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Questions tagged [arch-linux]

Arch Linux is a rolling-release Linux distribution.

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I/0 error dev sda(root partition)

I've been trying to install windows on my brand new Western Digital ssd, no matter how i install, windows barely lasts 3 days before crashing and prompting a reinstall. This has happened over 8 times ...
Noble Eugene's user avatar
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Conky sensors stoped working

All conky sensors (cpu, disks...) suddenly stopped working. They was working like a charm and I was working on another problem and this happened. I didn't touch conky files.
Masoud Yousefvand's user avatar
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Conkies don't show curves

When I install a conky with curvature no matter what, I just see the text and straght lines. No circle, no curvature. I have an arch linux with conky-lua-nv installed and wayland. I have been able to ...
Masoud Yousefvand's user avatar
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pptpclient rejects CHAP MD5 auth

I am using an Arch Linux router to connect to ISP's VPN, and for some reason CHAP auth is rejected: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <auth chap MD5> <mru 1436> <magic 0x5e9f9414>] No auth is ...
GhostNoise's user avatar
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latte-dock doesn't show up

I have a Lenovo E-550 with Arch linux 6.9.7-arch1-1. I have installed latte-dock: yay -S latte-dock No errors or anything unusual. Then run it from konsole: /> latte-dock but nothing happened. I ...
Masoud Yousefvand's user avatar
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Recursively list dependencies of an uninstalled package in arch linux

As per Recursively list dependencies of a package in arch linux, but for uninstalled/not yet installed packages now, for which pactree does not work. Background: I've been trying to install the utter ...
aphid's user avatar
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npm install errors "gyp ERR!" "info run [email protected] install { code: 1, signal: null }"

Trying to install matrix-recorder: $ git clone $ cd matrix-recorder/ $ npm install it does not install and I receive these errors 449 info run [email protected]....
phenivol's user avatar
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How to solve Ansible venv runtime exception in specific versions?

I want to set up a venv with the following packages as these are specified in a project I'm working on: ionoscloud==6.1.4 pytest==6.2.5 pytest-cov==3.0.0 ansible==5.0.1 PyYAML==6.0 kubernetes==24.2.0 ...
Turtle10000's user avatar
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Bypassing Secure Boot without disabling it

I've tried archboot, but no luck as I was stuck due to the plymouth missing. Now I want to try to install arch or nixos alongside Win 11. The problem lies in secure boot. I don't have spare linux to ...
Futman's user avatar
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How can I change the initial directory of apps back to the home directory?

Apps like the XFCE4 terminal and Thunar used to open in the home directory. However, recently they started to open in $HOME/.config/xfce4/panel. I want to change this back to the home directory. How ...
furybowser's user avatar
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ALSA errors and stutter when using espeak

When I execute $ espeak test I sometimes get these errors and stutter in playback, things that I notice sometimes fix it are: rebooting unplugging and plugging back in the usb connection for my dac ...
phenivol's user avatar
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Combine partition with free space [duplicate]

I want to use the remaining free space on my hard drive, however there's a problem: Running cfdisk outputs: Label: gpt, identifier: CEE38D42-DBB8-4F74-ADA6-1BC2A5E46AE1 Device ...
oughy's user avatar
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How to execute bash commands on start using .xinitrc

I need to be able to change languages while I'm working, so every time I log in - I use this command: setxkbmap -layout us,ua -option grp:toggle Is there any way I can execute this command every time ...
Oleksandr Danulchyk's user avatar
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Arch AMD GPU Single GPU passthrough detatch script results in black screen

I've succeeded in setting up my windows 11 VM for single gpu passthrough, however, when stopping the vm, my screen remains black. I'm using arch linux. start script: (working) set -x source "/etc/...
Twiston's user avatar
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Dell XPS 9550 speakers only detected some of the time when booting Arch Linux

I have a Dell XPS 9550 laptop with an up-to-date ArchLinux installation. I use KDE 6 as my Desktop Environment, with Pipewire. $ uname -a Linux red 6.9.3-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri, 31 May ...
Demurgos's user avatar
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Do pacman builtin search y (own feature) by limiting only to a certain rep

How doing pacman search natively (only by its own feature) to limit only to a certain repo name? tried all so failed pacman --noconfirm --needed -Ss 'extra.*python' pacman --noconfirm --needed -Sl '...
user17227456's user avatar
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Process for Accessing QEMU Guest on Linux Host

What is the best way to port forward to a QEMU Guest so that one may access it remotely via specific port? I was looking to set this permentently and i cannot find a reasonable source on google that ...
nicholascox2's user avatar
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Conky transparency doesn't work

I have an Arch linux with plasma and trying to install conky (AUR). The problem is all transparent parts are black,here is my config: background yes update_interval 1 cpu_avg_samples 1 ...
Masoud Yousefvand's user avatar
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How to output lines with ex command that is vi not vim?

