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Questions tagged [dolphin-file-manager]

File manager for KDE. If your question relates to the Dolphin game emulator, use the [dolphin-emulator] tag.

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How does Dolphin (KDE) synchronize with terminal window? Can this work with a tmux session?

I like to use Dolphin with a terminal session in the split window pane at the bottom. Key is that a cd command in the terminal changes the directory content being displayed in the Dolphin file view. A ...
user52366's user avatar
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How to view a folder with the name of "."?

A folder that is named ".", just dot and nothing else, does not appear in dolphin or krusader file managers. ls -a shows the folder. Terminal output: drwxrwxrwx - root 29 Feb 17:05 . ...
Rashiq's user avatar
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KDE Dolphin: revert to previous spacebar behavior

In 2022, Dolphin has added the "selection mode", described here: In my personal workflows, I was relying ...
jmr's user avatar
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How to pass all selected files in Dolphin as parameters for Desktop Entry?

I’m trying to port a Nemo script to Dolphin actions. The script shows a slideshow of the files or folders selected, but when I call the action from Dolphin it makes a call to the script for each file ...
Silvano González's user avatar
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How to download files to Google Drive directly using Dolphin?

I recently installed Fedora 38 (KDE) and add my google account. I also installed kio-gdrive. Now I can see a Google Drive folder under Network folder. And there is another folder named google1 for my ...
RajinCoding2007's user avatar
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Apps cannot read files from Google Drive on KDE Neon

Recently I installed KDE Neon. I was pleased to see the KDE-KIO integration for Google Drive. While working from Dolphin (File Manager), KDE-KIO seemed perfect for connecting to my files from work. ...
madprogramer's user avatar
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mark a file in Dolphin (KDE Plasma)

Is there any way to mark a file inside a folder to locate it easily and quickly? For example, with a mark on top of the file image. Or to create a link/bookmark to that file in Dolphin that when I ...
Juan Simón's user avatar
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KDE Dolphin not preserving modified date of files when copying to samba share

This is my first post here, but I've been an avid reader. I have not been able to resolve this on my even after reading a lot of articles on the matter. I am using kubuntu 21.10 at the moment, but I ...
chris's user avatar
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Dolphin FIle Manager on Windows - Dark Theme

I am using Dolphin File Manger for obvious reasons (tabs, split views, remembers what's open, filters, functioning searches and tons others) on Windows and to this date I haven't been able to force it ...
Oak_3260548's user avatar
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How do I change the Ctrl+Tab behavior in dolphin file manager?

How do I change the Ctrl+Tab behavior in dolphin so that it goes to the last open tab instead of cycling the tabs in order? This is an important functionality for me so I might even switch file ...
PreciousnIbbv's user avatar
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Open a file explorer window from the terminal in Kubuntu 20.04

Similar to macOS's open . command, and Windows 10's explorer.exe . command, I would like to be able to open Kubuntu's built in file-explorer from the terminal. It looks like Dolphin is Kubuntu 20.04s ...
johnnymatthews's user avatar
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How to hide Docker volumes from Dolphin file manager?

KDE Plasma user here. Dolphin file manager is displaying all my Docker volumes in its devices sidebar section, and I'd like to prevent them to appear here without having to manually hide them. Is ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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KDE Recent Documents *only* (Not Locations)

In KDE Plasma 5, the "Recent Documents" item in the Application Menu includes both Recent Documents, and Recent Locations (i.e. shows not only recent documents, but also all the folders I've browsed ...
J23's user avatar
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Set a keyboard shortcut in Dolphin for opening the selected file in a text editor

Is it possible to set up Dolphin file manager so that, once a file is selected, pressing a keyboard shortcut (for example Ctrl+E) will open that file in a text editor (for example, Kate), regardless ...
Kresimir's user avatar
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How do I make Dolphin of KDE Plasma search for files in Windows partition from dual boot Kubuntu 18.04?

I have dual booted Kubuntu 18.04 with Windows 10. In windows 10 I have the Windows OS on the C: Drive and Data on D: drive. I intend to share the D: drive as the common data drive between Windows and ...
Divyansh Badonia's user avatar

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