When locking a session on Win7 using Ctr Alt + Del, the following screen appears.

enter image description here

This image is of the pre-login screen, however this is the screen I wold like it displayed on.

Is it possible to show a custom message somewhere on this screen like;

"This PC has been locked for x minutes"

Would I need to write a custom script for such a feature? If so, any direction or suggestions would be welcome.

  • Note: the provided screen shot is of the pre-logon screen, not the lock screen. Commented May 21, 2015 at 16:15
  • thanks @Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 - I suppose I'd like it on this screen as well then! I will update the question.
    – jonboy
    Commented May 21, 2015 at 16:17

1 Answer 1


I don't have a working solution for you right now, but there is a way to change a logon background image.

So one could write a script, that would create such image with date\time, and run this script via Task Scheduler every one minute or so if PC is not idle. If Windows doesn't cache this image, there is a chance, that it will work.

This could help you to create image:

P.S. You may also be interested in this: Adding messages to Windows 7's logon screen

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