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Questions tagged [app-armor]

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Network cant be reached in any way with weird apparmor behavior

I compile apparmor from sourc 4.0.0~alpha2-0ubuntu5 amd64, and was trying compile too gui apparmor, and it's weird becouse i turned off and disable with ...
Doujinx's user avatar
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evince + apparmor + local fonts = some font thing failed

I made my Debian GNU/Linux 12 “bookworm” aware of locally installed fonts in a non-root partition: $ la -la /usr/local/share/fonts/ … lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 40 8. Feb 22:16 Folder1 -&...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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AppArmor issues with Libvirt

I have a fresh Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 and Debian 12.1.0 installed and updated. Along with Cockpit and Cockpit virtual machines on both tests machines. I am getting the following errors and warning when ...
Johannes's user avatar
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How to allow an apparmor profile to create a unix socket

On Ubuntu kinetic, I get multiple DENIED operations by apparmor in /var/log/syslog such as: operation="create" class="net" info="failed type and protocol match" error=-13 ...
jean-christophe manciot's user avatar
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Can environment variables be made immutable?

With the recent discovery of the Symbiote vulnerability, it is now apparent that we need a mitigation for LD_PRELOAD injection attacks and similar. One way we may be able to prevent this exploitation ...
MrDrMcCoy's user avatar
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How do I allow firefox as a snap to run an external program?

I have custom links in my personal wiki to do routine tasks on my computer. For example, when I click the URL mysecretprotocol://launch-calculator, Firefox would run ~/.bin/run-from-firefox launch-...
bitinerant's user avatar
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How are Apparmor and chmod related, if at all?

I'm a beginner programmer setting up my very first Virtual Machine (Debian bullseye) and am trying to wrap my head around Apparmor. When I read it manages "network access, raw socket access, and ...
Rods's user avatar
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Apparmor DENIED ACCESS to soft links

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) but this issues has been happening since I am using an old Ubuntu (19.04 & 19.10). So I have 2 hard disk drives - one is an SSD (small size), the other a SATA ...
Microtribute's user avatar
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Why do I want to keep apparmor on my system?

I'm running a Linux desktop behind a firewall. I've been doing that for years without using apparmor; but recently I upgraded my distro and it got installed. I see its log line, and am wondering - why ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Could not open '/tunables/proc'

Jumped from Ubuntu 14.04 to 19.04, everything was a-ok until I started getting error messages stating that it could not open 'tunables/proc' on line 17 of 'tunables/global/': error: cannot perform ...
Duke Jake Morgan's user avatar
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AppArmor mod_php + MySQL

Is there any way to get AppArmor to work with Apache2 + mod_php + MySQL? I've already tried sudo aa-complain apache2 and sudo aa-logprof, but still I get a database connection error.
user8292439's user avatar
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Libvirt: AppArmor Profiles Access Error

I have installed libvirt-daemon on a fully updated Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS. When trying to execute libvirtd --listen, the following errors arise: 2018-08-24 21:03:18.641+0000: 2855: error : ...
Mohamed Laradji's user avatar
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AppArmor transition to subprofile - profile not found

I'm trying to write a custom AppArmor profile for a PHP application. The PHP application is run by PHP-FPM (PHP master process). I want to confine everything PHP is executing via shell_exec/exec/...
Phillipp's user avatar
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Thunderbird cannot open attachments under Linux any more after updating

I use Debian unstable. After updating the system, Thunderbird suddenly cannot open attachments any more -- nothing happens at all, but the file is stored in /tmp/mozilla.... Usually, evince (or ...
Jens Erat's user avatar
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