I have downloaded jre pack from IBM site. downloaded file name is ibm-java-jre-7.1-3.1-i386-archive.bin. Not sure how to install this. I couldn't find instructions on site. I can't extract it or just run by double click. any idea how I proceed from here?


I could install IBM java using package ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-7.1-3.1.bin. The way to run is using terminal by issuing the command ./ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-7.1-3.1.bin and following graphical UI instructions.

  • Why does it have to be from IBM? And tell us your operating system.
    – ap0
    Commented Jul 2, 2015 at 6:38
  • I wanted to install IBM java for my testing purposes. I am on linux. anyway I could install IBM java with different installer. I will update my question. thanks
    – lakshman
    Commented Jul 2, 2015 at 8:36


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