I am using ArchLinux and I want to run some ex commands. The following outputs nothing on my system: $ ex -s -c %p -c q /etc/hosts The ex command is a part of vi package on my system: $ pacman -Ql vi ...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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terminal inserts characters after CTRL+C

in some of my applications (ArchLinux, Gnome 46) some chars are appended to my username when using CTRL+C to abort a script. Sometimes also in the middle of bash scripts, which makes it a bit painful: ...
xtlc's user avatar
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Font icons corrupted on my Arch Linux after system update

I am using Arch Linux and pretty much update my system daily. I rarely get into much larger problems, find the cause and resolve them. Friday I did an update and didn't notice that my Konsole font ...
Dimitar's user avatar
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latest kernels issue, wont lauch

i'm not sure exactly which version, but I think my graphics card has a problem with kernel 6.8 and later. When i want to install arch linux, i should add "nomodeset" to grub so i can install ...
kalpa's user avatar
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Unable to mount disk image after creating in Arch

I have quite the problem right now. I have created a disk image of my Arch install by using this command sudo dd if=/dev/sdX bs=8M | pv -cN source | zstd | pv -cN zstd > out.img.zst, then ...
fyredragon69's user avatar
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Persistent Ethernet USB Interface on Intermittent Carrier Signal

Background: Running ArchlinuxARM on an oDroid XU4 that uses both the built-in NIC as well as a USB Ethernet dongle (have tried a number of different manufacturers/ chipsets). Issue: When I disconnect ...
Whee's user avatar
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How to set nvim as default editor (ranger file manager)?

While using Ranger file manager, I tried to open any config file and for a little moment, the Terminal blinked saying: bin/sh/ nano not found But in the .bashrc file, nvim is defined as $EDITOR. ...
byena's user avatar
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Xmodmap freezes KDE when connecting peripheral (usb and bluetooth)

Connecting any peripheral using USB or Bluetooth causes KDE to experience freezes. During the freeze, you can still move the mouse pointer, but clicking anything doesn't work. After about 20 seconds, ...
Letus252's user avatar
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Xbox Wireless Controller stopped working on Arch Linux

I have a Xbox Wireless Controller: model 1914, bought in 2021 via Xbox Design Lab. It used to work perfectly with Arch Linux. It still does, but now only when connected via USB. It stopped connecting ...
Carapuce's user avatar
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Bluetooth audio device connected and working but not listed by bluetoothctl

I'm using a bluetooth audio receiver called JR-CB1 to send my laptop's audio to my stereo. It has a strange issue where when it is connected, bluetoothctl is not aware of it. It is properly paired and ...
sonofevil's user avatar
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Remapping Artist Shortcut Remote in Linux

I am using the XP Pen Shortcut Remote that comes with the Deco Pro tablet, it has a dial and 10 keys. Each key (and the dial) is mapped to a keyboard stroke by default. For example pressing the top ...
King Essa's user avatar
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Brother HL-L2325DW Printer on Arch Linux Will Not Print, Despite Showing That the Job Has Completed

As the title says, I cannot get my printer (A Brother HL-L2325DW) to print. It beeps at me a few times once it receives my print job, and CUPS states that the print job is complete, but beyond the few ...
Dargscisyhp's user avatar
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Setting device profile on PipeWire

I have a gaming headset with both chat and game outputs, but I can only select Digital Output + Mono Input in audio settings. Back in Manjaro with PulseAudio I added a udev rule like echo 'ATTRS{...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Cannot install arch linux on acer predator Helios neo 16

I'm trying to install arch linux on acer predator Helios neo 16 but the issue is that when i boot into the arch live environment for further installation it gets stuck in mounting process while ...
Suraj Kharkwal's user avatar
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Snap on Arch Linux : Cannot create user directory

I try running termius in Arch using snap, with snap run termius-app, but it says : 2024/03/23 21:28:19.783334 cmd_run.go:1046: WARNING: cannot create user data directory: cannot create snap home dir: ...
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Is there an easy way to bootstrap Arch Linux using chef?

