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Questions tagged [automatic-logon]

Automatic logon refers to the automated process of logging in to a computer OS or application.

13 votes
3 answers

How do I change automatic logon via Script or Command Line?

After deploying a Windows 7 image to Stand alone machines we run into the following problem. If we set autologon to off then we have to log in manually and activate Windows and Office - the Keys ...
Joe Taylor's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to automatically log in in Windows XP?

Would it be possible to set up Windows XP to automatically log in a user after a reboot?
SilentGhost's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Set user for auto logon on windows via batch script

What I want to do is, to set one of 2 users as default user and auto logon. After some research I found how to do it via gui: Windows Key + R Enter control userpasswords2 Select user that you want to ...
user978733's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to enable autologon in Windows 7

I have tried typing the following: control userpasswords2 however it only brings up the control panel.
Phenom's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Change user for automatic login

Windows-7 is configured to automatically login on boot. I want to change which user it logins to. more details I have 3 accounts: Administator administrator no password default for auto login ...
deft_code's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Saving a new Opera Wand entry for a site previously dismissed

How do I save a new Wand entry in Opera for a site when I have already selected the "Never ask for this website" on a previous visit?
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

prevent auto login on startup windows 7

I know how i can disable auto logon in windows 7 by using netplwiz, but is there a way ( possibly a keyboard combination pressed during startup ) that will prevent autologon only for this one boot?
lordvlad's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Recover Windows 7 password of admin account with auto-logon enabled

I have a Windows 7 installation with just one (admin) account (guest is disabled). It is set to auto-login so I can get in without any problems and I can also 'right click' -> 'run as administrator' ...
flagg19's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Windows 7 Auto logon

I'm using Windows 7 professional Service Pack 1 on my desktop computer. Every single time I turn on or wake up my computer, I must enter my password which is quite annoying. I'm the only user of this ...
user67275's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Run interactive task even if user is not logged on Windows

I have an application which automates my everyday task of logging into some website and doing repetetive actions. This app starts as a scheduled task everyday at 7.30am. The problem arises when I ...
user236086's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Auto login for gtalk

How to achieve auto login and log off on Google accounts on time based . I am using the chat client is EMPATHY
joe's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Autologon on Windows 10 not working

I have several computers in my enterprise with autologin enabled. But, in one computer, this option does not work. I try this : (method ...
Isopote42's user avatar