I have a server "pr-cl-n1" that mounts /usr via /dev/mapper like this:

# mount
/dev/mapper/pr--cl--n1-usr on /usr type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=continue,barrier=1,data=ordered)

The root of the server is exported via NFS. My /etc/exports looks like this:


Now I can mount and read the root / from NFS-client (I use am-utils for auto-mounting), but this client can't access /usr (it's shown empty on the client, but it definitely contains files on the server):

# ls /var/mnt/pr-cl-n1/usr

It seems as the "no_subtree_check" is ignored for /dev/mapper mounts. Is there another option I have to use?

1 Answer 1


unfortunatly / and /usr are different filesystems. You need to export /usr.


then exportfs -a.

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