When I check Facebook, automatically I land on the News Feed which has a lot of information I would rather never have to see. Thus, I want to redirect the homepage to my profile page. I have installed the Google Chrome extension Switcheroo, and added a rule to redirect https://www.facebook.com to my profile URL, but this breaks all the things because now whenever I access any facebook.com url, I am redirected to my homepage.

If I could play with regular expressions I could create the correct redirect but at the moment it doesn't seem that Switcheroo allows that. Any ideas on how to implement this?

  • 1
    Use a bookmark on the bookmarks bar. Its what I use to provide similar functionality w/ youtube.
    – Linef4ult
    Commented Oct 10, 2015 at 18:32
  • Thanks for that tip and I'll definitely use that in the meantime, but I would like to get it set up with the redirect though in the long term.
    – Anthony
    Commented Oct 10, 2015 at 18:44

1 Answer 1


Just use Requestly and keep in mind to use "Url Equals" when you are making a new rule.That's the point which won't redirect any url containing https://www.facebook.com, but will redirect only exact https://www.facebook.com.

enter image description here

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