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Questions tagged [cygwin-x]

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Cygwin-x dbus-daemon process does not unload itself from memory after termination

I have 64 bit cygwin on Windows 10. When I terminate X sessions, a process spawned by c:\cygwin64\bin\dbus-daemon.exe stays in memory together with c:\windows\system32\conhost.exe 0x4. If I do it ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Cygwin/X and Windows Subsystem for Linux with Unix domain socket

Graphical apps in WSL, e.g., gedit or xterm and so forth, can connect to Cygwin/X through TCP. Since current WSL (partially) supports AF_UNIX, is it possible to connect to Cygwin/X through Unix domain ...
SOUser's user avatar
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How can I setup the Cygwin X server as a service?

I've read the Cygwin/X user's guide; I've installed Cygwin, the X-related packages, and am able to run X and apps on X. However - that's all manual. I need to invoke startxwin and need to call xhost +...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Choose Gvim font that maps pixel-to-pixel with display?

I was advised here to post this question at Superuser, as it deals with both Windows and X11 (via Cygwin). I recently bought a Windows 10 laptop, TravelMate P2410-G2-M. The resolution is set to the ...
user2153235's user avatar
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X-windows middle-mouse button using touchpad on Windows 10

Cygwin is the only unix environment of which I know that works on top of Windows. I am getting frequent reminders to move from Windows 7 to Windows 10. It doesn't make sense to migrate my 2011 ...
user2153235's user avatar
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Setting the xterm window title on Ubuntu sets the wrong title

I'm trying to set the window and icon title for xterm on Ubuntu 17. odin:~% grep PRET /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 17.04" odin:~% printf "\e]0;%s\a" X00X odin:~% xterm -help XTerm(324) usage: ...
Erik Bennett's user avatar
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An issue with ncview (netCDF visual browser) on cygwin - windows 10

I have an issue with ncview on cygwin. Can anyone help? I have installed cygwin on windows 10 and followed the instructions on Ncview under Windows. my output from ./configure and make install are ...
Brendan Darrer's user avatar
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how do i install pip in cygwin? [closed]

I want to install pip in cygwin (Windows 10). When I try that I get the comment that the destination file is missing. So how can I choose file? Is there any way to see the entire file system in cygwin?...
FredSwed's user avatar
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Is Cygwin 2.0.2 supported on Windows Server 2016?

I need some small clarification on Cygwin and Windows compatibility. Is cygwin 2.0.2 compatible with Windows Server 2016? Or do need to get the latest version of Cygwin?
veeru's user avatar
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How to change the Start Menu shortcut action for all users in Windows 10?

I set up a Cygwin/X environment in my Windows 10 computer and it created a Start Menu shortcut for all users, named XWin Server. However, I need to change the shortcut to enable TCP connections. To ...
Akira Cleber Nakandakare's user avatar
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Copying files in a pipeline using cygwin bash shellscript

I need to select certain files in a directory and copy them to another directory using a cygwin script but I cannot get the syntax for the copy. i.e. for i in cat boards do ls -t $work |grep ^$i |...
Stumac's user avatar
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cygwin at-spi-bus-launcher and xwin-xdg-menu high cpu

Running cygwin/X I see at-spi-bus-launcher and xwin-xdg-menu are using most of the cpu. There are two instances of xwin-xdg-menu. Between the three of them there isn't much left for anything else. ...
Miserable Variable's user avatar
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When trying to connect remote clients to Cygwin/X, I get 'Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified'

I just installed Cygwin/X and I launch it with startxwin -- -listen tcp to allow remote clients to connect to it through tcp. However, remote clients fail to connect to the remote display with the ...
qwertzguy's user avatar
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Always run X11 on Windows 10?

I have Cygwin-X installed on my Windows 10 machine. When I run XLaunch, everything starts up fine. What I would like, though, for X11 to start up, and stay running, when Windows starts, and to ...
Jeff Dege's user avatar
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I know base 2 and base 10 , MB and MiB, but i'm not understanding the byte counts shown for a directory, by du and by windows explorer

The du command shows 43G in use. I'm not sure whether that's base 2 in the sense of 2^30 or if it's base 10, in the sense of 10^9. But anyhow - Running this du command from cygwin, to see the size ...
barlop's user avatar
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