I'm running Windows 11 23H2.

I installed this AutoHotKey port from the MS store: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9nq8q8j78637?hl=en-gb&gl=US/

Immediately after installing, my windows explorer kept crashing and trying to run again in an infinite loop.

Things I tried to fix it:

  1. Uninstalling app from powershell command line (Remove-AppxPackage)
  2. Rebooting.
  3. Rebooting in safe mode.
  4. sfc /scannow and DISM commands

I have been unable to find a solution to this problem.

Please don't download this app in your main windows. Either install it on a VM or create a system restore point before installing (not sure if that will help though)

Here is the Windows Error Report from the Event Viewer:

Fault bucket 1751948585466082502, type 4
Event Name: APPCRASH
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: explorer.exe
P2: 10.0.22621.3733
P3: c47c2769
P4: Taskbar.dll
P5: 10.0.22621.3733
P6: 1ab0942e
P7: c0000005
P8: 000000000002ee62

Attached files:
\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\AppCrash_explorer.exe_4a9574a8c4e5da34b0324decbbb5b1c64c5e9_7c1e4220_cab_f58bd7c0-be73-4a72-a72a-b86bc956f056\WPR_initiated_DiagTrackMiniLogger_WPR System Collector_inject.etl

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol: 
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 53101454-4557-4108-874f-da5220c1381c
Report Status: 268435456
Hashed bucket: e1ecd8026e6b7b6948502bf4cd7434c6
Cab Guid: 0
  • Windows 10 or Windows 11? If you are running Windows 11, please indicate, if you are running 23H2 or 24H2.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 23 at 1:16
  • Im running Windows 11 23H2 Commented Jun 23 at 1:30
  • You tried rebooting in Safe mode -- what happened?? Commented Jun 23 at 2:22
  • Same thing in safe mode - explorer crashing in a loop. Commented Jun 23 at 2:42
  • Did you try classic /sfc?
    – Destroy666
    Commented Jun 23 at 17:27


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