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Questions tagged [effective-permissions]

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2 votes
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rsync permission denied in www subfolder

I need to allow a specific user to download files from my web server. The files will be in a specific directory and I don't want the downloader to read, write or do anything outside of that directory....
Chiwda's user avatar
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Protect dot-directories in home, i.e. sticky bit but ignore parent ownership?

Obviously, I own my home directory. But this is a problem if I want to protect some of its children (in particular the dot-folders) with a sticky bit from accidents. Because the sticky bit on my home ...
sonofevil's user avatar
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Deny cut and paste from a folder on file server

I have a folder and I need that users can not cut and paste file from this folder (and its subfolders) to other path in their computers. Is there a solution to implement this? thanks,
Cell-o's user avatar
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Will running a python script as admin cause all subprocesses to run with elevated rights?

I am on windows 8.1, python 3. If I am using to run a cmd command (particularly netsh export) and I run the python file as admin, will the command given to subprocess also be run as ...
Zombie Killer's user avatar
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Set up NTFS security permissions to allow modify for subfolders/files but not parent

I have the following directory structure: CustomerName - SiteName - AssetName The CustomerName/SiteName levels need to be view only of folder and contents. The AssetName folder name needs to be view ...
Naz's user avatar
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Deny delete access for a user to file but allow it execute access

I want to set permissions so that an executable file cannot be deleted or renamed but can be executed. When I deny it to be deleted, also it can't be executed. Why? Is there a way to make it ...
I am not Here's user avatar
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1 answer

Can not access directory even i set permission to the group

EDITED: The following fixed my problem but i i don't feel comfortable to disable the UAC. Why is that happen and how to fix that in a different want?
Omtechguy's user avatar
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Does Samba need some kind of permissions/ACLs set on a *subdir*, for that subdir to appear in a list of contents of its *parent*?

I'm on FreeBSD and I've hit a quirky issue, that surprises me. I created a share, and within that share created a subdirectory called subdir. When I open smbclient with current directory = share root,...
Stilez's user avatar
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setgid bit not preserved across execl call

I have a situation I can't explain: I have an executable with setgid bit on. When I call getegid() it returns me the expected group. But once I spawn a shell from it using execl the shell no longer ...
Moshe Kravchik's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

change file permissions in Kali Linux

How to change file permissions to execute a binary executable ELF file in Kali Linux? I have been trying chmod +x <filename> and then running it with ./filename but all I get is Error: No file ...
warfreak92's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there way to make explorer actually rename files instead of copying / deleting?

To prevent myself from accidentally deleting important files, I have given some special permissions for my username to certain folders on my HDD (in fact, those directories are on a server, but let's ...
Binarus's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why can I run certain commands as Administrator on Windows 7 but not others?

I am used to Unix/GNU+Linux and the concept of Root being able to access pretty much anything. Processes run as root inherit root's privileges. Is this not the case in Windows? How do permissions in ...
Timothy Pulliam's user avatar
1 vote
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No User-Info in MS Office "File is already open by..." Dialog

We have some Problems regarding the MS Office Dialog telling someone, that a File is already open by a User. I've ask all other IT Colleges and Googled for 2 hours but I've found nothing helpful. The ...
Nick Uya's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows 2012 permission - writer users

I'm using Windows 2012 server with IIS FTP component. I'm created a new local user in the server that clients, who using FTP protocol, can access with. The client is "Writer only". I'm want to give ...
No1Lives4Ever's user avatar
2 votes
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encfs mysql datadir: Errcode: 13

I'm using encfs to encode the /var/lib/mysql data directory, but mysql returns Errcode: 13 at any attemp of create tables or databases. To do so, I moved all files to a temporary dir, created the ...
Eloy's user avatar
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