I have looked up for a solution on several forums but can't find it, hope I didn't miss it ! I have a laptop and I am used to turn it into sleeping mode by pressing the physical power button that is on the right of the laptop. But for a few days this button is acting as if I pressed ctrl+alt+delete (same screen with lock computer / switch user etc.). I have checked the parameters in the control panel / choose what the power buttons do and they are correct : sleeping mode ! I can change it but it doesn't change anything. I have checked in the control panel / power option / change advanced power settings : everything seems to be OK and if I change it nothing change for real.

I can't remember changing anything this precise day or the day before it happened...

Does anybody have an idea ?

Don't hesitate if you want anymore information

Thank you for reading and for your answer :)


PS : my laptop is a Sony / vaio duo pro SVD1121X9EB with windows 8.1 Pro (64bit)

1 Answer 1


Your User profile is corrupted,I had the same thing,here is the fix,


  • Please quote the essential parts of the answer from the reference link(s), as the answer can become invalid if the linked page(s) change.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 16:49

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