttab or key-file

My home is stored in a luks partiton whose passphrase is stored on a usb key. I have been using this setup for a few years and my home usually unlocks itself at boot from the following crypttab : user@...
Adrien's user avatar
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Reset password of an unlocked LUKS encrypted drive

I have a machine running Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, with an encrypted drive using LUKS encryption. The machine is running and the drive is unlocked. However, I forgot the passphrase to the drive. I tried ...
Xethron's user avatar
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How can I authenticate LUKS encryption, on boot, with Yubikey, on KDE Neon 5.27?

I have a LUKS encrypted drive on Kdeo Neon 5.27. The LUKS password is long and tedious to type in. Given how much KDE reboots, I'm tired of typing in my password so I bought a Yubikey to speed up the ...
Bernard Igiri's user avatar
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When mounting luks-encrypted disk-containers remotely, how to recover from loss of connection?

I keep sensitive data encrypted via luks, in container files. Those files are usually stored remotely (SMB, sshfs etc). So my current workflow is as follows: sudo mount $remoteshare /mnt sudo ...
tomboy64's user avatar
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`cryptsetup open` fails with correct passphrase - "No key available with this passphrase."

I recently ran (essentially) rm -rf / --no-preserve-root on my LUKS encrypted BTRFS root filesystem. I'm trying to mount the drive from an endeavouros (arch) liveusb, without success. I created a ...
alles1232's user avatar
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LUKS2 master passphrase in kernel keyring: Token unusable error

I'm trying to follow the documentation on how to pass a key to LUKSv2 via the kernel key ring: This does not work for me at all: # dd if=/dev/zero ...
performancematters's user avatar
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Other ways to login and decrypt LUKS volumen when dropbear-initramfs is installed

I'm new to this site and after searching for a couple of hours already, I couldn't find a similar topic or figure out a solution, so I'm going to ask here. I have setup a new remote server with Ubuntu ...
imnotanerd's user avatar
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Extending encrypted partition (LVM, LUKS)

I'm running a dual boot (Win 10 Pro, Ubuntu 20.04) system on a single NVMe harddisk. Linux contains one encrypted root partition, an encrypted boot partition and a swap partition. As the root ...
bsj4sla's user avatar
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Unsure if I encrypted external HDD correctly with LUKS

I followed the instruction from this page. I was unable to encrypt the the disk, but was able to encrypt its partition. I don't if it was the correct thing to do, but i did it anyway because it's not ...
lasagnahavaeri's user avatar
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SUDO asks for "Encryption passphrase" on new setup with LUKS

SUDO keeps asking for Encryption passphrase on my latest setup. I'm not sure what encryption the passphrase is for, except that I suspect that it is related to LUKS encryption. Also I noted it doesn't ...
Rohde Fischer's user avatar
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Automatic unlock of LUKS external data drive when plugged in

I have set up LUKS for an external USB HDD with two protectors: a passphrase and a file key. I would like to automatically both unlock the drive and automount when the drive is plugged in. I've set up ...
simon's user avatar
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LUKS with separate /home within encrypted volume

First time using full disk encryption with LUKS. Sorry for a lot of novice questions. Before using full disk encryption, I used to have separate partitions /boot, /, home which allow to to reinstall ...
Polymerase's user avatar
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LUKS using clevis TPM2.0

Hi I'm trying to encrypt a secondary data disk. I want this disk to be decrypted during boot of my machine. I currently have RAID setup, with an LVM volume on top which is already encrypted with LUKS. ...
Tthecreator's user avatar
3 votes
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difference between passphrase and key file in LUKS

I'm trying to understand with no success the difference between a passphrase and a key file in LUKS. At first I thought they were the same thing, with the difference of a key file being a passphrase ...
kyklops's user avatar
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Luks "No key available with this passphrase" but seemingly at random

I've been having the strangest of experiences with my encrypted Luks volume and was hoping maybe someone could help me shed some light on it. Let me walk you through it. When installing my OS (vanilla ...
xNaXDy's user avatar
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Fix For Blanked Out UUID On Luks Encrypted Drive?

Problem: When I mount a Luks Encrypted drive, the drive mounts, but I can't access the files. The drive is the root drive. It has ElementaryOS installed on it. It booted fine, until after doing some ...
Emily's user avatar
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Mount/Use LUKS .img file with Header and Key file

This is for a cybersecurity school challenge. I need to get into a .img file that was encrypted using LUKS. They have provided a header file and a key file to open it as well. I am brand new to Linux ...
utahblueeyes's user avatar
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Protect USB key against formatting? Avoid unfortunate formatting of LUKS encrypted pen-drive

I notice that when I insert my LUKS-encrypted pen-drive into Windows (which is not meant to work), I get a message inviting me to format the pen-drive, and the option to format the disk is preselected:...
Johannes Lemonde's user avatar
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Boot Linux off a BitLocker protected drive

I have a bootable USB drive with Clonezilla installed, which I use to take images of drives from various computers. Is there a way to install BitLocker on it, so that during boot I get prompted for a ...
Fidel's user avatar
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Linux LUKS encrypted root: fstrim always trims all empty space

I have a Manjaro system with a LUKS encrypted root filesystem on an NVME SSD. It is set up to decrypt / on boot via the kernel. $ cat /proc/cmdline initrd=\amd-ucode.img initrd=\initramfs-5.11-x86_64....
microbug's user avatar
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4 answers

Increase Time to Brute Force Luks Full Disk Encryption

I want to increase the time it would take to brute force my full disc encryption. I’m on Ubuntu and encrypted with Luks on installation. I have read that I would use the following command to make it ...
user1164394's user avatar
3 votes
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How to default nemo to forget LUKS password?

