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How to output lines with ex command that is vi not vim?

I am using ArchLinux and I want to run some ex commands. The following outputs nothing on my system: $ ex -s -c %p -c q /etc/hosts The ex command is a part of vi package on my system: $ pacman -Ql vi ...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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VIM uses wrong encoding - but only in status messages

I ran into a strange issue with my ArchLinux setup. Vim uses correct encoding for reading/displaying files but these status messages (which displays the current mode or reports back when the buffer is ...
Gabor Garami's user avatar
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Vim on Arch: /etc/vimrc can remap keys but not turn off syntax highlighting

Just freshly installed Arch, then installed vim. I added these two lines to my /etc/vimrc: syntax off inoremap jk <Esc> I rebooted. The key remapping now works as expected but syntax ...
zeroclaim's user avatar
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Git mergetool vimdiff diff3 view changed showing only “LOCAL” files

When solving a merge conflict using Git and Vim as mergetool, I (suddenly) get a totally different view than I expected and am used to. In the past, I followed this blog post, where the result is a ...
claudio's user avatar
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C-S-PageUp and C-S-PageDown keymappings stopped working in vim

I have these lines in my .vimrc which let me quickly move tabs around: nmap <C-S-PageUp> :-tabmove<CR> nmap <C-S-PageDown> :+tabmove<CR> I tested using other commands instead, ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Archlinux vim access in tty1 for editing resolv.conf

I installed Archlinux in Virtualbox and the installation has gone smoothly. I faced issues in pacman - temporary name resolution failure. When I read online, one of the solution was to update the /etc/...
Sachin's user avatar
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Spacing between "arrow" symbols in Vim Airline

I have Vim 8.0 running on Arch Linux (last updated 3rd of January) and have installed the package powerline-fonts using pacman as well as vim-airline using Vundle. I have also set let g:...
sigvaldm's user avatar
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"Curved" Powerline/Airline status on Vim

I have installed vim-airline plugin for Vim, and I should have had a "curved" "powerline" status line. But mine is: The font I use is DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline from ttf-dejavu-sans-mono-...
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Vim insert mode changes the font defined in ~/.Xresources

Background I am running Arch Linux with the i3 WM. I am trying to customize the font in Xterm by editing ~/.Xresources as every online resource online has told me to. What i have done I add the ...
Singh's user avatar
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vim/xterm: thin vertical highlighted bars on some lines at extreme right side of screen

I use vim in an xterm. Just recently I have noticed the appearance of thin vertical highlighted bars on some lines at extreme right side of xterm. They are not tied to the text, for they remain in the ...
user985675's user avatar
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Vim ~/.vimrc au! FileChangedShell

I put this command in ~/.vimrc. au! FileChangedShell img.dat | r img.dat which also contains set autochdir " pwd is always directory of current buffer I hoped to ensure that, if ...
user985675's user avatar
3 votes
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Color scheme(s) in Vim not properly working

On Archlinux, using Vim 7.4 (installed with pacman), I tried to use the lucius color scheme. However, the moment I turned it on, all color went away. This happened in the Xfce Terminal emulator under ...
XXX's user avatar
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let mapleader = "\<Space>" not working arch linux

I'm trying to map space bar to leader key by using the code above but there's a problem - whenever I press space, the pointer moves forward a character, which annoys me. What am I missing? (gvim@arch ...
use_vim's user avatar
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5 answers

How to swap Escape and Caps Lock?

I am using Archlinux. When I program , I like to swap the Escape and Caps Lock. I know that gnome can do this job. But Gnome 3.6.2 in the Archlinux can not find this. So i use the xmodmap and create ...
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Cannot Enter "Insert" mode in VI (not VIM)

Solved this problem in my Ubuntu box by installing Vim. I keep having this problem in every linux box I use. But I keep installing vim (over the existing vi) The problem is, I can't get that "...
Sreejith Ramakrishnan's user avatar