I have Ubuntu and Fedora Linux distributions on my computer. I try to tweak many things in both of them and many times mess things up. So I normally reinstall the OS to fix it (as a last resort).

In the past two weeks I have reinstalled almost 10-12 times. Will this affect my hard disk? Will the life of my hard disk be shortened if I do this frequently? Will the hard disk crash sooner I continue to do this?

  • Just a suggestion: Using a virtual machine for messing around is a good idea.
    – Nikhil_CV
    Commented Oct 3, 2015 at 0:59
  • Nikhil_CV, another layer like a virtual machine does not solve the wear problem of a rotating harddrive or a SSD one.
    – r2d3
    Commented Apr 28, 2022 at 11:33

2 Answers 2


Very high workloads over extended periods of time can reduce the life of your hard drive. However, your usage is not high enough for this to be an issue.


I can't see this being a problem with a mechanical hard disk, i.e. the kind with platters that spins.

On an SSD it might be an issue, but even then probably not as long as you aren't zeroing out the drive between installs.

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