This post was originally posted on StackOverflow, where users recommended reposting here.

I'm currently mounting remote server directories as local folders under OS X 10.10.3 and OSXFUSE + SSHFS. When trying to edit these files with Sublime Text 3, simple edit operations are very slow. Even typing in characters has a 1-2 second delay before the characters appear in the document. Opening new files sometimes causes ST3 to hang for a minute.

In contrast, when opening the same files in vim (locally, on the SSHFS mount), editing them, and saving, I encounter no delays or problems.

Is there some reason I am encountering this slowness from ST3? How come vim does not encounter the same problems, in the same setting. Are there some configuration options I can set to avoid this? If the problem is plugin related, is there some way of troubleshooting which plugin is causing the bad behaviour?

I tried setting "atomic_save": false in my config, as suggested in some other StackOverflow posts. This helped a little, but there are still lag problems, so it did not completely resolve the issue.

  • Do you have a Git related plugin installed? Those are especially slow via SSHFS.
    – nh2
    Commented Jan 12, 2016 at 11:15

2 Answers 2


For future reference, the comment by nh2 in OPs post was helpful for me. The following did the trick:


What worked for me was to disable indexing: after a restart it worked like a charm:

    "index_files": false

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