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Reset password of an unlocked LUKS encrypted drive

I have a machine running Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, with an encrypted drive using LUKS encryption. The machine is running and the drive is unlocked. However, I forgot the passphrase to the drive. I tried ...
Xethron's user avatar
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`cryptsetup open` fails with correct passphrase - "No key available with this passphrase."

I recently ran (essentially) rm -rf / --no-preserve-root on my LUKS encrypted BTRFS root filesystem. I'm trying to mount the drive from an endeavouros (arch) liveusb, without success. I created a ...
alles1232's user avatar
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LUKS2 master passphrase in kernel keyring: Token unusable error

I'm trying to follow the documentation on how to pass a key to LUKSv2 via the kernel key ring: This does not work for me at all: # dd if=/dev/zero ...
performancematters's user avatar
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difference between passphrase and key file in LUKS

I'm trying to understand with no success the difference between a passphrase and a key file in LUKS. At first I thought they were the same thing, with the difference of a key file being a passphrase ...
kyklops's user avatar
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How to decrypt the luks encrypted hard disk password automatically using tpm2 | ubutnu 18.04

I have encrypted my hard disks using default method(Luks encryption) present in ubuntu 18.04 and I have tpm2, now i wanted to save my passwords on tpm2 device and decrypt automatically without ...
user1126534's user avatar
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Kali Encrypted Persistence opens wrong device (HDD instead of USB)

I have created the encrypted live USB as per Kali documentation. I have set up encrypted persistence with cryptsetup as mentioned in the documentation. I've verified that I'm able access the partition(...
machy's user avatar
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How to mount a LUKS encrypted device with password prompt NOT at bootime?

I would like to automate the process of doing sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc sdc_crypt sudo mount /dev/mapper/sdc_crypt /mnt/data in one line with mount /mnt/data and only be prompted for the ...
omega's user avatar
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Can DoxBox ( or FreeOTFE Encfs Truecrypt ) prompt and mount an encrypted file volume or encrypted disk partition before Windows boots to its GUI?

I would like to Encrypt a secondary drive (NOT the OS/boot drive) and have it mounted and drive letter mapped etc, before Windows 7 gui boots up. This is because I will have mapped some user data onto ...
htfree's user avatar
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Set parameters for Linux Full Disk Encryption?

How do I change the parameters (algorithm, hash, key-lengh, block-size, IVs, mode-of-operation, key-derivation function etc.) for the encryption being used by Linux built in Full Disk Encryption (...
user3200534's user avatar
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Is there an AES 256 LUKS encryption option in Fedora?

it was suggested that my post ( would be better if I asked it ...
user4155352's user avatar
16 votes
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How do I determine what ciphers & cipher modes I can use in dm-crypt/LUKS?

I'm using an Ubuntu-based system, and I'm having difficulty determining what ciphers and cipher modes are available to me. The cryptsetup man page says: "See /proc/crypto for a list of available ...
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How to install 2 encrypted instances of Linux Mint on the same SSD, both with different encryption passwords?

I'd like to have 2 different Mint installations on the same hard drive, each with each on set of encryption keys, so if I enter one password, it will boot on one, if I enter the other, it'll do the ...
user2723297's user avatar
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How is LUKS dm-crypt secure if the key is stored with the encrypted data?

I'm not a an expert in cryptography, but I've read the project's faqs. How is LUKS dm-crypt secure if the key is stored with the encrypted data? To me, this seems like hanging a door key on the door ...
Sam Parker's user avatar
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Truecrypt & luks, best from both worlds?

I am looking for multi-platform on-the-fly encryption tool, both truecrypt and luks /dmcrypt/ can provide, but I cant have dual boot /Linux&windows/ in this case, because TC does not support multi ...
Ency's user avatar
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System encryption LUKS: What's the strongest and most secure key size?

I'm reading an article on the Arch Linux wiki about system encryption, in an example the author specified a 512 bit key. From what I read on Wikipedia regarding encryption ciphers it doesn't seem to ...
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