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Questions tagged [debootstrap]

For questions about debootstrap, a Debian package that bootstraps a basic Debian system from scratch, without requiring the availability of dpkg or apt.

1 vote
2 answers

Debootrap: Non-interactive shell expand PATH variable

I installed debian using debootstrap (debootstrap --arch=amd64 stretch /target When I check my PATH variable i get: ssh git@srv 'echo $PATH' /usr/bin:/bin How ...
Pete's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to install a specific Debian/Ubuntu release version?

I am investigating reproducible builds and would like for that to end up with a script that sets up a constant VM image containing my build environment. For now, I'll put aside issues with timestamps ...
slv's user avatar
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need clarifications on chroot command

I am trying to understand chroot. I am trying to run just "ls" command in chroot environment. So i copied "ls" and "bash" and its dependencies(as shown by ldd) to corresponding bin, lib, lib64 ...
Vignesh k's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I install debian linux to ssd from live system with uefi boot

I have a usb drive with overclockix (debian-based) that I have booted my system from. I am trying to figure out a way to install it to the attached SATA SSD drive. I attempted the following: I ...
Gregory Wolf's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up?

From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up? A. ROM BIOS B. CPU C. boot.ini D. CONFIG.SYS E. None of the above
Rimu Jahan's user avatar
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creating linux device files for bootstrap

I'm currently independently researching device files as a part of learning more about the Linux system in depth. My current goal is to bootstrap Debian Linux through cdebootstrap. I followed the guide ...
cellsheet's user avatar
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Empty Boot folder on chroot Debian

I have wanted to create a custom livecd of Debian. I created a basic Debian (jessie) with debootstrap and began to configuring it. When I wanted to get vmlinuz and initrd files, I could not find them ...
Eray Tuncer's user avatar
0 votes
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website hosting on my local server using mamp in mac

I want to host a wordpress site locally on my MAMP server. This is the procedure I followed: 1.Installed the duplicator plugin on the site and created the site package. 2.Downloaded the installer and ...
Vishwanath Singh's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Script answer to apt-get request "To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'" in bash

My script is replacing sysvinit with systemd inside a chroot while building a debian image with debootstrap. Since this is a "dangerous" action, apt-get will ask a silly question: "To continue type ...
Mr. Developerdude's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

debootstrap error in Ubuntu 13.04 raring

I'm trying to create a file system in Ubuntu with the command: sudo debootstrap --foreign --no-check-gpg --include=ca-certificates --arch=armhf testing rootfs but ...
axel's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set LVM for the whole disk and all remove already created partitions after installed Debian?

I have a dedicated server. I could only install a Debian. It was installed as hidden automated process. I would like now to use LVM and actually partition whole disk with another scheme. Is it ...
static's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Adding user to chroot environment

I've created a chroot system in my Ubuntu using schroot and debrootstrap, based on minimal ubuntu. However whenever I can't seem to add a new user into this chroot environment. Here is what happens. ...
Neo's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to install Ubuntu from another Linux system? (Gentoo in my case)

Is it possible to install Ubuntu NBR on a harddisk that is currently installed in another Linux system (Gentoo in my case). I want to reinstall my Media Center and Home Router (running Ubuntu NBR 9....
IanH's user avatar
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Debootstrapping karmic powerpc arch results in error?

I'm trying to retrieve the powerpc arch of Karmic Koala with the following command: sudo debootstrap --arch powerpc karmic /home/xbmc/karmic However, I get the ...
FLX's user avatar
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