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Questions tagged [autohotkey]

AutoHotkey (AHK) is a free, open-source macro-creation and automation software for Microsoft Windows that allows users to automate repetitive tasks. It is driven by a scripting language that was initially aimed at providing keyboard shortcuts, otherwise known as hotkeys, that over time evolved into a full-fledged scripting language.

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Merging some FFMPEG code into AutoHotKey

I'm using some ready-made AutoHotKey that calls upon FFMPEG. I need to tweak what FFMPEG does, but I'm just so lost, so would really appreciate some help. It currently does some simple FFMPEG scaling (...
James Corcoran's user avatar
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Autohotkey not sending some of the commands

I have an autohotkey script that is moving the cursor around the screen, clicking and editing data, and (should also) copy and paste information. The copy and pasting does not seem to work and after ...
Tanaka Saito's user avatar
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Windows explorer is in an infinite crash loop after installing a MS Store App

I'm running Windows 11 23H2. I installed this AutoHotKey port from the MS store: Immediately after installing, my windows explorer ...
Utkarsh Agarwal's user avatar
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Autohotkey 2 using InputLevel for a hotkey in a hotstring not working

Autohotkey seems clear that you can use a hotkey in a hotstring by using#InputLevel, but none of the four hotstrings below work for me. If, instead of using \ in the hotstring, I use some un-mapped ...
Chris F Carroll's user avatar
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How to create an AutoHotKey v2 hotstring with a backslash in the trigger

This hotstring in my ahk file doesn't work: ::1\2::½ Other hotstrings work, but not this one. I assumed the problem was that backslash is a hotstring EndCharacter so I tried also doing: #Hotstring ...
Chris F Carroll's user avatar
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Triple actions shortcuts (Single, Double, Hold) with combination of single key and modifier keys

I have been looking for triple action (Single tap, Double tap, Hold) shortcut mapping method that I can easily tweak and assign with AHK and I have finally found this amazing solution. This single, ...
JinS's user avatar
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AHK script causes lag in Photoshop when using WinTab

The problem only happens when using WinTab. I added the following to PSUserConfig.txt # Use WinTab UseSystemStylus 0 Here is my test script. It will show a white block near the cursor. I've set ...
rint's user avatar
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Key remapping is causing the Ctrl+Alt+Del to be executed in AutoHotKey

In windows when I press Ctrl + Delete in a text editor, a whole word in front of the cursor gets deleted and I want to remap this to the combination: Left Ctrl + Left Alt + P, which means when I press ...
VFX's user avatar
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Disable Ctrl Key in Photoshop using AHK

This is what I have tried. LCtrl is disabled successfully but all the shortcuts using Ctrl such as Ctrl+Z are also disabled. I don't know why {vkE8} isn't working. #IfWinActive ahk_exe Photoshop.exe ...
rint's user avatar
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How can autohotkey minimize this window if there is no minimize button on it?

I installed IDM software on my system, and this pop-up appears in the middle. There is no minimize button, so the only way to close the window is by using the solution. However, Autohotkey with a ...
M. K Ang's user avatar
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How to hide or disable the cmd console when starting an executable

I wrote an executable that displays a window on the screen and gets some use input. It is bound to ⊞ Win+N: #n:: Run "C:\Perso\dev-perso\dly\dly.exe" My problem: this also opens a cmd (or ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Is there a way to automatically switch between two windows of the same app in Windows 10 [duplicate]

I have two windows of the same program that i am constantly switching over manually, (each window needs the whole screen). Is there a way to automate the process of switching between them for let's ...
Elk imad's user avatar
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I want to reuse GUI code instead of making multiple copies, but GUI is not showing text properly

I want to reuse GUI code instead of making multiple copies (code redundancy), but the problem is that when I press 1 it shows First,  but when I press 2 it still shows First instead of Second. This ...
JethroT's user avatar
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Rebinding Direct Input joystick keys

A game I want to play reads joystick/gamepad input, but doesn't support key rebinding. Whenever Joy6 is pressed, game fastforwards text, and I want this key to increase system volume instead. ...
aiyo4930aiyo's user avatar
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This single, double and hold AHK script is not working

