Disclaimer: My question is different to and not answered in any of these similar questions:

  1. VirtualBox: using physical partition as virtual drive
  2. Running Mac OS X Physical Partition Inside VirtualBox
  3. Use VirtualBox to boot a physical drive/partition

Info: I have a Debian 8 (stable, jessie) OS installed collectively on four partitions on my HDD.

  1. /boot
  2. /
  3. /home
  4. swap

My main OS, on the same hard disk drive is Windows 8.1. I’d like to, using rawdisk, gain access to my Debian OS, through VirtualBox

Tried: I have tried using this command:

VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename "C:\Users\relax\VMs\Debian 8\data.vmdk" -rawdisk \.\PhysicalDrive0 -partitions 3,4,5,6

But it fails, saying:

VirtualBox Command Line Tool has stopped working


However, when I remove the partitions parameter, it creates the file and says it’s successful.


Drive info:

It's the only drive: drive

Partition List: partition list

Partitions I want: (Zero-based index) Partitions I want

Question: How do I successfully run my Debian OS from a physical partition via VirtualBox?

  • Not that familiar with the way Windows + vbox shows formatted partitions but are 3-6 formatted and in a linux friendly format ? if not that COULD explain the failure ---does the successful run without partitions param leave partitions in place? Commented May 16, 2015 at 23:52
  • 1
    Partitions 3-6 are formatted in ext4. Yes, the partitions do stay in place.
    – user352519
    Commented May 17, 2015 at 0:27
  • Odd should stay that way with params too Commented May 17, 2015 at 0:42

1 Answer 1


I also make some similar.

Look at your block sizes and to your picture. The something incorrect:

Partition No/Block Size/Partition Size:
0 / 204800 / 100 MB
1 / 167772160 / 80 GB
2 / 149407744 / 71 GB
3 / 29296640 / 13 GB
4 / 25169920 / 12 GB
5 / 68360192 / 32 GB
6 / 59432960 / 28 GB
7 / 206548 / 100 MB

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