Disabled the firewall and still unable to connect. I can connect to our Macbooks in the office from my Windows machine using PuTTY SSH but I can't connect to our Windows machines that I installed PuTTY on. I tried both the IP address and host name. I get "Network error: Connection timed out" every time. Every computer, both Mac and Windows, have the same administrator account. I checked running services on these Windows machines and I don't see anything PuTTY or SSH related. Could that be the problem? I figured by installing PuTTY it would automatically set it up for other local PuTTY connections. Did I forget anything?

  • 1
    PuTTY is a client, not a server. Do you have a server installed on the Windows 8.1 machine to answer your SSH requests? If not, that's why it's not working. Commented May 6, 2015 at 17:10
  • 1
    You write "I checked running services on these Windows machines and I don't see anything PuTTY or SSH related. Could that be the problem? I figured by installing PuTTY it would automatically set it up for other local PuTTY connections. Did I forget anything?" <---- yeah. and see techie007's comment. There is winsshd, and there is cygwin openssh. Maybe others too.
    – barlop
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 20:21
  • Yup, my fault. Completely assumed an SSH server was included with PuTTY. Thanks folks.
    – Sandfrog
    Commented May 11, 2015 at 20:47

1 Answer 1


Here are two places that may offer you direction.



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