I just finished encrypting all my drives with LUKS. Right now I boot Mint 20.1 off an ssd and have a 6TB hdd. Both drives are now encrypted with LUKS. In the nemo file browser when I click on my ...
chasep255's user avatar
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My luks encrypted image unlocks but fails to mount

I have a LUKS image which I decrypt, mount and save important documents to. Until recently, this was running fine, on an Ubuntu 19 machine. I shut this machine down, while the image was mounted, ...
Oni's user avatar
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LUKS fails to mount drive after reinstalling Linux

I had to reinstall linux on my laptop and had my previous installation backed up to a luks encrypted drive. After the reinstall I am unabled to mount the drive. Instead it throws an error. Error ...
recasusa's user avatar
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Expand VirtualBox vdi for Encrypted Ubuntu Guest OS

Background I created a server inside Oracle VirtualBox with an HD size of 500GB. The host is Windows 10 Pro x64 2004 19041.572. The guest OS is Ubuntu 18.04 and I encrypted the installation using LUKS(...
iamdoubz's user avatar
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Is it safe to move a LUKS encrypted partition to another system and be able to use the same passphrase?

If I have a LUKS encrypted partition with a passphrase, is all the information to unlock the partition contained in the header? Is the following correct: The passphrase allows access to the header ...
ram's user avatar
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Files on encrypted LUKS take up more space

I have 2 drives (both the same size). One of them just has a simple ext4 partition on it. The other drive is encrypted with LUKS, opened and also formatted with ext4. However, when I copy files from ...
RazorHail's user avatar
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Multi user full disk encryption - larger than 8 user threshold. i.e. Not luks

I know Luks has a maximum of 8 I need something that does what LUKS does but allows multiple keys more than the maximum of 8. All users will need to be able to access root. It will be used regularly ...
Evan Thomas-Broughton's user avatar
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Add new LUKS passphrase or key using existing keyfile for LUKS2 encrypted partition

I have two partitions in my laptop where EFI and /boot resides on the first partition and the rest of linux directories including root resides in second partition which is encrypted with dm-crypt and ...
wildnux's user avatar
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Is it necessary to protect GRUB with a password if your volumes are encrypted with LUKS?

I understand there are vulnerabilities around somebody using grub to boot into single user mode and escalate privilages on your machine. But is there any purpose in doing this if your volume is fully ...
Kir's user avatar
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Should I combine LUKS with SED?

So I have a few questions. 1) Would encrypting a SED-enabled drive with LUKS have no positive effects on a drrive? My guess is that it would provide a double-layered encryption as a positive, however ...
ut793's user avatar
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Why does cryptsetup fail with container 10M in size?

I'm trying to create an encrypted volume 10M in size. I know this is possible because I have tombs that are 10M in size. I've run the following commands. fallocate -l 10M container cryptsetup -y -v ...
Raven's user avatar
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How can I reinstall Ubuntu focal 20.04 on an existing LUKS encrypted system?

I'm a very long time Ubuntu user (over a decade) but have not been here as I've had no issues with Ubuntu. With the arrival of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS I decided to encrypt my data (or system if needed). I'm ...
LiCa's user avatar
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Encrypting the hard drive without formatting

Is there a way to encrypt an hard drive in ubuntu after installation? I know we can encrypt while installing the OS but I dont want to re-install the OS. There are 300gb of files and applications ...
shafeeq ahamed's user avatar
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sd-encrypt with keyfile on optional external partition

Context I have an encrypted /home partition, which can be unlocked with a passphrase and a keyfile. This keyfile is on a USB drive which I keep at home. This means that someone who steals my laptop ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Is there a easy way to encrypt my /home directory?

I'm running Arch Linux and would like to encrypt my personal files in my home directory /home/myusername. What is the recommended way of encrypting it? I've already read about dm-crypt and LUKS. But ...
reonod's user avatar
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Security of Cryptsetup partition on Raspberry PI

I cannot open one of my LUKS partitions on Raspberry PI due to the memory restriction. I already found out that the suggestion in this case is to recreate the partition on the slowest device, which ...
Attilio's user avatar
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How to decrypt the luks encrypted hard disk password automatically using tpm2 | ubutnu 18.04

I have encrypted my hard disks using default method(Luks encryption) present in ubuntu 18.04 and I have tpm2, now i wanted to save my passwords on tpm2 device and decrypt automatically without ...
user1126534's user avatar
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Token-based, single-factor LUKS full disk encryption

We're building a Linux-based system that will be located at our customer's site and operated by our customer. We want all data on that system to be encrypted so if it gets stolen the data is still ...
Johannes Bauer's user avatar
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Ubuntu LUKS won't accept password after installing Nvidia GPU driver

I have Ubuntu 18.04.3 running with full disk encryption on my 2014 macbook pro 15. To take advantage of the Nvidia GPU on my computer I decided to install the proprietary Nvidia driver (390) which was ...
litmus's user avatar
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How to make systemd start ssh.service before generated crypttab units

I have a server, running Debian Buster, whose root filesystem is not encrypted, but other drives are. [ETA: All of the OS system directories (/var, /home, /etc, etc) are in the unencrypted root ...
Askeli's user avatar
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Linux Debian install on SSD with LUKS full disk encryption - Will adding home directory encryption add additional wear to SSD?

I read a lot of posts on SSD wear and full disk encryption awhile back. Many are dated or conflicting, but the general consensus seemed to be that full disk encryption through LUKS or another full ...
Teatree's user avatar
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LUKS Cryptsetup Options Failing for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Running Kali Linux ARM

I've scoured the internet for help on this, and it seems I'm one of the only people with this problem. I recently downloaded a fresh copy of Kali Linux ARM for the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, and I want ...
computer_geek64's user avatar

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