I'm having a big problem. I have an Acer Aspire E1-572 laptop and all of a sudden a few keys stopped working. F2, F4, F8, F9, F12, left shift and so on... Most of them are really important, specially if I need to format the laptop. The thing is: To enter on the setup bios I need to press F2 and it's not working, I tried to use an USB keyboard and it's reading only after the Windows is loaded. What can I do? Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


Depending on what you want fix the keyboard issue or the format of the hdd.

To fix the hdd format issue;

  1. Assuming boot is set to USB/DVD before the hdd (if not try F10-> go to boot options screen), then you could try booting from a live cd/usb (Knoppix(a very small one) or use Yumi for a windows version) and Use this live OS to format your hdd
  2. Remove the hdd and use it in another system to format

To fix the usb keyboard issue:

  1. Try another usb keyboard
  2. Try another usb input (I had problems with usb 3.0 not discovering devices at boot)
  3. Repair the keyboard buy a replacement keyboard (relatively easy)

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