Linked Questions

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Performing a chmod 400 operation on a .pem file not working no matter what I try

I'm trying to format a .pem file for access to an EC2 instance through SSH, but no matter what I try among suggestions I've seen, nothing seems to work. For context, I have the .pem file stored on my ...
Daneolog's user avatar
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ssh "permisssions are too open" on key

We are trying to patch an issue we are having with some file systems by making SSH work without the permission validation on the SSH private key. Error message: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...
Thierry's user avatar
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Passwordless SSH login into WSL2 failing

I've followed Scott Hanselman's instructions found this blog post to setup an open-ssh server in summary I've done the following: # in WSL2 - install openssh-server sudo apt install openssh-server # ...
vvMINOvv's user avatar
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Windows SSH: Can't ssh into ec2 account: Permissions for 'key.pem' are too open. Can't delete permissions for "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES"

The IP in the following picture is replaced with xs for security purposes ssh -i key.pem [email protected] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: ...
Brian Beuerman's user avatar
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openssh windows bad owner or permissions

I've installed openssh for windows and when I run ssh localhost I get Bad owner or permissions on C:\Users\gary/.ssh/config I've looked at these 2 questions "Bad owner or permissions" ...
gary69's user avatar
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How to set 600 permission on a .pem file in w10?

I am unable to change permissions to 600 on an AWS .pem file. Note that "inherited permissions" were turned off in all efforts, and owner was set properly. Tried using this guide with File ...
kmiklas's user avatar
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SSH can't find id_rsa and files on Windows 10 [duplicate]

id_rsa and are located in K:\Batch\mySSH, with script K:\Batch\mySSH\runme.cmd being called from Excel (via VBA), containing the following: pushd %~dp0 set home=%CD:~0,2%\Batch\mySSH %...
user1224005's user avatar
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"WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!" - can not sign in to VPS Ubuntu-account from local Windows 10 computer

Following this authoritative article, I created the SSH keys at Windows local PC and copied them to VPS (this article does not cover the Windows case, but I found appropriate solution). Now, when I ...
Tokugawa Takeshi YD's user avatar
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Username mapped to some windows SID `S-1-5-21-...`, how to fix that?

First a short introduction what I was trying to do and how my issue showed up. When i configure a ssh hosts in .ssh/config I have the issue that the permissions seem to be wrong on the config-file ...
Ferio's user avatar
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How to Manage SSH Key Permission in NTFS When Sharing Among Multiple System

I often work with remote hosts on multiple devices, mostly Windows and Linux machines. To avoid deploying my SSH keys everywhere, and circumvent the hassle of syncing SSH configuration, I put my SSH ...
nobody-74185's user avatar
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Unprotected Private Key File

I have an Amazon EC2 instance that I have been using to learn networking concepts on, today I tried to connect via SSH and was prompted with the following error. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...
primelf's user avatar
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