I'm aware that Arch Linux is not supported by, but is there anyway to bootstrap Arch Linux nodes using knife bootstrap? I have tried the same command I use in Debian machines, but I get an ...
94230's user avatar
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Why does VirtualBox (Windows 10) screen go black when it is in fullscreen mode on an Arch Linux host?

I'm trying to get VirtualBox working on my laptop and have already set up a Windows 10 virtual machine. Everything seems to be working fine in the default view: However when I switch to fullscreen ...
KilakOriginal's user avatar
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How to actually install newer video drivers on manjaro / arch?

As you see below, the closed source driver is 1 year old. Why is this so old? This laptop is not that old, so a newer driver might make a difference. Also, why is the open source driver, video-linux , ...
gl00ten's user avatar
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grub rescue unknown filesystem

i am dual booting Win11 and artix linux(or trying to do so..) i have celan installed win 11, shrunk volume of drive, and w rufus created USB to install artix with after restart n selecting USB i just ...
endysss's user avatar
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"Fatal library error, lookup self" with pacstrap during Arch linux install

I'm following the Arch Linux install guide. When I run pacstrap -K /mnt base linux linux-firmware, everything goes smoothly until the following error message occurs: (4/5) Check if user should be ...
joyoforigami's user avatar
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How do I put a video as my wallpaper spanning across dual monitors in Arch Linux?

Ive seen lots of tools for example wallset and feh but I haven't been able to find a tool that allows me to have a video spanning across two monitors as the background. maybe a tool that just lets me ...
3hy's user avatar
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How to make the activation of function keys permanent in Arch

Searching I found THIS question that explains how to activate function keys, only the changes don't seem to be permanent. at each startup the content of the file /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/...
Pinguto's user avatar
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Beginner using Arch Linux, “One or more pgp signatures could not be verified.” How to solve?

==> Verifying source file signatures with gpg... spotify- ... %s is unable to verify the signature. gpg ==> ERROR: One or more PGP signatures could not be verified! I ...
ccork's user avatar
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How to list pacman and AUR installed packages, of an Arch Linux installation on mounted drive?

My computer "died". I got a new one and want to migrate my Arch install to my new machine. Moved from Intel to AMD, new motherboard, etc.. I thought the better approach would be to do a ...
Miguel Carvalho's user avatar
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Alacritty: YAML config is deprecated, please migrate to TOML using `alacritty migrate`

Everytime I start alacritty I get the following error messages: [0.000620404s] [WARN ] [alacritty] YAML config "/home/l540/.config/bspwm/alacritty/alacritty.yml" is deprecated, please ...
TechNoob's user avatar
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Unable to Shutdown/Restart/suspend linux system

Question is for all suspend/restart/shutdown but description and logs are for last suspend only. I am unable to suspend my system. I do systemctl suspend and monitors goes off but the cpu keeps ...
MonkeyKing's user avatar
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GRUB finds OS but doesn’t list it as a bootable option. Also not available in motherboard menu

I have been using EndeavourOS as my Linux distro for the past 4 months and it has worked fine. I recently updated my BIOS and since then it is not an option. My PC is dual boot here is a quick outline ...
The Procrastinator's user avatar
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Why is my LVM volume showing as being mounted multiple times?

Just noticed a weird thing in the output of lsblk: It shows that it’s mounted multiple times for each physical volume. It doesn’t seem to be causing any issues. But I’m very curious why it’s doing ...
Dani's user avatar
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VIM uses wrong encoding - but only in status messages

I ran into a strange issue with my ArchLinux setup. Vim uses correct encoding for reading/displaying files but these status messages (which displays the current mode or reports back when the buffer is ...
Gabor Garami's user avatar
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Knockd not executing the knock command

I am trying to setup knock daemon, however it does not seem to execute the knock command. To debug the issue, I used this simple configuration, which is slightly edited example from the documentation: ...
Stefan's user avatar
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EndeavourOS/Arch Linux broken after power off. NVMe drive not detected by any method

After a forced power off, my system looks broken. The OS was installed in a BTRFS system. Booting EndeavourOS normally will hang with: “A start job is running for /dev/disk/by-uuid/…” (forever) cat /...
GuedesBF's user avatar
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I can't for the life of me get networking to work on a linux kernel + busybox. (QEMU/KVM)

I have this little experiment lab system that i made in QEMU (just for fun). The system consists of the linux kernel + busybox. Most of the system seems to work pretty alright now and i can do most of ...
joeschmo's user avatar

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