I found this script from it works perfectly. I like that it is easy to understand and change your desired key easily. The thing is: It ...
ene adelehum's user avatar
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Where to put caps lock remapping in vim_ahk (AutoHotkey)

Where in the rcmdnk/vim_ahk AutoHotkey package (which file) should I try to remap the caps lock to esc? I know little about AutoHotkey, and for the longest time my entire AHK script consisted of: #...
bongbang's user avatar
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New to MacOS and trying to replicate a few things that I already do using Autohotkey on windows

Below is my Autohotkey script that automatically copies the text of any questions that I ask on the websites for ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude (I have them installed as chrome apps) by detecting the ...
Varity Colgate's user avatar
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Switch windows using windows key + # shortcuts by window not app? Also show numbers on taskbar?

You can use the keyboard to switch programs in Windows 11, for example Windows + 2 goes to the second app on the taskbar, and Windows + 3, 3 goes to the second window of the third app. But it is a big ...
catquas's user avatar
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How to convert a script using VarSetCapacity to AHK v2?

I have been using the script Advanced Window Snap, which snaps windows to various places of the monitor, which uses the function GetMonitorIndexFromWindow to determine in which monitor a window is ...
FarO's user avatar
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How to bind USB control knobs to adjust the volume on specific applications?

I want to control the volume level of 2 specific Windows Applications using my USB piano's control knobs (Spotify Premium & discord). FIRST TRY - AutoHotkey. The KeyHistory does not detect any ...
Dominic Marchese's user avatar
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Drag to open link in container tab, in Firefox

What I want: Drag a link to a direction (left for example) then it was opened in a container tab (I have only one container currently) What I have: Firefox beta 124 Violentmonkey Glitterdrag that can ...
Byzod's user avatar
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AutoHotKey WinGetText not retrieving text

I am learning AutoHotKey and trying to see whether I can use it to automate certain processes that we need to do. It will open a browser window using MS Edge (once I get it working I can code it to ...
RoyM's user avatar
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Prevent sending a specific key if I'm pressing other 2 or more keys

I have this mouse with additional forward and back buttons at the side and here's an AHK script that I use with it, It's main purpose is: If middle mouse button is scrolled up while holding down ...
ene adelehum's user avatar
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AutoHotKey CapsLock conditon the activation of the script

In AutoHotKey (AHK) I wanted to just condition my script. If caps lock his OFF nothing happen if it's ON the script his executed and of course detect any change here is my try but won't work it allow ...
Cid-Wings's user avatar
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How do I prevent the GUI overlay from disappearing when I play videos in fullscreen?

I made a screen dimmer in AHK. The code below is a stripped-down version: opacity := 100 Gui 1:New,+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20, GuiName Gui 1:Color,Black Gui 1:Show, x800 y300 h300 w300 ...
Lori Yagami's user avatar
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AHK keywait for multiple keys (missing (SC) (VK))?

I got this function from here : It waits for one or multiple keys to be pressed, But It doesn't accept scan code (SC) or ...
yfjuu 0's user avatar
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Autohotkey: Can't get the name and path of a pdf file

The following code gets the selected text from a file after pressing ctrl+shift+c and appends its name and path to it, then copies it to the clipboard. It works with a .txt file, but not with a pdf ...
Siha's user avatar
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TextExpander Performance Issues - Windows

I have been looking all over online to see if anyone has been experiencing performance issues with their TextExpander snippet expansion. For example, on my Mac my snippets expand just fine, it's fast ...
churchizactiive's user avatar
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Any fix for AHK (v1.1) latency across rdp connection?

Much of my work happens on a remote app connected via rdp. I don't have access to install AHK on the remote server. I have several dozen text macros in AHK that simplify this greatly. One- or two-...
moioci's user avatar
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Trying to make my middle mouse button to function as 3 different keys based on the elapsed time it has been pressed

I'm using AHK and my main goal is to make my middle mouse button to function as it normally would if I pressed it once, but would trigger Ctrl+C or copy if I pressed and held it for 500ms and paste ...
ene adelehum's user avatar

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